Monday, May 23, 2022

Dark meiosis and the mystery of why different cells express the chromosomes of father and mother in different manner

Condensed matter physicists are discovering that the world of electrons at atomic level is govering by knotting and linking (this). This picture is just what TGD predicts but applies to all systems, not only electrons, and in all scales from hadron physics to cosmology. Besides particles there are magnetic flux tubes connecting them to a network. This is completely new from the perspective of quantum field theory based description.

Since 3-space is a surface in M4×CP2 is 3-D, flux tubes and string world sheets accompanying them are necessarily linked and knotted: this distinguishes TGD from string models. This implies braiding and makes possible topological quantum computation (TQC) like activities at fundamental level, in particular in living matter and especially at the DNA level.

Since spacetime is 4-D, string world sheets and flux tubes can reconnect. This is a new element to TQC like activity. Reconnection is a fundamental aspect of the TGD inspired quantum biology.

Meiosis serves as a good example demonstrating how powerful predictions this vision leads to. Meiosis as a recombination of DNAs would be induced by a reconnection of the magnetic flux tubes. The reconnecting flux tubes, which accompany mother' and father's chromosomes, which control the ordinary DNA strands, carry "dark" genes with codons realized as dark proton triplets. Darkness means large effective Planck constant h_eff and high "IQ" therefore ability to control ordinary biomatter.

This leads to a solution of the mystery of why the gene expression, which selects either the allele for mother and father, does this differently in different cells (see this). The explanation is that dark meiosis, which yields a pair of different dark gametes for dark DNA, occurs already in cell replication for daughter cells and differently in each cell replication. Ordinary meiosis occurs only later and dark gamete serves as a controller and template for it. Since the dark gametes select whether the allele of mother or father is selected by resonance mechanism, dark meiosis effectively creates new descendants at cell level as far as transcription and replication are considered. 50 replications would mean 250 ≈ 1015 descendants living in the same body and expressing themselves genetically!

Natural selection would therefore occur already at the cell level and only those dark gametes, for which the cells controlled by them survive and have produced ordinary gametes as their images, have a change to participate in sexual production, which is like the finals in Olympics.

Second implication is that the two gametes produced in dark meiosis in cell replication and going to different cells are related by father ↔ mother symmetry and since XX chromosome pair characterizes female and XY chromosome pair male, sister and brother which are mirror images of each other emerge. Therefore cells have a well-defined sex!

This raises questions. Could same cellular sex dominate in organelles and even organs so that also these could be said to have a well-defined sex? Could the battle between sexes start already at the cell level and possibly lead to extinction of the other sex? Do cells have sexual relationships like us and tend to pair? Could possible multi-cellular structures with a well-defined sex have this kind of relationships? What comes into mind are epithelial layers consisting of two cell layers and various binary structures in the body and brain.

See the article Mysteries related to gene expression and meiosis or the chapter ZEO, adelic physics, and genes.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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