Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Why life would be experienced as a panorama near the moment of death?

My email friend DU asked a highly interesting question: Why would the brain go through a recall of important life events before death?

The question is an excellent challenge for the TGD based view of conscious experience. It splits into many sub-questions. What is conscious experience? What is life? What happens in death? What happens in memory recall? Why would life be seen as a panorama before the moment of death?

1. What memories and memory recall are in the TGD Universe?

  1. Memories are not possible in standard QM based theory of consciousness. Since the state after the quantum jump carries no information about the state before it.
  2. In TGD the small failure of classical determinism plus holography predict that quantum states in zero energy ontology (ZEO) are superpositions of 4-d Bohr orbits for 3-surfaces as analogs of particles. In standard ontology one would have superpositions of 3-D surfaces.

    In ZEO, quantum states are superpositions of these Bohr orbits. However, all Bohr orbits start from the same 3-surface and repeated small SFRs (SSFRs)do not change this surface at the passive boundary (PB) of causal diamond. At the active boundary (AB) state changes and this gives rise to self as a conscious entity experiencing the flow of time. This corresponds to the Zeno effect in which the quantum state does not change in repeated quantum jumps.

  3. Conscious experience is about space-regions where the non-determinism is. The 3-D loci of non-determinism would serve as sources of conscious experience. They would serve as memory seats. Small state function reductions (SSFRs) for a given seat with time tn would replace the Bohr orbit with a new one at times t>tn. The superpositions of Bohr orbits would be like quantum stories of life. These stories would begin from the same 3-D quantum state at PB.

    Each SSFR would mean memory recall would mean a quantum measurement for some memory seat as a locus of non-determinism. For instance, a localization to one alternative state of the memory locus would occur: this would mean selection of one possible classical future.

2. How to achieve the memory recall as a quantum measurement?

Option 1: The first view is that in an active memory recall a negative energy signal to geometric past is sent and this signal is received by the memory state and induces a quantum jump changing the 3-D state of the memory state and therefore also the future. This induces a signal propagating to the future brain and induces memory as conscious experience.

Option 2: The second view is that the memory loci with t=tn are quantum entangled as they would be if a superposition of Bohr orbits is in question. What would be measured, would be the state of memory locus at tn. This would mean a selection of one future.

3. What would happen in death?

In the TGD Universe, death and birth would be completely universal phenomena occurring in all scales and biological death and birth would be only a special instance of it.

  1. In ZEO death would mean "big" SFR (BSFR) in which the arrow of time changes. This measurement is induced by interaction with the external world at AP.

    Density matrix is a fundamental observable and is measured in BSSF. In the interaction of AB with the external world, the density matrix of AB ceases to commute with the density matrix and observables whose eigenstates the state associated with PB is.

  2. The measurement of density of AB occurs and necessarily changes the state at PB. The roles of AB and PB are changed and the arrow of geometric time changes. Old self dies and the reincarnated self with an opposite geometric arrow of time is born.

4. Why would death make it possible to recall the entire life?

The total memory recall should occur before the death of BSFR. All memory seats of self, which define subselves, should be activated simultaneously and involve SSFR.

Option 1: If negative energy signals to the geometric past induce a memory recall then a very strong signal of negative energy covering the entire frequency spectrum could generate this. A kind of white noise. All memory seats would be activated in time order propagating from now to the geometric past and the last activated seat would be near or at the moment of birth. Life would be lived in a reverse order. The arrow of geometric time for memory seats as subselves would change: also they would die and reincarnate with a reversed arrow of time!

After that the even bigger BSFR, in which self itself dies, would/could occur and also the arrow of time of self would change.

Option 2: In this case the entanglement between the neighboring memory seats would be reduced by a sequence of SSFRs propagating to the geometric past step by step and stop at PB. The outcome would be life experienced in reverse time order.

In the blog discussion a person who had experienced the life panorama told that the life review was in some sense objective: as if the life would have been seen from a higher perspective. This could be possible if the NDE involves transition to a higher reflective level at which the person is a subself. The memories would be memories of the higher level self about the person. This transition might mean that the third person perspective, which could be present always, is not masked by the sensory, motor and cognitive input anymore. Also a phase transition in which the algebraic complexity of the magnetic body increases can be considered.

The holography= holomorphy vision leads to a concrete proposal what reflective levels of consciousness could mean (see this). They could reduce to a functional composition f→ g(f) of an analytic map g: C2→ C2 with a map f: H=M4× CP2 → C2, where f is an analytic map with respect to hypercomplex coordinate and 3 complex coordinates of H. When g reduces to (g,Id) acting trivially in the second factor of C2, this gives compositions of complex maps of C→ C and iteration of g produces Mandelbrot fractals and Julia sets.

See the article Does Consciousness Survive Bodily Death? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.


Matti Pitkänen said...

This is a test

Matti Pitkänen said...

One blog reader sent a comment by email since the comment was not accepted the blog program. I attach the comment here.


Matti, first off THANK YOU so much for all of the work you continue to produce! I ran across your work about 2 months ago, and have spent atleast an hour a day digesting your model. Great, great stuff!

Quick comment on this topic...

My 2nd experience with psilocybin involved a Life Recall/Evaluation. "A tunnel-like panorama"...thats how I would describe the overall spatial, linear-moving aspect of the experience.

The core of that experience makes me think of 2 things: Telepathy (sharing Thoughts & Feelings) & Jesus' basic rule of 'treat others how you want to be treated".

Imagine that you are the start of the Panoramic Tunnel, preparing the stair-step through individual memories/impressions/moments/holograms that you will be 'reviewing'.

One-by-one, you step into linear Holograms (past moments), and you re-experience that Scene. However, what is unique here is that you do not experience these Moments from the POV of your Self, internal or external... you actually experience these Scenes/Holograms/Moments from the Internal POV of all other Selfs involved.

