Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Three unexpected findings in hadron and nuclear physics from TGD point of view

During the same week I learned about 3 unexpected findings related to hadron- and nuclear physics. This inspired 3 articles and a chapter to one of the books about TGD.

The asymmetry of antimatter in proton

The recent experiments of Dove et al (see this and this) confirm that the antiquark sea is asymmmetric in the sense that the ratio anti-d/anti-u is larger than unity. A model assuming that proton is part of time in a state consisting of neutron and virtual pion seems to fit at qualitative level into the picture.

The TGD based model relies on the already existing picture developed by taking seriously the so called X boson as 17.5 MeV particle and the empirical evidence for scaled down variants of pion predicted by TGD. Virtual mesons are replaced with real on mass shell mesons but with p-adically scaled down mass, and low energy strong interactions at the hadronic and nuclear level are described topologically in terms of reconnections of flux tubes.

See the article a The asymmetry of antimatter in proton from TGD point of view.

The strange decays of heavy nuclei

That final state nuclei from the fission of heavy nuclei possess a rather high spin has been known since the discovery of nuclear fission 80 years ago but has remained poorly understood. The recent surprising findings by Wilson et al (see this) was that the final state angular momenta for the final state nuclei are uncorrelated and must therefore emerge after the decays.

The TGD proposal is that the generation of angular momentum is a kind of self-organization process. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) and heff hierarchy indeed predicts self-organization in all scales. Self-organization involves energy feed needed to increase heff/h0= n serving as a measure for algebraic complexity and as a kind of universal IQ in the number theoretical vision about cognition based on adelic physics.

The final state nuclei have angular momenta 6-7 hbar. This suggests that self-organization increases the values of heff to nh, n∈ {6,7}. Quantization of angular momentum with new unit of spin would force the generation of large spins. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) provides a new element to the description of self-organization and a model for quantum tunnelling phenomenon.

See the article The decays of heavy nuclei as support for nuclear string model .

The strange findings of Eric Reiner challenging basic quantum measurement theory

Eric Reiter (see this) has studied the behavior of gamma-rays emitted by heavy nuclei going through a beam splitter splitting the photon beam to two beams. Quantum theory predicts that only one detector fires. Therefore the pulses in the two detectors occur at different times. This has been verified for photons of visible light. The experiment studied the same situation for gamma-rays and the surprise was that one observes mostly half pulses in both detectors and in some cases also full pulses. Reiner has made analogous experiments also with alpha particles with the same conclusion. Also these findings pose a challenge for TGD.

See the article TGD based intepretations for the strange findings of Eric Reiner.

The TGD view about these 3 findings is described in the article Three unexpected findings in hadron and nuclear physics from TGD point of view or in the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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