Monday, August 13, 2007

Burning saltwater by radiowaves and large Planck constant

This morning my friend Samuli Penttinen send an email telling about strange discovery by engineer John Kanzius: salt water in the test tube radiated by radiowaves at harmonics of a frequency f=13.56 MHz burns. Temperatures about 1500 K which correspond to .15 eV energy have been reported. You can radiate also hand but nothing happens. The orginal discovery of Kanzius was the finding that radio waves could be used to cure cancer by destroying the cancer cells. The proposal is that this effect might provide new energy source by liberating chemical emergy in an exceptionally effective manner. The power is about 200 W so that the power used could explain the effect if it is absorbed in resonance like manner by salt water.

The energies of photons involved are very small, multiples of 5.6× 10-8 eV and their effect should be very small since it is difficult to imagine what resonant molecular transition could cause the effect. This leads to the question whether the radiowave beam could contain a considerable fraction of dark photons for which Planck constant is larger so that the energy of photons is much larger. The underlying mechanism would be phase transition of dark photons with large Planck constant to ordinary photons with shorter wavelength coupling resonantly to some molecular degrees of freedom and inducing the heating. Microwave oven of course comes in mind immediately.

  1. The fact that the effects occur at harmonics of the fundamental frequency suggests that rotational states of molecules are in question as in microwave heating. Since the presence of salt is essential, the first candidate for the molecule in question is NaCl but also HCl can be considered and also water molecules. NaCl makes sense if NaCl and Na+ and Cl- are in equilibrium. The basic formula for the rotational energies is

    E(l)= E0×(l(l+1), E0=hbar2/2μR2. μ= m1 m2/(m1 +m2).

    Here R is molecular radius which by definition is deduced from the rotational energy spectrum. The energy inducing transition l→l+1 is ΔE(l)= 2E0×(l+1).

  2. By going to Wikipedia, one can find molecular radii of heteronuclear di-atomic molecules such as NaCl and homonuclear di-atomic molecules such as H2. Using E0(H2)=8.0×10-3 eV one obtains by scaling

    E0(NaCl)= (μ(H2/μ(NaCl)) × (R(H2)/R(NaCL)2.

    The atomic weights are A(H)=1, A(Na)=23, A(Cl)=35.

  3. A little calculation gives f(NaCl)= 2E0/h= 14.08 GHz. The ratio to the radiowave frequency is f(NaCl)/f= 1.0386×103 to be compared with the hbar/hbar0=210=1.024×103. The discrepancy is 1 per cent.

Thus dark radiowave photons could induce a rotational microwave heating of the sample and the effect could be seen as an additional dramatic support for the hierarchy of Planck constants. There are several questions to be answered.

  1. Does this effect occur also for solutions of other molecules and other solutes than water? This can be tested since the rotational spectra are readily calculable from data which can be found at net.

  2. Are the radiowave photons dark or does water - which is very special kind of liquid - induce the transformation of ordinary radiowave photons to dark photons by fusing 210 radiowave massless extremals (MEs) to single ME. Does this transformation occur for all frequencies? This kind of transformation might play a key role in transforming ordinary EEG photons to dark photons and partially explain the special role of water in living systems.

  3. Why the radiation does not induce spontaneous combustion of living matter which contains salt. And why cancer cells seem to burn: is salt concentration higher inside them? As a matter fact, there are reports about spontaneous human combustion. One might hope that there is a mechanism inhibiting this since otherwise military would be soon developing new horror weapons unless it is doing this already now. Is it that most of salt is ionized to Na+ and Cl- ions so that spontaneous combustion can be avoided? And how this relates to the sensation of spontaneous burning - a very painful sensation that some part of body is burning?

  4. Is the energy heating solely due to rotational excitations? It might be that also a "dropping" of ions to larger space-time sheets is induced by the process and liberates zero point kinetic energy. The dropping of proton from k=137 (k=139) atomic space-time sheet liberates about .5 eV (0.125 eV). The measured temperature corresponds to the energy .15 eV. This dropping is an essential element of remote metabolism and provides universal metabolic energy quanta. It is also involved with TGD based models of "free energy" phenomena. No perpetuum mobile is predicted since there must be a mechanism driving the dropped ions back to the original space-time sheets.
  5. Are there other possibilities? Yes. One can consider also the possibility that energy is feeded to the rotational degrees of freedom of water molecules as in microwave oven and salt has some other function. Both mechanisms could be involved of course. This became clear after the realization that charge and spin fractionization force to further generalize the definition of the imbedding space by allowing also what in loose sense might be regarded as coverings of M4 resp. CP2 by discrete subgroups Ga resp. Gb of SO(3) besides factor spaces.

