Saturday, June 15, 2019

SUSY in TGD Universe

What SUSY is in TGD framework is a longstanding question. In twistor Grassmannian approach to N=4 SYM twistors are replaced with supertwistors and the extreme elegance of the description of various helicity states using twistor space wave functions suggests that super-twistors are realizex at the level of M8 geometry. These supertwistors are realized at the level of momentum space.

In TGD framework M8-H duality allows to geometrize the notion of super-twistor in the sense that different components of super-field correspond to components of super-octonion each of which corresponds to a space-time surfaces satisfying minimal surface equations with string world sheets as singularities - this is geometric counterpart for masslessness.

The progress in understanding of M8-H duality throws also light to the problem whether SUSY is realized in TGD and what SUSY breaking does mean. It is now rather clear that sparticles are predicted and SUSY remains exact but that p-adic thermodynamics causes thermal massivation: unlike Higgs mechanism, this massivation mechanism is universal and has nothing to do with dynamics. This is due to the fact that zero energy states are superpositions of states with different masses. The selection of p-adic prime characterizing the sparticle causes the mass splitting between members of super-multiplets although the mass formula is same for all of them. Super-octonion components of polynomials have different orders so that also the extension of rational assignable to them is different and therefore also the ramified primes so that p-adic prime as one them can be different for the members of SUSY multiplet and mass splitting is obtained.

The question how to realize super-field formalism at the level of H=M4× CP2 led to a dramatic progress in the identification of elementary particles and SUSY dynamics. The most surprising outcome was the possibility to interpret leptons and corresponding neutrinos as local 3-quark composites with quantum numbers of anti-proton and anti-neutron. Leptons belong to the same super-multiplet as quarks and are antiparticles of neutron and proton as far quantum numbers are consided. One implication is the understanding of matter-antimatter asymmetry. Also bosons can be interpreted as local composites of quark and anti-quark.

Hadrons and hadronic gluons would still correspond to the analog of monopole phase in QFTs. Homology charge would appear as space-time correlate for color at space-time level and explain color confinement. Also color octet variants of weak bosons, Higgs, and Higgs like particle and the predicted new pseudo-scalar are predicted. They could explain the successes of conserved vector current hypothesis (CVC) and partially conserved axial current hypothesis (PCAC).

See the article SUSY in TGD Universe.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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