The analysis of the findings of Jame Webb Telescope lead to the conclusion that some galaxies would have been surrounded by bubbles of ionized hydrogen with a radius of millions of light years (analogous with Fermi bubbles having a size scale of 50,000 light years?). They would have expanded and merged. But why only some galaxies?
TGD suggests a fractal network formed by gravitational flux tubes connecting astrophysical objects and carrying dark matter with a huge value of gravitational Planck constant ℏgr= GMm/β0, where β0=v0/c ≤1 is a velocity parameter and the large mass M an small mass m are connected by gravitational monopole flux tubes.
The large value of ℏgr makes possible gravitational quantum coherence possible in astrophysical scales. Dark photon radiation would have propagated along the flux tubes and transformed to ordinary photons in detection making the early Universe visible. Cosmos would be like a network of candles connected by electric wires in a Christmas tree (see this).
But why would the flux tubes be associated only with the galaxies having the ionized bubbles? Is this necessary? If these ionized bubbles w ere present, were they formed as analogs of Fermi bubbles in the collisions of very long cosmic strings?
Cosmic strings are 4-D surfaces X2× Y2 ⊂ H= M4 × CP
I have proposed that very astrophysical objects could have formed in explosions (mini Big Bangs) throwing out magnetic bubbles consisting of gravitational flux tubes. They would be involved with the thickenings of the cosmic strings and flux tubes. Also radial flux tubes mediating gravitational interaction would be present.
See the articles Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe: Part I, Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe: Part II and TGD view of the paradoxical findings of the James Webb telescope.
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.
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