    1. Four options result as Cartesian products M4/Ga (factor space as earlier) and M4×Ga with CP2/Gb and CP2×Gb. × refers to covering rather than Cartesian product. M4 is obtained by exluding M2 remaining invariant under transformations of Cartan algebra of Poincare group and CP2 is obtained by excluding homologically trivial geodesic sphere S2 remaining invariant under color isospin rotations of SO(3) subset SU(3).

    2. It is absolutely essential that M2×S2 corresponds to a vacuum extremal since for it the value of Planck constant is ill defined (full quantum criticality). The full imbedding space is union of these spaces intersecting at the quantum critical manifold and configuration space is union over configuration spaces with different choices of quantum critical manifold (choice of quantization axes) so that Poincare and color invariance are not lost.

    3. The Cartesian product of factor space of M4 and covering space of CP2 maximizes the value of Planck constant for given choice of Ga and Gb and the value of Planck constant is given by hbar/hbar0 nanb.

    The microwave frequency used in microwave ovens is 2.45 GHz giving for the Planck constant the estimate 180.67 equal to 180 with error of .4 per cent. The values of Planck constants for (M4/Ga)× (CP2×Gb) option are given by hbar/hbar0= nanb and nanb= 4× 9× 5=180 can result from the number theoretically simple values of quantum phases exp(i2π/ni) corresponding to polygons constructible using only ruler and compass. For instance, one could have na= 2× 3 and nb=2× 3× 5. This option gives a slightly better agreement than NaCl option.

Recall that one of the empirical motivations for the hierarchy of Planck constants came from the observed quantum like effects of ELF em fields at EEG frequences on vertebrate brain and also from the correlation of EEG with brain function and contents of consciousness difficult to understand since the energies of EEG photons are ridiculously small and should be masked by thermal noise.

In TGD based model of EEG (actually fractal hierarchy of EEGs) the values hbar/hbar0 =2k11, k=1,2,3,..., of Planck constant are in a preferred role. More generally, powers of two of a given value of Planck constant are preferred, which is also in accordance with p-adic length scale hypothesis.

For details see the chapter Dark Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter of "p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Dark Matter Hierarchy".


Anonymous said...

You've got the cancer treatment wrong, I'm afraid. The RF signal is only used to heat up metallic nanoparticles, tagged on the cancer cells. As the nanoparticles are heated, the cancer cells are destroyed. See

While the inventor can be seen inserting his hand in the RF tranceiver, I wouldn't try that personally. If water in the blood is decomposed, there may well be a risk of decompression sickness, as experienced by for example underwater divers:

Matti Pitkänen said...

Thank you for the information. As a matter fact, I did not propose that the treatment of the cancer cells might rely on the same mechanism although it is of course the natural first guess provided one is able to explain why NaCl is much more abundant in cancer cells than in healthy cells. I did not have material about how radiowaves are used to cure cancer.

Unknown said...

Your calculations above are only valid if NaCl would stay as a Na-Cl lattice, like in a crystal. In a dissolved state, like in water, Na and Cl go their separate ways and cannot be calculated like you did. But anyway, the reason why he used salt water was to increase the conductivity. The observed effect is a simple microwave-induced electrolysis. I would be surprised, if there is any net energy output over the energy put in. Also, keep in mind that the microwave energy breaks the H-O bonds of the water and the resulting hydrogen gas combines with the oxygen of the atmosphere to create water again.

Regarding the cancer cell destruction effect: the specificity is as good as the nanoparticles' specificity is (targeted by monoclonal antibodies, etc.), since they are the ones which ultimately boil the cells in the microwave field.

Matti Pitkänen said...

Response to SGruenwald's comments.

Your calculations above are only valid if NaCl would stay as a Na-Cl lattice, like in a crystal. In a dissolved state, like in water, Na and Cl go their separate ways and cannot be calculated like you did.

As in any chemical system I would expect equilibrium with some NaCl molecules and some Na+ and Cl_-.

One can of course consider also other variants of microwave heating by the proposed mechanism: say by pumping energy to rotational degrees of freedom of water molecules. I have not checked what one obtains in the case of H2O for some favored value of Planck constant.

The observed effect is a simple microwave-induced electrolysis.

The problem is that if the system obeys standard physics there are no microwaves but only radiowaves. The point of the model is to explain how microwaves emerge in TGD based physics.

I cannot see how microwave photons could break hydrogen bonds with binding energy of order .5 eV: microwave energies are by many orders lower.

