Sunday, August 31, 2008

Could virtual DNAs allow a controlled development of the genome?

In the previous postings I have discussed TGD based model of homeopathy and phantom DNA based on the possibility that water molecules receiving the magnetic bodies of biomolecules in homeopathic manifacture process can mimick those aspects of these molecules most relevant for the biological functions. By combining these ideas with DNA as topological quantum computer hypothesis, one ends up with the idea that the evolution of DNA is not just random mutations plus selection, but takes place in controlled manner like the development of computer hardware in the virtual mimicry of internal chemical milieu in turn providing an abstract representation for the external world.

The fundamental question in the evolution biology is the question about the interaction between genome (G), phenotype (P), and environment (E).

  1. The standard dogma is that the information transfer from G to P is unidirectional and that environment acts on G by inducing random mutations of G, from which E selects the lucky survivors as those with the best ability to reproduce. Lamarckism represents a deviation from standard dogma by assuming direct information transfer from E to G.

  2. Genetic expression is controlled by environment, at least by silencing , which is like selecting only few books to be read from a big library. Cell differentiation represents basic example of selective gene expression. DNA methylation and transposition are accepted to reflect information transfer from E to G, perhaps via P. These modifications are however believed to be short lasting and not transferred to the offspring since it is difficult to imagine a mechanism transferring the mutations to the germ cells.

  3. The question however remains whether the G® P-E actually could complete to a closed loop G® P-E-G so that genome could directly respond to the changing physical environment and could transfer the successful response to the next generation .

In TGD framework the sequence G® P-E is replaced with a closed loop G-P-M-E to which E is attached at P by bidirectional arrow (organisms do also modify their environment actively). Magnetic body thus controls genome and receives information from cell membrane (P). The hierarchy of genomes (super-genome, hyper-genome,...) corresponding to the different levels of dark matter hierarchy allows this loop to be realized in different scales rather only at the level of single cell.

The question is whether the magnetic body of organism or higher level magnetic bodies could modify genomes, super-genomes, and hyper-genomes directly, perhaps by generating mutations of the genome in a short time scale; by monitoring how genetically modified organism survives in the environment; and -if the outcome of the experiment is successful - replacing the corresponding portion of DNA with the modified DNA both in ordinary germ cells. One can even ask whether the abstract model of the external environment provided by the internal chemical milieu might be mimicked by water magnetic bodies of water molecule clusters and provide a virtual world testing ground for a search of favorable mutations.

In DNA as a tqc vision essentially the development of a new computer hardware would be in question, and should take place in a controlled manner and involve an experimentation before going to the market rather than by random modifications taking place in computer CPUs. Second basic aspect of DNA as tqc paradigm is that water and bio-molecules live in symbiosis in the sense that self organization patterns of the cellular water flow define the tqc programs. The following first guess for how the development of computer hardware might be achieved is just a first guess but might have something to do with reality.

  1. What would be needed is a mechanism generating rapidly modifications of DNA. The mutations should be carried out using a kind of virtual DNA mimicking all the essential aspects of the symbolic dynamics associated with DNA. The magnetic bodies of DNA consisting of flux tubes connecting the nucleotides of DNA strands to cell membrane satisfy these conditions since A,T,G,C is coded to exotic light quarks u, d and anti-quarks `u, `d at the ends of flux tubes . DNA nucleotides could be replaced with clusters of water molecules but also other options can be imagined. Note that it does not matter when one speaks of mimicry of RNA or DNA molecules.

  2. If the proposed model of the phantom DNA and homeopathy is correct, this kind of virtual DNA exists and is generated in phantom DNA effect as magnetic bodies of DNA, including of course the magnetic flux tubes connecting the nucleotides to the cell membrane or conjugate strand of DNA.

  3. The crucial additional assumption would be that also the reversal of phantom DNA effect is possible and corresponds to the analog of DNA replication in which nucleotides attach to the virtual conjugate nucleotides of the virtual DNA strand or RNA strand in turn transformed to DNA strand be reverse transcription. The hypothesis would have rather strong implications for the genetic engineering since homeopathic remedies of genetically engineered DNA sequences could be transferred to cell nuclei just by drinking them.