Fundamentally, in each Hologram/Moment, you are reviewing: the Thoughts & Feelings of Other People/Selfs, that were generated by your Actions/Choices. How did you make everyone else Feel in that Moment? What Thoughts were others having in that Moment, due to the Energy you expressed?


In my experience: YOUR SELF is NOT what is being 'Reviewed'... you are Reviewing these moments from the Internal POV of OTHER SELFs. I can't remember a more Honest, humbling moment in my Life.

Matti Pitkänen said...

Thank you for a very interesting comment. I had around 1985 spontaneously experiences bringing in mind NDEs and OBEs but not this live panorama. This long lasting expansion of consciousness was so dramatic that I realized how fascinating a mystery consciousness is.

You said that thoughts and feelings of other people/selves that were generated by your actions and choices were an essential part of the life panorama. This would suggest that the panorama is not completely subjective but involves a higher collective level. Didn't also the view of ancient Egyptians of death involve the belief that a kind of jury decides about your life? It has been also reported NDE is a summary of one's life without any emotional reactions.

Collective levels of consciousness are a basic piece of TGD inspired theory of consciousness. Could this kind of collective level be somehow responsible for the life panorama?

I have proposed that the change of the arrow of time in the "big" state function reductions (BSFR) would take at this level and induce the change of the arrow of time at the lower levels. As a matter of fact, in the proposed model the life panorama would mean BSFR for various subselves representing mental images. The panorama would however precede the BSFR rather than follow it as the term "induced" would suggest. Mental images would BSFR and time reversal before the BSFR for self.

Is this time reversal temporary and followed by a second BSFR as in ordinary memory recall or is it permanent so mental images would die and reincarnate with an opposite arrow of time? Could self ("me") experience these mental images with a changed arrow of time or is second BSFR required to communicate the experience to the brain in a geometric future as I have assumed in the model of memory? The latter option looks correct to me.

Self can die only temporarily and this would have occurred in life panorama experiences. Falling asleep is death at a personal level of self hierarchy and it can happen that you fall asleep only for a minute. Same would occur at this higher level in life panorama! As a matter fact, these short periods are central for learning in the TGD inspired theory of consciousness. The wake up after this short period would give rise to the life panorama.

How this collective level would be realized physically? TGD predicts an entire hierarchy of levels of conscious experience. In particular, the field/magnetic/electric bodies assigned with long range gravitational, magnetic, and electric would correspond to field bodies with very large values of effective Planck constant implying a scaled up quantum coherence scale. I speak of gravitational and electric Planck constants.

At least the gravitational Planck constants of the Earth and Sun and the electric Planck constant of Earth would be involved but are they involved with the life panorama? These field bodies would carry ordinary matter with very large effective Planck constant and would correspond to a very long scale of quantum coherence. In the case of the Sun, the gravitational Compton length for any particle (Equivalence Principle) would be the same and be equal to the Earth radius divided by 2. This could give rise to collective consciousness in the scale of the Earth. Could this or some lower level of hierarchy give rise to the objective life panorama.

Jung has told about his NDE in which he experienced being in space above the Earth. During my great experience, I had similar experiences and the vision or rather, a direct experience, that even stars are conscious entities. Amusingly, quite recently I ended up with a quite concrete model for the Sun as a conscious, living entity involving the new physics predicted by TGD and explaining the energy production of the Sun in a new way. See . .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Consider that the Biological Body’s Self has Free Will.

Consider that the Magnetic Body can offer True/Full Will.

True Will being composed of MB properties such as (not limited-to):

a) ability to see all possible future potentials of BB,
b) knows the whole Past of BB
and c) has an ever-calculating True Will (blueprint/roadmap), for the BB’s fullest expression and experience.

Consider that if the BB starts to align with the Guidance of the MB, it will lead to the highest / fullest Development, Expression and Experience that the Biological Body can take.

Consider a Biological Body that is tired of the results of Free Will (the fruits of the 10% conscious Self).
Consider that BB is ready to move into fuller alignment with their True Will.

It feels as though 2 things are necessary:

c. One involves ‘posturing your Self’ to get into alignment & communication with the MB during your daily waking experience.
j. (This is actually how I start my day, before getting out of bed… I start by consciously letting my MB know that BB is open & trusting…ready to follow. It is a reflective trust-dynamic that grows by showing up with good intentions. The most lopsided part of the reflective MB-BB relationship seems to be: The MB is SHY as shy can be. The BB/Self consciously showing up [not being shy] & expressing/praying intentions of forgiveness, acceptance, openness, trust, etc., and letting the MB know it’s ‘ready for the day’… it’s like a magic trick: for any BB that wants to increase the conscious relationship it shares with it’s MB, on a daily/momentary basis.)
d. The other revolves around the healing of the Self’s Past Free Will choices/wave-function collapses, in-order for the Present/O-Moment to be a clean enough slate, to move forwards/upwards.

//To put an end to this stream: What is 1 possible use of a panorama from MB’s POV? Clean stuff so that the Current State is good enough to work on bigger things, and get the BB’s attention well enough that they (Self) will want to participate in the shared forwards-upwards progression of life.

//End random thought that appeared

Matti Pitkänen said...

a) ability to see all possible future potentials of BB,
b) knows the whole Past of BB
and c) has an ever-calculating True Will (blueprint/roadmap), for the BB’s fullest expression and experience.

I think that these assumptions are two strong in the TGD framework. The time reversal change the arrow of time and makes in principle to obtain information about future but how to communicate to the wakeup self with the standard arrow of time. I think that this is posible but the information communicable is limited. Of course, we have rather reliable rough sketch about what happens tomorrow but about details we cannot say much. Also the knowing of the whole past is quite too strong assumption.