Thursday, September 26, 2024

More precise views about  some aspects of the icosa tetrahedral realization of the genetic code

The article Progress in the understanding of the icosa tetrahedral realization of the genetic code provides an answer to the question how many icosahedrons, octahedrons and tetrahedrons meet at the vertex of ITT: the answer comes by studying the vertex figure of ITT: these numbers are 12, 30, and 20. The study of the vertex figure of ITT suggests that the ITT can be constructed as a "blow-up" of the icosahedral tessellation (IT) by replacing icosahedral vertices with tetrahedra and dodecahedral vertices by pentagons and adding between icosahedral tetrahedra and dodecahedra octahedra as analogs of edges. Icosahedral and dodecahedral bioharmonies correspond to 12-note resp. assignable to Western resp. Eastern music. One can ask whether octahedral 4-codons should also be allowed.

The picture provided by RID is consistent with the earlier notion of "super-icosahedron". The model of the genetic code generalizes: besides the icosahedral Hamilton cycles (HCs) and codons for the three icosahedral codes and the tetrahedral HC and corresponding codons, also a unique dodecahedral HC and associated 5-codons plus pentahedral HC and codons are in principle possible. The fundamental region deduced from RID corresponds to a sequence of 10 or 12 DNA codons as proposed already earlier on the basis "super-icosahedron model" (see this).

The model allows us to understand the symmetry breaking of genetic codons. In particular, tetrahedral codons correspond to 3 stop codons and the codon coding for trp. A given codon corresponds either to I/T or D/pentahedron. The fundamental region represents a sequence of 10 or 12 DNAs so that all codons of the Hamiltonian cycle are used and the HC corresponds to a section of DNA. Fundamental region represents both DNA strands.

See the article Progress in the understanding of the icosa tetrahedral realization of the genetic code or the chapter About honeycombs of hyperbolic 3-space and their relation to the genetic code.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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