Thursday, March 17, 2022

Molecular Signalling from the TGD Point of View

The findings of Elowitz et al lead to a formal model suggesting that ligands of type BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) have interactions. The interactions would be non-local so that it is difficult to imagine that they could have chemical origin. The TGD based model for these long range interactions is based on dark photon resonance. For the simplest, receptors would correspond to fixed bio-harmonies. In a single ligand system the ligand would have the bio-harmony of its preferred receptor. The interaction between ligand magnetic bodies would be re-tuning and could replace the preferred bio-harmonies assignable to the participating ligands with distributions of bio-harmonies. Therefore the ligands of the multi-ligand system would couple by bio-resonance also to other than preferred receptors.

The model stimulates questions, which lead to a rather detailed model for the re-tuning and tuning processes at the level of codons and amino acids. The model suggests that the tuning to a given bioharmony for the dark counterparts of basic biomolecules and its stabilization involves epigenetic control based on the methylation of some special DNA and RNA nucleotides and amino-acids acting as analogs of tuning forks.

The proposal that bioharmonies are molecular correlates for emotions suggests that this process involves minimal number of methylations, which define the seed of phase transition to a bioharmony in the scale of the basic unit of genome (such as gene), mRNA sub-unit (splicing) and protein sub-unit.

See the article Molecular Signalling from the TGD Point of View or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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