Saturday, June 11, 2011

A TGD based explanation for CDF-D0 discrepancy concerning 150 GeV bump

In the latest posting I wrote about beautiful model providing a unified description of the bumps observed recently in D0 and CDF. Yesterday came the fold show. The new results from D0 do not support CDF bump (see Lubos, Jester, and Tommaso).

This shows only that either CDF or D0 is wrong, not that CDF is wrong as some of us suddenly want to believe. It is very difficult to remain rational in this kind of matters: believer in CDF bump transforms suddenly to a non-believer when it turns out that his theory fails to explain it;-).

My own tentative interpretation -not a belief- relies on bigger picture provided by TGD and is that both 150 GeV, 300 GeV, and 325 GeV resonances are there and have interpretations in terms of π and it p-adic octave,ρ, and ω of M89 hadron physics. I could of course be wrong. LHC will be the ultimate jury.

In any case, neither CDF and D0 are cheating and one should explain the discrepancy rationally. Resonaances mentions different estimates for QCD background as a possible explanation. What one could say about this in TGD framework?

  1. There is long history of this kind of forgotten discoveries having same interpretation in TGD framework. Always pionlike states-possibly coherent state of them- would have been produced in strong non-orthogonal magnetic and electric fields of the colliding charges and most pion-like states predicted to be almost at rest in cm frame. Electropions were observed already at seventies in the collisions of heavy nuclei at energies near Coulomb wall, resonances having interpretation as mu-pions about three years ago, tau-pions detected by CDF for two and half years ago with refutation coming from D0, now DAMA and Cogent observed dark matter candidate having explanation in terms of tau-pion in TGD framework but Xenon100 found nothing (in this case on can understand the discrepancy in TGD framework). The octaves of M89 pions would represent the last episode of this strange history. In the previous posting universality of the production mechanism forced to made the proposal that also the collisions of ordinary nuclei could generate octaves of ordinary pions. They have not been observed and as I proposed this might due to the peculiarity of the production mechanism.

    What could be a common denominator for this strange sequence of almost discoveries? Light colored excitations of leptons can be of course be argued to be non-existent because intermediate boson decay widths do not allow them but it is difficult to believe that his would have been the sole reason for not taking leptopions seriously.

  2. Could the generation of a pionic coherent state as a critical phenomenon very sensitive to the detailed values of the dynamical parameters, say the precise cm energies of the colliding beams? For leptopions a phase transition generating dark colored variants of leptons (dark in the sense having non-standard value of Planck constant) would indeed take place so that criticality might make sense. Could also M89 quarks be dark or colored excitations of ordinary quarks which are dark? Could the M107→ M89 phase transition take place only near criticality? This alone does not seem to be enough however.

  3. The peculiarity of the production mechanism is that the pion like states are produced mostly at rest in cm frame of the colliding charges. Suppose that the cm frame for the colliding charged particles is not quite the lab frame in D0. Since most dark pions are produced nearly at rest in the cm frame, they could in this kind of situation leave the detector before decaying to ordinary particles: they would behave just like dark matter is expected to behave and would not be detected! The only signature would be missing energy. This would also predict that dark octaves of ordinary pions would not be detected in experiments using target which is at rest in lab frame. Just asking of course;-).

  4. This mechanism is actually quite general. Dark matter particles decaying to ordinary matter and having long lifetime remain undetected if they move with high enough velocity with respect to laboratory. Long lifetime would be partially due to the large value of hbar and relativistic with respect to laboratory velocities also time dilation would increases the lifetime. Dark matter particles could be detected only as a missing energy not identifiable in terms of neutrinos. A special attention should be directed to state candidates which are nearly at rest in laboratory.

An example from ordinary hadron physics is the production of pions and their octaves in the strong electric and magnetic field of nuclei colliding with a target at rest in lab. The lifetime of neutral pion is about 10-8 seconds and scaled up for large hbar and by time dilation when the colliding nucleons have relativistic energies. Therefore the dark pion might leave the measurement volume before decay to two gammas when the the target is at rest in laboratory. It is not even clear whether the gammas need to have standard value of Planck constant.

For the second octave of M89 pion the lifetime would be scaled down by the ratio of masses giving a factor 211 and lifetime of order .5× 10-11 seconds. Large hbar would scale up the lifetime. For non-relativistic relativistic velocities the distance travelled before the decay to gamma pair would L=(hbar/hbar0)× (v/c)× 1.1 mm.

