Saturday, May 27, 2017

Could categories, tensor networks, and Yangians provide the tools for handling the complexity of TGD?

TGD Universe is extremely simple but the presence of various hierarchies make it to look extremely complex globally.
Category theory and quantum groups, in particular Yangian or its TGD generalization are most promising tools to handle this complexity. The arguments developed in the sequel suggest the following overall view.

  1. Positive and negative energy parts of zero energy states can be regarded as tensor networks identifiable as categories.
    The new element is that one does not have only particles (objects) replaced with partonic 2-surfaces but also strings connecting them (morphisms). Morphisms and functors provide a completely new element not present in standard model. For instance, S-matrix would be a functor between categories. Various hierarchies of of TGD would in turn translate to hierarchies of categories.

  2. TGD view about generalized Feynman diagrams relies on two general ideas. First, the twistor lift of TGD replaces space-time surfaces with their twistor-spaces getting their twistor structure as induced twistor structure from the product of twistor spaces of M4 and CP2. Secondly, topological scattering diagrams are analogous to computations and can be reduced to tree diagrams with braiding. This picture fits very nicely with the picture suggested by fusion categories. At fermionic level the basic interaction is 2+2 scattering of fermions occurring at the vertices identifiable as partonic 2-surface and re-distributes the fermion lines between partonic 2-surfaces. This interaction is highly analogous to what happens in braiding interaction but vertices expressed in terms of twistors depend on momenta of fermions.

  3. Braiding transformations take place inside the light-like orbits of partonic 2-surfaces defining boundaries of space-time regions with Minkowskian and Euclidian signature of induced metric respectively permuting two braid strands. R-matrix satisfying Yang-Baxter equation characterizes this operation algebraically.

  4. Reconnections of fermionic strings connecting partonic 2-surfaces are possible and suggest interpretation in terms of 2-braiding generalizing ordinary braiding: string world sheets get knotted in 4-D space-time forming 2-knots and strings form 1-knots in 3-D space. Reconnection induces an exchange of braid strands defined by the boundaries of the string world sheet and therefore exchange of fermion lines defining boundaries of string world sheets. A generalization of quantum algebras to include also algebraic representation for reconnection is needed. Also reconnection might reduce to a braiding type operation.

Yangians look especially natural quantum algebras from TGD point of view. They are bi-algebras with co-product Δ. This makes the algebra multi-local raising hopes about the understanding of bound states. Δ-iterates of single particle system would give many-particle systems with non-trivial interactions reducing to kinematics.

One should assign Yangian to various Kac-Moody algebras (SKMAs) involved and even with super-conformal algebra (SSA), which however reduces effectively to SKMA for finite-dimensional Lie group if the proposed gauge conditions meaning vanishing of Noether charges for some sub-algebra H of SSA isomorphic to it and for its commutator [SSA,H] with the entire SSA. Strong form of holography (SH) implying almost 2-dimensionality motivates these gauge conditions. Each SKMA would define a direct summand with its own parameter defining coupling constant for the interaction in question.

See the new chapter Could categories, tensor networks, and Yangians provide the tools for handling the complexity of TGD? or the article with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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