Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dark matter is absorbed by blackhole slower than ordinary matter

Few days ago I encountered a link to a highly interesting popular article telling about the claim of astronomers that blackholes do not absorb dark matter as fast as they should. The claim is based on a model for dark matter: if the absorption rate were what one would expect by identifying dark matter as some exotic particle, the rate would be quite too fast and the Universe would look very different.

How could this relate to the vision that dark matter is ordinary matter in large Planck constant phase with heff=n× h= hgr= GMm/v0 generated at quantum criticality? Gravitational Planck constant hgr was originally introduced by Nottale. In this formula M is some mass, say that of black hole or astrophysical object, m is much smaller mass, say that of elementary particle, and v0 is velocity parameter, which is assumed to be in constant ratio to the spinning velocity of M in the model for quantum biology explaining biophotons as decay products of dark cyclotron photons.

Could the large value of Planck constant force dark matter be delocalized in much longer scale than blackhole size and in this manner imply that the absorption of dark matter by blackhole is not a sensible notion unless dark matter is transformed to ordinary matter? Could it be that the transformation does not occur at all or occurs very slowly and is therefore the slow bottle neck step in the process leading to the absorption to the interior of the blackhole? This could be the case! The dark Compton length would be Λgr= hgr/m= GM/v0 = rS/2v0, and for v0/c <<1 this would give dark Compton wavelength considerable larger than the radius rS=2GM of blackhole. Note that dark Compton length would not depend on m in accordance with Equivalence Principle and natural if one accepts gravitational quantum coherence is astrophysical scales. The observation would thus suggest that dark matter around blackhole is stable against phase transition to ordinary matter or the transition takes place very slowly. This in turn would reflect Negentropy Maximization Principle favoring the generation of entanglement negentropy assignable to dark matter.

For details see the chapter Quantum Astrophysics of "Physics in Many-sheeted Space-time.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

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