Monday, June 06, 2011

Beltrami flows, symplectic invariance and gauge and gravitational interactions

One of the most recent observations made by people working with twistors is the finding of Monteiro and O'Connell described in the preprint The Kinematic Algebra From the Self-Dual Sector . The claim is that one can obtain supergravity amplitudes by replacing the color factors with kinematic factors which obey formally 2-D symplectic algebra defined by the plane defined by light-like momentum direction and complexified variable in the plane defined by polarizations. One could say that momentum and polarization dependent kinematic factors are in exactly the same role as the factors coming from Yang-Mills couplings. Unfortunately, the symplectic algebra looks rather formal object since the first coordinate is light-like coordinate and second coordinate complex transverse coordinate. It could make sense only in the complexification of Minkowski space.

In any case, this would suggest that the gravitational gauge group (to be distinguished from diffeomorphisms) is symplectic group of some kind having enormous representative power as we know from the fact that the symmetries of practically any physical system are realized in terms of symplectic transformations. According to the authors of kenocitebthe/kinealgebra one can identify the Lie algebra of symplectic group of sphere with that of SU(N) at large N limit in suitable basis. What makes this interesting is that at large N limit non-planar diagrams which are the problem of twistor Grassmann approach vanish: this is old result of t'Hooft, which initiated the developments leading to AdS/CFT correspondence.

The symplectic group of δ M4+/-× CP2 is the isometry algebra of WCW and I have proposed that the effective replacement of gauge group with this group implies the vanishing of non-planar diagrams (see this). The extension of SYM to a theory of also gravitation in TGD framework could make Yangian symmetry exact, resolve the infrared divergences, and the problems caused by non-planar diagrams. It would also imply stringy picture in finite measurement resolution. Also the the construction of the non-commutative homology and cohomology in TGD framework led to the lifting of Galois group algebras to their braided variants realized as symplectic flows and to the conjecture that in finite measurement resolution the cohomology obtained in this manner represents WCW ("world of classical worlds") spinor fields (or at least something very essential about them) [see this].

It is however difficult to understand how one could generalize the symplectic structure so that also symplectic transformations involving light-like coordinate and complex coordinate of the partonic 2-surface would make sense in some sense. In fact, a more natural interpretation for the kinematic algebra would in terms of volume preserving flows which are also Beltrami flows (see for instance this). This gives a connection with quantum TGD since Beltrami flows define a basic dynamical symmetry for the preferred extremals of Kähler action which might be called Maxwellian phase.

  1. Classical TGD is defined by Kähler action which is the analog of Maxwell action with Maxwell field expressed as the projection of CP2 Kähler form. The field equations are extremely non-linear and only the second topological half of Maxwell equations is satisfied. The remaining equations state conservation laws for various isometry currents. Actually much more general conservation laws are obtained.

  2. As a special case one obtains solutions analogous to those for Maxwell equations but there are also other objects such as CP2 type vacuum extremals providing correlates for elementary particles and string like objects: for these solutions it does not make sense to speak about QFT in Minkowski space-time. For the Maxwell like solutions linear superposition is lost but a superposition holds true for solutions with the same local direction of polarization and massless four-momentum. This is a very quantal outcome (in accordance with quantum classical correspondence) since also in quantum measurement one obtains final state with fixed polarization and momentum. So called massless extremals (topological light rays) analogous to wave guides containing laser beam and its phase conjugate are solutions of this kind. The solutions are very interesting since no dispersion occurs so that wave packet preserves its form and the radiation is precisely targeted.

  3. Maxwellian preferred extremals decompose in Minkowskian space-time regions to regions that can be regarded as classical space-time correlates for massless particles. Massless particles are characterized by polarization direction and light-like momentum direction. Now these directions can depend on position and are characterized by gradients of two scalar functions Φ and Ψ. Φ defines light-like momentum direction and the square of the gradient of Φ in Minkowski metric must vanish. Ψ defines polarization direction and its gradient is orthogonal to the gradient of Φ since polarization is orthogonal to momentum.

  4. The flow has the additional property that the coordinate associated with the flow lines integrates to a global coordinate. Beltrami flow is the term used by mathematicians. Beltrami property means that the condition j kenowedge dj =0 is satisfied. In other words, tjhe current is in the plane defined by its exterior derivative. The above representation obviously guarantees this. Beltrami property allows to assign order parameter to the flow depending only the parameter varying along flow line.

    This is essential for the hydrodynamical interpretation of the preferred extremals which relies on the idea that varies conservation laws hold along flow lines. For instance, super-conducting phase requires this kind of flow and velocity along flow line is gradient of the order parameter. The breakdown of super-conductivity would mean topologically the loss of the Beltrami flow property. One might say that the space-time sheets in TGD Universe represent analogs of supra flow and this property is spoiled only by the finite size of the sheets. This strongly suggests that the space-time sheets correspond to perfect fluid flows with very low viscosity to entropy ratio and one application is to the observed perfect flow behavior of quark gluon plasma.

  5. The current J=Φ∇ Ψ has vanishing divergence if besides the orthogonality of the gradients the functions Ψ and Φ satisfy massless d'Alembert equation. This is natural for massless field modes and when these functions represent constant wave vector and polarization also d'Alembert equations are satisfied. One can actually add to ∇Ψ a gradient of an arbitrary function of Φ this corresponds to U(1) gauge invariance and the addition to the polarization vector a vector parallel to light-like four-momentum. One can replace Φ by any function of Φ so that one has Abelian Lie algebra analogous to U(1) gauge algebra restricted to functions depending on Φ only.

The general Beltrami flow gives as a special case the kinetic flow associated by Monteiro and O'Connell with plane waves. For ordinary plane wave with constant direction of momentum vector and polarization vector one could take Φ =cos(φ), φ=kkenocdot m and Ψ = εkenocdot m. This would give a real flow. The kinematical factor in SYM diagrams corresponds to a complexified flow Φ =exp(iφ) and Ψ= φ+ w, where w is complex coordinate for polarization plane or more naturally, complexificaton of the coordinate in polarization direction. The flow is not unique since gauge invariance allows to modify φ term. The complexified flow is volume preserving only in the formal algebraic sense and satisfies the analog of Beltrami condition only in Dolbeault cohomology where d is identified as complex exterior derivative (df=df/dzdz for holomorphic functions). In ordinary cohomology it fails. This formal complex flow of course does not define a real diffeomorphism at space-time level: one should replace Minkowski space with its complexification to get a genuine flow.

The finding of Monteiro and O'Connell encourages to think that the proposed more general Abelian algebra pops up also in non-Abelian YM theories. Discretization by braids would actually select single polarization and momentum direction. If the volume preserving Beltrami flows characterize the basic building bricks of radiation solutions of both general relativity and YM theories, it would not be surprising if the kinematic Lie algebra generators would appear in the vertices of YM theory and replace color factors in the transition from YM theory to general relativity. In TGD framework the construction of vertices at partonic two-surfaces would define local kinematic factors as effectively constant ones.

For background see the chapter Basic Extremals of Kähler Action of "Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-time".

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