Friday, August 13, 2021

Empirical support for the Expanding Earth Model and TGD view about classical gauge fields

I learned about some new-to-me empirical facts providing further support for the Expanding Earth Model (EEM). The first strange finding is the large fluctuations of oxygen levels during the Cambrian Explosion. The general form of EEM applies to all astrophysical objects and could explain the strange lack of craters and volcanic activity in Venus suggesting a global resurfacing for 750 million years ago.

Contrary to expectations, the magnetic field of Venus vanishes. The TGD based view about gauge fields differs from the standard view in that it allows the notion of monopole flux. The monopole part field would be analogous to the external magnetic field H inducing magnetization M as the non-monopole part of B. Venus would be a perfect diamagnet and even a superconductor whereas Earth would be a paramagnet. In the TGD framework, superconductivity driven by the thermal energy feed from the interior of Venus would be possible. The interior of Venus could be a living system but in a very different sense than Earth.

See the article Empirical support for the Expanding Earth Model and TGD view about classical gauge fields.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD. 

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