Thursday, August 09, 2012

Two new chapters

I realized that the chapter about TGD inspired new physics had grown to gigantic proportions, and decided to split it in three parts by separating the considerations related to Higgs and SUSY to their own chapters. Below are the abstracts of the new chapters. First the abstract about the evolution of the ideas related to Higgs.

Whether Higgs like particle is needed or not in TGD framework and whether TGD predicts such a particle has been one of the longstanding issues of TGD and my views have fluctuated during years between various views. What is clear that fermion massivation is due to p-adic thermodynamics in TGD framework but the group theoretic character of gauge boson massivation suggests that Higgs like particle giving masses only for weak bosons is needed. In this chapter the evolution of ideas is described and in various sections often mutually conflicting arguments are represented. The fate of the most recent identification of Higgs as "Euclidian pion" of M89 hadron physics providing masses for gauge bosons depends on the data provided by LHC during next years.

For details see the new chapter Higgs or something else?.

Here is the abstract of the new chapter about the evolution of the ideas related to SUSY.

The view about space-time supersymmetry differs from the standard view in many respects. First of all, the super symmetries are not associated with Majorana spinors. Super generators correspond to the fermionic oscillator operators assignable to leptonic and quark-like induced spinors and there is in principle infinite number of them so that formally one would have N=∞ SUSY.

Quite recent developments in the understanding of the modified Dirac equation (I am writing this 2012) have led to a considerable understanding of the special role of right-handed neutrino. Whereas all other fermions are localized to 2-D string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces by the condition that electromagnetic charge defined in spinorial sense is conserved, right-handed neutrino is delocalized at entire space-time surface and there is unbroken 4-dimensional counterpart of 2-D super-conformal symmetry associated with it. The rapid experimental progress at LHC during 2011-2012 has more or less eliminated standard SUSY and this gives a powerful constraint in the attempts to understand what TGD SUSY could be.

As conjectured earlier, TGD indeed has also 2-D badly broken SUSY generated by all fermion modes of the modified Dirac equation and labelled by conformal weight. This SUSY could be also interpreted super-conformal symmetry. This SUSY could be also interpreted super-conformal symmetry. It also gives rise to extension of 2-D super-conformal symmetry to 4-D super-conformal symmetry much larger than the ordinary super-conformal symmetry: this space-time SUSY applies at the level of space-time surfaces but what about TGD counterpart of conventional space-time SUSY at the level of M4 and imbedding space? Could covariantly constant right-handed neutrino generate it?

What remains to be understood is the role of the covariantly constant right-handed neutrino spinor carrying no momentum: it behaves like Majorana spinor and its helicity is not constrained by Dirac equation. It is not clear whether the states defined by 2-D parton and by parton plus 4-D delocalized right-handed neutrino can be distinguished experimentally if right-handed neutrino does not carry four-momentum. This would be a trivial explanation for the failure to find evidence for SUSY at LHC.

In fact, this argument can be developed to a more precise one: both fermions and sfermions exists and form representations of SUSY with second state having zero norm. Therefore fermion and sfermion candidates exist but belong to different representations of SUSY, and right-handed neutrinos remain invisible in the dynamics and the characteristic spin and momentum dependent vertex factors distinguishing between particle and sparticle are absent. The loss of space-time SUSY is not a catastrophe since it is not needed to stabilize Higgs in TGD framework since the variant of Higgs mechanism based on Higgs like pseudo-scalar is based Higgs potential containing no tachyonic Higgs mass term and is free of the problems related to radiative instability of the tachyonic Higgs mass term.

In this chapter I discuss the evolution of the vision about SUSY in TGD framework. There is no attempt to represent a final outcome in a concise form because I do not have such a final view yet. I represent the arguments developed during years in roughly chronological order so that reader can see how the development has taken place. The arguments are not necessarily internally consistent and can be inaccurate.

For details see the chapter SUSY in TGD Universe.

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