Monday, April 16, 2012

Has Fermi detected dark matter?

Resonaances reports about a possible dark matter signal at Fermi satellite (see this). Also Lubos has a posting about the finding and mentions that the signficance is 3.3 sigma.

The proposed dark matter interpretation for the signal would be pair of monochromatic photons with second one detected at Earth. The interpretation would be that dark matter particles with mass m nearly at rest in galactic center annihilate to a pair of photons so that one obtains a pair of photons with energy equal to the cm energy which is in a good approximation the sum E= 2× m for the masses of the particles. The mass value would be around m=130 GeV for if the final state involves only 2 photons.

In TGD framework I would consider as a first guess a pion like state decaying to two photons with standard coupling given by the coupling to the "instanton density" E• B of electromagnetic field. The mass of this particle would be 260 GeV, in reasonable approximation 2 times the mass m=125 GeV of the Higgs candidate.

  1. Similar coupling was assumed to explain also the CDF anomaly (see this). The anomaly would have been produced by tau-pions which are pionlike states formed by pairs of colored excitations of tau and its antiparticle (or possibly their super-partners). What was remarkable that the mass had three values coming as powers of two: M=2k× 2m(τ), k=0,1,2. The interpretation in terms of p-adic length scale hypothesis would be obvious: also the octaves of the basic state are there. The constraint from intermediate gauge boson decay widths requires that these states are dark in TGD sense and therefore correspond to a non-standard value of Planck constant coming as an integer multiple of the standard value.

  2. Also the explanation of the findings of Pamela requires octaves of tau-pion produced in Earth's atmosphere (see this).

  3. Even ordinary pion should have 2-adic octaves. But doesn't this kill the hypothesis? We "know" that pion does not have any octaves! Maybe not, there is recent evidence for satellites of ordinary pion with energy scale of 40 MeV interpreted in terms of IR Regge trajectories assignable to the color magnetic flux tubes assignable to pion (see this). There has been several wrong alarms about Higgs: at 115 GeV, 125 GeV, 145 GeV at least. Could it be that there there is something real behind these wrong alarms: the scale for IR Regge trajectories would be about 20 GeV now!

So: could the dark matter candidates with mass around 260 GeV correspond to the first octave of M89 pion with mass around 125 GeV, the particle that colleagues want to call Higgs boson although its decay signatures suggest something different?
  1. In this case it does not seem necessary to assume that the Planck constant has non-standard value although this is possible.

  2. This particle should be produced in M89 strong interactions in the galactic center. This would require the presence of matter consisting of M89 nucleons emitting these pions in strong interactions. Galactic center is very exotic place and believed to contain even super-massive black hole. Could this environment accommodate also a scaled up copy of hadron physics? Presumably this would require very high temperatures with thermal energy of order .5 TeV correspond to the mass of M89 proton to make possible the presence of M89 matter. Or could M89 pion be produced in ultrastrong non-orthogonal electric and magnetic fields in the galactic center by the coupling to the instanton density. The needed field strengths would be extremely high. I have indeed proposed long time ago an explanation of very high energy cosmic rays in terms of the decay products of scaled up hadron physics (see "Cosmic Rays and Mersenne primes" of this).
One can of course imagine that the photon pair is produced in the annilation of M89 pions with opposite charges via standard electromagnetic coupling. Also the annihilation of M89 spions consisting of squark pair can be considered in TGD framework where squarks could have same mass scale as quarks. In this case mass would be near 125 GeV identified as mass of neutral M89 pion. By scaling up the mass difference 139.570-134.976 MeV of the ordinary charged and neutral pion by the ratio of the pion M89 and M107 pion masses equal to 125/140 × 103 one obtains that the charged M89 pion should have mass equal to 129.6 MeV to be compared with the 130 GeV mass suggested by experimental evidence.

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