  4. Phantom DNA sequences could form populations and - as far as their properties as a hardware of topological quantum computer are involved - evolve under selection pressures of the virtual world defined by the nuclear, cellular water, and intercellular water. A competition of components of tqc hardware developed by the higher level magnetic body to realize optimally tqc programs needed for survival would be in question. The simplest mutation of phantom DNA would replace the quark pairs at the ends the (wormhole-) magnetic flux tube with a new one and could occur in very short time scale. Also basic editing operations like cutting and pasting would be possible for these competing phantom DNA sequences. The winners in the competition would be transformed to actual DNA sequences by utilizing the reverse phantom DNA (or RNA -) effect and be inserted to genome. The genetic machinery performing cutting, gluing, and pasting of real DNA in a controlled manner exists. What is needed is the machinery monitoring who is the winner and making the decision to initiate the modification of the real DNA.

  5. The transfer of the mutations to germ cells could be achieved by allowing the population of the virtual DNA sequences to infect the water inside germ cells. The genetic program inducing the modification of DNA by using the winner of the tqc hardware competition should run automatically.

  6. One open question is whether the cellular or perhaps also extracellular water should represent the physical environment and - if answer is affirmative - how it achieves this. As a matter fact, considerable fraction of water inside cells is in gel phase and it might be that the intercellular water, which naturally defines a symbolic representation of environment, is where the virtual evolution takes place. Internal chemical milieu certainly reflects in an abstract manner the physical environment and the ability of the water molecule clusters to mimic bio-molecules would make the representation of the chemical environment possible. Also sudden changes of external milieu would be rapidly coded to the changes in internal milieu which might help to achieve genetic re-organization.

For details see chapters Homeopathy in Many-Sheeted Space-time of "Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms" and The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer of "Genes and Memes"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Phantom DNA effect and the notion of magnetic body

Phantom DNA is fourth anomalous effect in which the notion of magnetic body provides understanding (other three effects have been discussed in three previous postings). In phantom DNA effect [1] there is an elastic scattering of the coherent laser radiation from irradiated DNA. When one removes the DNA from the chamber containing it, and irradiates it by laser light, a weak pattern of scattered light is still produced: as if there were a kind of phantom DNA there. The pattern can last for months.

For years ago I considered an explanation of the effect based on dropping of part of DNA to larger space-time sheets characterized by larger value of p-adic prime and remaining in the vessel as visible DNA is removed . A variant of this explanation inspired by the dark matter hierarchy is that the anomalous scattering takes place on dark DNA at wormhole flux tubes remaining in the vessel. The DNA strands would simply lose their magnetic bodies which could be stealed by clusters of water molecules so that they become able to mimic DNA molecules as far as their magnetic bodies are considered.

The most science fictive possibility is that the flux tubes connect the vessel boundaries to the removed DNA by wormhole flux tubes which are very long and correspond to a large value of hbar. In this case the scattering would involve a phase transition increasing the value of Planck constant and a travel of photons to the removed DNA and back followed by a phase transition to ordinary photons.

Similar explanation works also in the case of homeopathy and allows to understand why the classic experiments of Benveniste could not be replicated when experimenters did not know which bottles contained the treated water. In this case the molecules dissolved in water would lose their magnetic bodies as a consequence of the shaking of the homeopathic remedy and one can say that clusters of water molecules would steal their magnetic coats. This would allow them to mimic the behavior of molecules and their presence would allow the immune system would develop a resistance against real molecules. This of course works only if the cyclotron radiation from the magnetic body is responsible for the biological effects. It is known that em radiation at low frequencies is indeed responsible for the ability of molecules to recognize each other. The generation of cyclotron radiation requires metabolic energy and the magnetic flux tubes connecting the experimenter to the treated bottle of water (correlates for directed attention) could have served as bridges along which metabolic energy could be transferred by using topological light rays (MEs serving as TGD counterparts of Alfwen waves). Experimentalists certainly did have strong desire to have successful experiments and this helped to realize the transfer of the metabolic energy.

If this is the correct explanation of phantom DNA effect and homeopathy, homeopathy and phantom DNA effect would provide fundamental research tools for studying the physics of the magnetic bodies of bio-molecules. Since dark matter characterized by large values of Planck constants is expected to reside at the magnetic bodies, also the study of dark matter would become possible using these methods.

For details see the chapter The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer of "Genes and Memes".