I have no opinions concerning about possible over unity energy production. The effect as a partial confimation of Planck constant heirarchy would have more far reaching implicicatons.

hiep256 said...

Is what's going on here some sort of fusion? Super vibrating sodium atoms are forcing hydrogen atoms to collide creating plasma and helium? Is this possible? Has anyone measured if any neutrons are being released or any helium being created?

Matti Pitkänen said...

As a matter fact, I ended up with the idea that cold fusion is involved. I wrote about this a posting which I have not had time to update.

The chapter Nuclear strings contains a detailed model of cold fusion by plasma electrolysis and of deuterium cold fusion and its application to the burning salt water.

Anonymous said...

The Nuclear megnetic resonance of Oxygen is 13.556. Is the 13.5MHz radio frequency enough to weaken the H2O bond?

Matti Pitkänen said...

13.556 MHz cyclotron frequency for O would correspond to magnetic field of 16.3 Tesla - much stronger than say Earth's magnetic field- if I calculated correcly. For O_2 the magnetic field would be twice as large. Spin flip frequency must be of same order of magnitude. One should be able to explain why magnetic field of this strength is present.

My proposal is that "dark" large hbar radiowave photons with E=hf corresponding to microwave photon energy are in question. These dark radiowave photons would transform to ordinary microwave photons and then cause heating.

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

ItzaNutHouse said...

Little green martians aside... if one delves into the history of ufo reports and their behaviour, throughout instances these very down to earth craft have been observed near powerlines and electrical grids as well as near, going into or coming out of the oceans.

If such craft were to contain a chamber so as to harness or exploit nuclear fission as a primary powersource perhaps a similar principle to the Kansius discovery is afoot?

Combine this exotic powersource with reverse gravitational fields via electromagnetic wave generators and this would explain the ionization effect which surround these craft, while cold fusion could literally supply limitless amounts of energy to run all onboard systems including the gravitation wave amplifiers.

In essence it would make sense why uncle sam wouldn't want this cat out of the bag once humanity realizes there is no need for reliance on oil their tenous grip based on a monetary system would collapse entirely.

And as per little green martians science has already reached the ppint of cloning so imagine how far advanced ahead of the rest of the world black budget technology is.

The human genome having been completely mapped way before the rest of science was even their yet which would explain their biological constructs in a lab or frankenstein like creatures often associatd with such craft so as to propagate the myth of alien invaders while keeping the world looking in the wrong direction.

It is quite a technological setup, keep the world based on a monetary system while grounded, create wars to fund larg amounts of money, feed the public controlled news and techonological trinkets such as iphones, games and flatscreens keeping them controlled while tptb are free to run rampant settong the rest pf the qolrd up for one great fallawhile lookong everywhere else.

Its a system of control in the hands of an entity which has usurped untold power but for their own benefit rather than humanities sake.

Nuff said.. r.i.p.

Typos Fixed - ItzaNutHouse said...

Little green martians aside... if one delves into the history of ufo reports and their behaviour, throughout instances these very down to earth craft have been observed near powerlines and electrical grids as well as near, going into or coming out of the oceans.

If such craft were to contain a reactive chamber so as to harness or exploit nuclear fission as a primary power source then perhaps a similar principle to the Kansius discovery is afoot?

Combine this exotic power source with navigation in the form of reverse gravitational fields via on board electromagnetic wave generators and this would explain the ionization effect which surround these craft, while cold fusion would literally be able to supply limitless amounts of energy to run all onboard systems including the gravitational wave amplifiers and any artificial cockpit gravity fields.

Its no wonder how the those piloting such exotic crafts can overcome inertial forces.

It would also make sense why uncle sam wouldn't want this cat out of the bag once humanity realizes there is no need for reliance on oil as all governments in cohoots along their tenous grip on power based on a monetary system would collapse entirely.

And as per little green martians science has already reached the point of cloning so imagine how far advanced ahead of the rest of the world black budget technology actually is.

The human genome perhaps having been completely mapped way before the rest of science was anywhere near catching up yet thanks to corruption and unlimited funds which would explain their biological lab constructs or frankenstein-like creatures often associated with such craft so as to propagate the myth of alien invaders while keeping the world looking in the wrong direction.

It is quite a technological setup, keep the world based on a monetary system while grounded, create wars to fund large amounts of money for black budget programs, feed the public controlled news and technological trinkets such as iphones, games and flatscreens keeping them blissfully controlled, and looking in all the wrong directions while tptb are free to run rampant setting up humanity for one great fall in the process.

Its a system of control in the hands of an entity which has usurped untold power but for their own benefit rather than for humanities sake.

Nuff said.. r.i.p.