Monday, April 04, 2022

How animals without brain can behave as if they had brain?

The TGD based view about cell and neuronal membrane, nerve pulse and EEG assumes pre-neural level which is quantal. In this view, cell membranes act as Josephson junctions and communicate sensory input to the magnetic body (MB) of the system as dark Josephson radiation. MB in turn controls the cell by dark cyclotron radiation produced as pulses as MB receives frequency modulated Josephson radiation resonantly.

The assumption is that gravitational MB corresponds to gravitational Planck constant and that dark particles are at gravitational Bohr orbits assignable to MB. This correctly predicts metabolic energy quantum as the energy liberated as a dark proton drops from the orbit to an orbit with radius equal to Earth radius. For electron Cooper pairs this predicts electronic metabolic energy quantum which corresponds to the so-called miniature potential. Electronic metabolism would solve the problem due the lack of ATP machinery inside cilium or near it.

Cilium can be interpreted as a predecessor of the axonal membrane and the pre-nerve pulses are predicted to be equal to miniature potentials and the reported 'spikes' as analogs of nerve pulses are assigned with de-adhesion of cilium from its neighbor or the surfaces at which the animal moves. The 'spikes' correspond to at least 100 miniature potentials just as real spikes do.

Cilium is modeled as a 2-D quantum gravitational pendulum with gravitational Planck constant controlled by MB using electronic metabolic energy quanta and the resulting model for the motion is in many respects similar to the model of nerve pulse.

See the article How animals without brain can behave as if they had brain?.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

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