Thursday, December 08, 2011


During last week I have been listening some very inspiring Harward lectures relating to QCD, jets, gauge-gravity correspondence, and quark gluon plasma. Matthew Schwartz gave a talk titled The Emergence of Jets at the Large Hadron Collider. Dam Thanh Son's talk had the title Viscosity, Quark Gluon Plasma, and String Theory. Factorization theorems of jet QCD discussed in very clear manner by Ian Stewart in this talk titled Mastering Jets: New Windows into Strong Interaction and Beyond.

These lecture several blog postings and also inspired the idea about a systematical comparison of QCD and TGD. This kind of comparisons are always very useful -at lest to myself - since they make it easier to see why the cherished beliefs- now the belief that QCD is the theory of strong interactions - might be wrong.

There are several crucial differences between QCD and TGD.

  1. The notion of color is different in these two theories. One prediction is the possibility of lepto-hadron physics involving colored excitations of leptons.

  2. In QCD AdS/CFT duality is hoped to allow the description of strong interactions in long scales where perturbative QCD fails. The TGD version of gauge-gravity duality is realized at space-time level and is much stronger: string-parton duality is manifest at the level of generalized Feynman diagrams.

  3. TGD form of gauge-gravity duality suggests a stronger duality: p-adic-real duality. This duality allows to sum the perturbation theories in strong coupling regime by summing the p-adic perturbation series and mapping it to real one by canonical correspondence between p-adics and reals. This duality suggests that factorization "theorems" have a rigorous basis basis due to the fact that quantum superposition of amplitudes would be possible inside regions characterized by given p-adic prime. p-Adic length scale hypothesis suggests that p-adically scaled up variants of quarks are important for the understanding of the masses of low lying hadrons. Also scaled up versions of hadron physics are important and both Tevatron and LHC have found several indications for M89 hadron physics.

  4. Magnetic flux tubes are the key entities in TGD Universe. In hadron physics color magnetic flux tubes carrying Kähler magnetic monopole fluxes would be responsible for the non-perturbative aspects of QCD. Reconnection process for the flux tubes (or for the corresponding strings) would be responsible for the formation of jets and their hadronization. Jets could be seen as structures connected by magnetic flux tubes to form a connected structure and therefore as hadron like objects. Ideal QCD plasma would be single hadron like objects. In QCD framework quark-gluon plasma would be more naturally gas of partons.

  5. Super-symmetry in TGD framework differs from the standard SUSY and the difficult-to-understand X and Y bosons believed to consist of charmed quark pair force to consider the possibility that they are actually smesons rather than mesons. This leads to a vision in which squarks have the same p-adic length scale as quarks but that the strong mixing between smesons and mesons makes second mass squared eigenstate tachyonic and thus unphysical. This together with the fact that shadronization is a fast process as compared to electroweak decays of squarks weak bosons and missing energy would explain the failure to observer SUSY at LHC.

I do not bother to type more and encourage the reader to find the details in the article QCD and TGD or the chapter New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I of "p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Dark Matter Hierarchy".

1 comment:

Orwin said...

Matti, Dirac once raved off about Huygens' Principle and steered p-adics towards tachyons. In re de Beaugard and his Dirac telegraph, I can now see a generic phase coupling/decoupling dynamic in sqrt(mass)!?!