Thursday, March 17, 2016

Evidence for the eta meson of M89 hadron physics

Lubos has had two postings about evidence for bumps at LHC. See the recent post about Moriond meeting and and earlier post about ATLAS gluino workshop.

The post about Moriond meeting mentions a rumor spread by Jester telling about 5 sigma evidence for 750 GeV resonance from ATLAS. ATLAS refuses to comment. Remember that 750 GeV bump would correspond to one of the mesons of M89 hadron physics, whose masses are obtained by scaling those of ordinary hadron physics by factor 512 (see the earlier posting). There are many of them in the range 600-900 GeV with precisely predicted masses and Lubos indeed mentions that this is the region still allowing possibility for stop. I can only regret if the decays of M89 mesons could be resposible for wrong hopes about standard SUSY;-). I can estimate their masses and do some other simple things and even I confess that TGD predicted them but I am not responsible for their existence!;-)

In Moriond meeting the existence of 750 GeV resonance - now christened as Chernette - was questioned. One might expect that it decays also via Zγ channel. It doesn't. Could meson property explain this? Ordinary neutral mesons decay to gamma pairs and these decays are exceptional resulting axial anomaly term (instanton term for electric field coupled to pseudoscalar meson). This should be the case also for their scaled up M89 variants. The decay rate should be exceptionally high since the instanton term is proportional to mass scale squared and decay rate to mass scale to fourth. This could make these decays of Chernette much faster than other decays and at the same time serve as a demonstration that new hadron physics predicted by TGD (not me) is to be blamed for the anomaly.

Lubos mentions also indications for 285 GeV bump decaying to gamma pair. The mass of the eta meson or ordinary hadron physics is .547 GeV and the scaling of eta mass by factor 512 gives 280.5 GeV : the error is less than 2 per cent. I have already earlier demonstrated (see the earlier posting) that the mesons of ordinary hadron physics have bumps at the scaled up masses. After having worked with the idea about two decades, I dare to make bet that M89 is there.

The production of M89 protons with mass about 4.8 TeV would be a really dramatic verification of M89 hadron physics. If the M89 quarks are ordinary current quarks and the mass of M89 proton is due to its magnetic body characterized by M89 instead of M107, M89 proton could be created as the magnetic body of ordinary proton makes p-adic phase transition and contracts by a scale factor 1/512. A more plausible option it that Planck constant increases by 512 so that the size does not change but the resulting proton (like also other M89 hadrons) would be dark.

M89 proton should decay to ordinary proton by transforming the energy of its magnetic body to particles: the same mechanism would produce ordinary matter in TGD variant of inflaton decay. Does the dark proton transform to ordinary M89 proton first and then deay to ordinary proton plus meson or does it decay first to M89 hadrons, which eventually decay to ordinary hadrons? What is the life-time of the dark proton: is it so long that it leaves the reactor volume so that M89 dark proton would make itself visible as missing energy? I cannot answer these questions. In any case, this kind of phase transition is possible when the cm energy of proton in beam exceeds 4.8 TeV. The energy of 6.5 TeV per beam was reached last May so that the effect might have been observed if it is there.

There is evidence also for other pieces of new physics predicted by TGD. First evidence for MG,79 hadron physics which should be also there with mass scale 214 times that of ordinary hadron physics and for the Higgs of the second generation weak bosons at the same mass scale and having mass 4 TeV. There is evidence also for the Z boson of the second generation weak physics inducing the breaking of lepton universality (see this). I know that my colleagues are not so stupid as they pretend to be, and the breakthrough of TGD is unavoidable and doomed to occur within few years.

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.

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