[1] P. P. Gariaev, V. I. Chudin, G. G. Komissarov, A. A. Berezin , A. A. Vasiliev (1991), Holographic Associative Memory of Biological Systems}, Proceedings SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Optical Memory and Neural Networks. v.1621, p. 280- 291. USA.

The experimental work of William Tiller about intentional imprinting of electronic devices

Phantom DNA is fourth anomalous effect in which the notion of magnetic body provides understanding (other three effects have been discussed in three previous postings). In phantom DNA effect [1] there is an elastic scattering of the coherent laser radiation from irradiated DNA. When one removes the DNA from the chamber containing it, and irradiates it by laser light, a weak pattern of scattered light is still produced: as if there were a kind of phantom DNA there. The pattern can last for months.

For years ago I considered an explanation of the effect based on dropping of part of DNA to larger space-time sheets characterized by larger value of p-adic prime and remaining in the vessel as visible DNA is removed . A variant of this explanation inspired by the dark matter hierarchy is that the anomalous scattering takes place on dark DNA at wormhole flux tubes remaining in the vessel. The DNA strands would simply lose their magnetic bodies which could be stealed by clusters of water molecules so that they become able to mimic DNA molecules as far as their magnetic bodies are considered.

The most science fictive possibility is that the flux tubes connect the vessel boundaries to the removed DNA by wormhole flux tubes which are very long and correspond to a large value of hbar. In this case the scattering would involve a phase transition increasing the value of Planck constant and a travel of photons to the removed DNA and back followed by a phase transition to ordinary photons.

Similar explanation works also in the case of homeopathy and allows to understand why the classic experiments of Benveniste could not be replicated when experimenters did not know which bottles contained the treated water. In this case the molecules dissolved in water would lose their magnetic bodies as a consequence of the shaking of the homeopathic remedy and one can say that clusters of water molecules would steal their magnetic coats. This would allow them to mimic the behavior of molecules and their presence would allow the immune system would develop a resistance against real molecules. This of course works only if the cyclotron radiation from the magnetic body is responsible for the biological effects. It is known that em radiation at low frequencies is indeed responsible for the ability of molecules to recognize each other. The generation of cyclotron radiation requires metabolic energy and the magnetic flux tubes connecting the experimenter to the treated bottle of water (correlates for directed attention) could have served as bridges along which metabolic energy could be transferred by using topological light rays (MEs serving as TGD counterparts of Alfwen waves). Experimentalists certainly did have strong desire to have successful experiments and this helped to realize the transfer of the metabolic energy.

If this is the correct explanation of phantom DNA effect and homeopathy, homeopathy and phantom DNA effect would provide fundamental research tools for studying the physics of the magnetic bodies of bio-molecules. Since dark matter characterized by large values of Planck constants is expected to reside at the magnetic bodies, also the study of dark matter would become possible using these methods.

For details see the chapter The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer of "Genes and Memes".


[1] P. P. Gariaev, V. I. Chudin, G. G. Komissarov, A. A. Berezin , A. A. Vasiliev (1991), Holographic Associative Memory of Biological Systems}, Proceedings SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Optical Memory and Neural Networks. v.1621, p. 280- 291. USA.

Local sidereal time, geomagnetic fluctuations, and remote mental interactions

The notion of magnetic body has become a key concept TGD inspired qantum biology and it is nice to see how this notion gradually receives support both from the understanding of the mysteries of biology and at the same time becomes more and more concrete. It is also nice that there is no need to reject paranormal phenomena from TGD based world view: as a matter fact, magnetic body is key player also in the understanding of these phenomena.

The article of J. Spottiswoode (2002), Geomagnetic fluctuations and free response anomalous cognition: a new understanding, submitted to the Journal of Parapsychology discusses two strange findings about remote mental interactions.

The findings

  1. There is a statistical tendency of the anomalous cognition (AC includes telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition) performance to concentrate in a 2 hour period around 13.30 of the local sidereal time (ST), which is the time measured using as a reference distant stars and thus running at a slightly different rate than the solar time: the lag is DT = 24/365 hours ~ 3.7 minutes during 24 hours.

  2. The anticorrelation between the level of geomagnetic fluctuations and AC performance has also a maximum during 2-hour period around ~ 13.30 ST.