If also the gamma pair is dark, the detection would require even larger volume. TGD suggests strongly that also photons have a small mass which they obtain by eating the remaining component of Higgs a la TGD (transforming like 1+3 under vectorial weak SU(2)). If photon mass defines the upper bound for the rate for the transformation to ordinary photons, dark photons would remain undetected. For more about new physics predicted by TGD see the chapter New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I of "p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Dark Matter Hierarchy". For reader's convenience I have added a short pdf article Is the new boson reported by CDF pion of M89 hadron physics? at my homepage.


Ulla said...

J Gregory Moxness Says: It seems to me that the D0 analysis from 4.3 fb-1 data uses a dotted line CDF reference from their 7.3 fb-1 data set (expecting 100 events at the peak around 150 GeV). Shouldn’t that expectation be scaled to ~46 events consistent with the original CDF data set of 4.3 fb-1?

Anonymous said...

Look at the size of the two plots' diboson backgrounds. They are also different, by about the same ratio. This is why the CDF reference line has a different level on D0's plot. This is normal. The detectors are different. Their calorimeters, muon trackers, etc. have different acceptances, so in general we expect the detectors to collect a different total number of events even at the same event rate with the same kinematic cuts.

But I agree D0 should reanalyze this with the full 7.3 fb^-1 eventually. Although they don't sound very motivated to do that after this.

Ulla said...

Have y seen this!

Richard Hamilton
Must look what Woit says :)

Wiles' proof of his modularity lifting theorems is a perfect illustration of p-adic techniques in number theory where the basic objects are deformation of Galois representations, congruences between modular forms, and their deep connections with special values of L-functions. Another spectacular illustration of the p-adic techniques for automorphic forms attached to higher rank reductive groups is the recent proof of the Sato-Tate conjecture. Mazur's theory of deformations of Galois representations used in Wiles' proof has been inspired by the theory of p-adic families of automorphic forms developed originally by Hida. This theory has been developing for reductive groups of higher rank and has many powerful applications for the understanding of the connections between L-functions (or p-adic L-functions) and Galois representations which are at the heart of modern research in algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry. The theory of p-adic families has also inspired some of the new developments of p-adic Hodge theory and the so-called p-adic Langlands program which establishes a conjectural connection between p-adic Galois representations of a local field of residual characteristic p and certain p-adic representations of p-adic reductive groups. These subjects where the notion of p-adic variation is involved are advancing very quickly and a substantial breakthrough is expected in the near future.

Ulla said...
An interesting title - Quaternionic Soliton Equations from Hamiltonian Curve Flows in HP^n said...

To Ulla:

unfortunately the typical articles by mathematicians as such are of no help for a physicists unless he is Witten. They are written by specialists to specialists. John Baez has made wonderful work in explaining in physics friendly terms the frontier in the evolution of category theoretical notions. Similar popularizers would be badly needed in algebraic geometry.

Hamilton's work represents mathematics which must eventually have a high relevance for TGD. Number theoretical universality is the key notion: my earlier postings suggest a formulation of quantum TGD using real and p-adic variants of what might be called braided Galois homology. It seems also that Gromov-Witten invariants or generalizations of them emerging topological string theory of type A appear naturally in TGD framework.

Sooner or later physicists will follow ma forhematicians and give number theoretical universality a status of a fundamental physical principle. The reason which has preventing this to take place already now is the lack of interpretation. A mere formal game with blind guesses about what p-adic physics might be produces only dead formalism.

The natural interpretation of p-adic physics is in terms of physical correlates of cognition and here the problem is. Consciousness still remains a taboo for physicists despite quantum measurement theory cries for the extension of physics to a theory of consciousness.

Someone has said that hippie era saved physics: perhaps it is not an accident that standard model was developed by the hippie generation. After the hippie era not much has happened in official physics (warning: hippies are lurking deep Underground and preparing a revolution;-). Lubos has become a symbol for the ultra-conservative "shut and calculate" attitude, which has led to the recent dead end.

Ulla said...

I just thought how incredible the situation is where p-adic math gets big breakthroughs and the physics containing it is silenced.

"hippies are lurking deep Underground and preparing a revolution;- " - Come forth,lurking hippie :)

I am sad for the PeSla-thing. I liked his philosophy, but I hate this new PeSla. Well, things change, as you also learned me.

Ulla said...

About the lurking hippies...

Have you read Jill Bolte Taylors book My stroke of insight? You can get it instead of Capras book, if y want.