The fact that AC performance is associated with the same sidereal hour suggests the identification of the galactic magnetosphere as a conscious involved with remote cognition. For interstellar and galactic magnetic fields cyclotron time scales correspond to the time scales of human consciousness so that also these magnetic flux quanta could receive sensory input from biosphere and control it.

The so called ap index measures the intensity of the fluctuations of the Earth's magnetic field. If the magnetosphere is a conscious entity, ap index can be interpreted as a measure for the level of arousal of the magnetospheric mind. The negative correlation between ap and AC performance tells that AC is most probable, when the magnetosphere is in a "calm state of mind". This is natural since only in this kind of situation the noise masks minimally the signals from the galactic magnetosphere.

The local magnetic noise produced by the modern high tech environment is much stronger than the geomagnetic noise but this does not matter. If artificial magnetic fields correspond to kem=0 level of the dark matter hierarchy, they have no effect on higher levels of dark matter hierarchy.

The obvious question is why the anticorrelation between anomalous cognition effect size and ap index is highest at 13.30 ST? What this finding means that a particular portion of the sky defined by a definite longitude is above the head of a successful anomalous cognizer independently of the time of year. Thus there should be something special in a direction at this longitude.

The explanation of findings

The simplest explanation for these findings goes as follows.

  1. Suppose that there is a higher level conscious entity at the direction 13.30 ST at the galactic magnetic body such that various cyclotron frequencies involved with the communications with this entity correspond to a typical time scale of the anomalous cognition. This conscious entity could have size of galaxy or it could correspond to a flux tube of galactic magnetic body using the cognizer and target as sensory receptors and motor instruments just as our magnetic body might use neurons of our brain or our body parts.

  2. Anomalous cognition could involve positive and negative energy signals to this magnetic body and back so that essentially instantaneous AC events would be possible.

  3. The information transfer between two kinds of flux tubes is made possible by the topological condensation of the flux tubes of BE or its dark variant at those of the galactic magnetic field or its dark variant and would be maximal when both are nearly vertical. Also geomagnetic noise would be transferred via wormhole contacts to the flux tubes of the galactic magnetic field and perturb these communications. Both AC and its anticorrelation with geomagnetic noise would be maximal when the flux tubes of of magnetic fields in question are approximately parallel. Since the flux tubes of BE are approximately vertical, this the case when the galactic center is directly above the head. This would explain the special value of sidereal time. One can say that the magnetic flux tubes of the interstellar magnetic field define kind of cosmic umbilic cord which might serve as a correlate for the tunnel experience associated with NDEs.

  4. If signals to geometric past and back (both are possible in zero energy ontology replacing standard positive energy ontology in the formulation of quantum TGD) are involved the time and length scales would measured using 105 years as unit. The signals themselves would be coded using frequencies characterizing time scales of neural consciousness as kinds of ripples to the very slowly oscillating background signal just as perturbations due to nerve pulses interfere with EEG rhythms. Since remote psychokinesis and anomalous cognition should rely on the same mechanism, the first guess for the time scale involved with these signals is as the time lag of 13 to 17 seconds involved with the remote realization of intentions by Qigong masters : the interpretation as a typical duration of charge entanglement was already proposed. It would not be surprising if the time scale of entanglement would determine also the scale of cyclotron frequencies. This would mean the importance of the frequencies in the range .06 to .08 Hz for anomalous cognition.

For details see the chapter Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms of the book with the same title.

A possible realization of water memory

The Benveniste's discovery of water memory initiated quite dramatic sequence of events. The original experiment involved the homeopathic treatment of water by human antigene. This meant dilution of the water solution of antigene so that the concentration of antigene became extremely low. In accordance with homeopathic teachings human basophils reacted on this solution.

The discovery was published in Nature and due to the strong polemic raised by the publication of the article, it was decided to test the experimental arrangement. The experimental results were reproduced under the original conditions. Then it was discovered that experimenters knew which bottles contained the treated water. The modified experiment in which experimenters did not possess this information failed to reproduce the results and the conclusion was regarded as obvious and Benveniste lost his laboratory among other things. Obviously any model of the effect taking it as a real effect rather than an astonishingly simplistic attempt of top scientists to cheat should explain also this finding.

The model based on the notion of field body and general mechanism of long term memory allows to explain both the memory of water and why it failed under the conditions described.

1. A model for the water memory and homeopathic effect

  1. Also molecules have magnetic field bodies acting as intentional agents controlling the molecules. Nano-motors do not only look co-operating living creatures but are such. The field body of the molecule contains besides the static magnetic and electric parts also dynamical parts characterized by frequencies and temporal patterns of fields. To be precise, one must speak both field and relative field bodies characterizing interactions of molecules. Right brain sings-left brain talks metaphor might generalize to all scales meaning that representations based on both frequencies and temporal pulse with single frequency could be utilized.

  2. The effects of complex bio-molecule to other bio-molecules (say antigene on basofil) in water could be characterized to some degree by the temporal patterns associated with the dynamical part of its field body and bio-molecules could recognize each other via these patterns. This would mean that symbolic level in interactions would be present already in the interactions of bio-molecules. Cyclotron frequencies are most natural candidates for the frequency signatures and the fact that frequencies in 10 kHz range are involved supports this view.

  3. The original idea was that water molecule clusters are able to mimic the bio-molecules themselves -say their vibrational and rotational spectra could coincide with those of molecules in reasonable approximation. A more natural idea is that they can mimic their field bodies. Homeopathy could rely on extremely simple effect: water molecule clusters would steal the magnetic bodies of the molecules used to manufacture the homeopathic remedy. The shaking of the bottle containing the solution would enhance the probability for bio-molecule to lose its magnetic body in this manner. For instance, water could produce fake copies of say antigenes recognized by basofils and reacting accordingly if the reaction is based on interaction with the magnetic body of the antigene.

  4. The basic objection against this picture is that it does not explain why the repeated dilution works. Rather, it seems that dilution of molecules reduces also the density of mimicking pseudo-molecules. Even more, the potency of the homeopathic remedy is claimed to increase as the the dilution factor increases. Also alcohol is used instead of water so that also alcohol must allow homepathic mechanism. (I am grateful for Ulla Matfolk for questions which made me to realize these objections).

    1. The only way out seems to be that the magnetic bodies or water molecule clusters having these magnetic bodies can replicate. The shaking of the remedy could provide the needed metabolic energy so that the population of magnetic bodies grows to a limiting density determined by the metabolic energy feed. In principle it would be possible to infect unlimited amount of water by these pseudo-molecules. When in bottle the population would be in dormant state but in the body of the patient it would wake up and form a population of molecular actors and stimulate the immune system to develop immune response to the real molecule.

    2. The potency of the homeopathic remedy is claimed to increase with the increased dilution factor. This would suggest that the continued dilution and shaking also increases the density of pseudo molecules, perhaps by feeding to the system metabolic energy or by some other mechanism.

    3. Also magnetic bodies must replicate in cell replication and their role as intentional agents controlling bio-matter requires that this replication serves as a template for biochemical replication. On can indeed interpret the images about cell replication in terms of replication of dipole type magnetic field. This process is very simple and could have preceded biological replication. The question is therefore whether water is actually a living system in presence of a proper metabolic energy feed. Also the water's ability near critical point for freezing to form nice patterns correlating with sound stimuli might be due to the presence of the molecular actors.

    4. This picture fits nicely with the vision that evolution of water in this kind of life form might have happened separately and that pre-biotic chemical life forms have formed symbiosis with living water. In the model of DNA as topological quantum computer the asymptotic self organization patterns of water flow in the vicinity of lipid layers indeed define quantum computer programs by inducing the braiding of the magnetic flux tubes connecting DNA nucleotides to lipids so that this symbiosis would have brought in new kind of information processing tool.

  5. The magnetic body of the molecule could mimic the vibrational and rotational spectra using harmonics of cyclotron frequencies. Cyclotron transitions could produce dark photons with large Planck constant, whose ordinary counterparts resulting in de-coherence would have large energies due to the large value of hbar and could thus induce vibrational and rotational transitions. This would provide a mechanism by which molecular magnetic body could control the molecule. Note that also the antigenes possibly dropped to the larger space-time sheets could produce the effect on basofils. The transformation of large Planck constant photons to ordinary ones would reduce the frequency of photon by the factor hbar0/hbar: this kind of reduction represents basic finding about water memory. The so scaled scaling law states that favored scaling factor corresponds to hbar/hbar0∼ 2× 1010.

  6. There is a considerable experimental support for the Benveniste's discovery that bio-molecules in water environment are represented by frequency patterns, and several laboratories are replicating the experiments of Benveniste as I learned from the lecture of Yolene Thomas in the 7:th European SSE Meeting held in Röros . The scale of the frequencies involved is around 10 kHz and as such does not correspond to any natural molecular frequencies. Cyclotron frequencies associated with electrons or dark ions accompanying these macromolecules would be a natural identification if one accepts the notion of molecular magnetic body. For ions the magnetic fields involved would have a magnitude of order .03 Tesla if 10 kHz corresponds to scaled up alpha band. Also Josephson frequencies would be involved if one believes that EEG has fractally scaled up variants in molecular length scales.

2. Why Benveniste's experiments could not be replicated?

Consider now the argument explaining the failure to replicate the experiments of Benveniste.

  1. The magnetic bodies of water molecules need metabolic energy for communications with their "biological body" using the fractally scaled analog of EEG. There is no obvious source for this energy in water. The model for protein folding and DNA as topological quantum computer assumes that magnetic flux tubes connecting subject person and target of directed attention serve as correlates for directed attention at the molecular level . This should be true also in macroscopic scales so that the experimentalist and the bottle containing the treated water should be connected by magnetic flux tubes. If experimenter has directed his attention to the bottle of water, the resulting magnetic flux tubes could allow a transfer of metabolic energy as a radiation along massless extremals parallel to the flux tubes and defining TGD counterparts of Alfwen waves. Experimenter's strong motivation to replicate experiments would help to realize the transfer of the metabolic energy. Experimenters not knowing, which bottles were treated did not have these flux tube bridges to the bottles, and were not able to provide the needed metabolic energy, and the magnetic bodies of antigenes failed to generate the cyclotron radiation making them visible to the basofil.

  2. If this interpretation is correct, then Benveniste's experiment would demonstrate besides water memory also psychokinesis and direct action of desires of experimenters on physics at microscopic level. Furthermore, the mere fact that we know something about some object or direct attention to it would mean a concrete interaction of our magnetic body with the object.

For details see the chapter Homeopathy in Many-Sheeted Space-time of "Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms".

Sunday, August 10, 2008

TGD prediction for Higgs mass is consistent with the most recent bounds 115-135 GeV

In previous posting I already made some passing comments concerning the newest data about Higgs mass. Because of the importance of this topic for TGD and all theories claiming to be able to predict the value of Higgs mass, a separate posting is in order.

Let us first sum up the new information about Higgs mass that emerged in the beginning of August 2008.
  1. A press release from Tevatron excluded the possibility that the mass is in a narrow interval around 170 GeV, roughly the average of the above mentioned mass values. Ironically, this mass value corresponds exactly to the Higgs mass predicted by the non-commutative variant of standard model of Alain Connes (Alain Connes has already commented the result).
  2. The second piece of information discussed in detail in Tommaso Dorigo's blog gives much stronger limits on Higgs mass. The first plot discussed in Tommaso's blog is obtained by combining enormous amount of information except that coming from LEPII and Tevatron and at 1 sigma limit bounds Higgs mass to the interval 57-100 GeV with favored value around 80 GeV. At 2 sigma the interval is 39-156 GeV. If one includes also the information from LEPII and Tevatron the mass range 115-135 GeV.

Consider now these results in TGD framework.
  1. The basic prediction of p-adic mass calculations is that elementary particles can appear in several mass scales differing by a power of 21/2. Quarks do so in TGD based model for hadron masses. This explains also why neutrinos seem to appear in several mass scales. Also Higgs could appear in two mass scales as the experiments giving two values of mass differing by a factor of 8 suggest: this point I have discussed earlier in my blog. A convenient manner to parametrize the TGD prediction is as

    m= 2(k-94)/2×129 GeV.

  2. TGD would predict mass 129 GeV for k=94 which is near the upper end of the allowed interval 115-135 GeV obtained by combining all data. If these limits are taken absolutely seriously, one can say that TGD is able to predict correctly also Higgs mass. Recalling that the prediction is exponentially sensitive to the value of the integer k, this could be regarded as as the final triumph of TGD.
  3. The reported results are consistent with the proposal that Higgs appears with at least two different mass values. All these mass values and even others could be there depending on experimental conditions. k=96 would predicts mass 91 GeV which is near the upper bound of the 1 sigma range 57-100 GeV with LEPII and Tevatron data excluded. k=97 would predict mass 45.5 GeV belonging to the lower boundary of the 2 sigma range. In particular, the mass value 182 GeV, not too far from 160 GeV- the mass of the could-this-be-Higgs! about which there was a lot of discussion for some time ago in Tommaso Dorigo's blog (see for instance this) is possible.

For details about p-adic mass calculations see the first chapters of the book p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Hierarchy of Planck constants. The predictions for elementary particle masses including Higgs mass can be found at p-Adic particle Massivation: Elementary Particle Masses.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Low energy physics need not be dirty and ugly

I have not had much time for blogging since I have had very difficult life situation after the funding which lasted for half a year ceased. It was a wonderful time. Now I must try to find some job and must leave TGD for some time. Beware of billionaires interested in quarter science (even worse idea than quarter economy);-)!

Despite my life situation and working for a long time near the burnout limit, I have been following blog discussions and the lively Higgs debate in Tommaso Dorigo's blog inspired me to write some lines.

I think very highly of Lubos Motl as a theoretical physicist. He has a lot of realism and realizes that theoretical physics at the top level is very very abstract thinking. What however astonishes are some of his dogmatic beliefs. The first belief you can guess. Second dogmatic belief is the belief that coupling constant evolution implies that the low energy physics must be something chaotic and unpredictable. Why so? Could it be that all this stuff looks ugly because we do not understand it? Could there might missing something important from our conceptualization?

The generalization of real physics to a fusion of real and various p-adic physics identifies this missing something and indeed leads to beautiful formulas at low energies. The basic vision is that p-adic physics at short distances corresponds to real physics at very long distances: the mere continuity and smoothness in p-adic sense give extremely powerful constraints on real physics at long scales. There are also powerful number theoretic existence conditions involved: consider only the generalization of Boltzman weight to integer power of p quantizing p-adic temperatures to T=1/n appearing in mass calculations relying on p-adic thermodynamics for mass squared represented as scaling generator L0.

Therefore the two (or actually very many) notions of nearness (p-adic for various primes and real) change the situation completely by allowing to approach coupling constant evolution from two directions. Low energy physics ceases to be the dust bin containing the dirty things. Simple universal formulas based on p-adic fractality emerge. For instance, the discretization of coupling constant evolution to half octaves in length scale and octaves in time scale brings in a hierarchy of mass scales coming as half octaves and p-adic primes near powers of 2 are strongly favored. Masses are precisely predictable, etc... The most important applications are in biology and one of the basic predictions is direct connection with biology and elementary particle physics via assignment of .1 second time scale to electron in zero energy ontology: alpha rhythm defines indeed a fundamental time scale in biology.

What is so beautiful that p-adic space-time sheets whose most point are at spatial and temporal infinity in real sense make their presence directly visible via mass formulas. The notion of infinity ceases to be something for mystics only and receives a strict physical meaning.

One particular implication related also to the problem of Higgs mass is that elementary particles can appear in several mass scales differing by a power of 21/2. Quarks do so in TGD based model for hadron masses. This explains also why neutrinos seem to appear in several mass scales. Also Higgs could appear in two mass scales as experiments giving two values of mass differing by a factor of 8 suggest: this I have discussed somewhere in my blog already earlier. The average of these masses would have been not too far from 170 GeV predicted by the non-commutative variant of standard model of Alain Connes and is now excluded. The discussion in Tommaso's blog was discussed by the recently reported bounds 115-135 GeV for Higgs mass. Recall that the data discussed in earlier posting suggested mass values which were around 31 GeV and 420 GeV with quite wide error bras (really!).

In TGD framework the new bounds would correspond to those for a heavier version of Higgs: the evidence for a much lower mass from other experiments must be still there. p-Adic length scale hypothesis would predict mass 129 GeV for k=94 which is near the upper end of the allowed interval 115-135 GeV. k=91 gives 45.5 GeV which could correspond to a lighter variant of Higgs. k=91 would give mass 363 GeV. All these mass values and even others could be there depending on experimental conditions. Perhaps it is time to start thinking about the basics again instead of just taking averages or neglecting half of the data!