Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Space-time surfaces as numbers: what could this mean from the point of view of metamathematics?

These comments were inspired by the links to Bruno Marchal's posts by Jayaram Bista (see this). The comments compare the world views behind two Platonisms, the Platonism based on integers or rationals and realized by the Turing machine as a Universal Computer and the quantum Platonism of TGD. Marchal also talks about Digital Mechanism and claims that it is not necessary to assume a fixed physical universe "out there". Marschal also speaks of mathematical theology and claims that quantum theory and even consciousness reduce to Digital Mechanism.

In the TGD Universe, the space-time surfaces form an algebra with respect to multiplication and that this algebra decomposes to a union of number fields means a dramatic revision of what computation means. The standard view of computation as a construction of arithmetic functions is replaced with a physical picture in which space-times as 4-surfaces have interpretation as almost deterministic computations. Space-time surfaces allow arithmetic operations and also the counterparts of functional composition and iteration are well-defined.

Replacement of the static universe with a Universe continuously recreating itself

It seems to me that the problems of computationalism emerge from a single ontological assumption: the "system", be it Universe in some sense or God, is fixed. In quantum TGD this is not the case. The Quantum Universe, which could be seen as a counterpart for God, is continually recreating itself and this means the unavoidable increase of algebraic complexity since the dimensions associated with extensions of rationals defining space-time regions unavoidably increase. This in turn implies evolution.

In zero energy ontology (ZEO) "small" state function reductions (SSFRs), whose sequence generalizes Zeno effect, which has no effect on physical state. SSFRs have and their sequence gives rise to conscious entities, selves. This makes possible memory: the outcome of SSFR has classical information about the initial state and also about the transition. Therefore the Universe remembers and learns consciously: one can talk about Akashic records.

This dynamical view of the Universe recreating itself and becoming more intelligent by learning about what it was before the previous SSFR is very different from the view of the Universe as a Turing machine or Universal Computer. These notions are static notions (Universe "out there") and computation is based on integers. In the TGD view one obtains an entire hierarchy of computationalisms based on the hierarchy of extensions of rationals. Even transcendental extension can be considered. TGD Universe as a counterpart of the Turing machine is also conscious and has free will.

A generalization of number

Also the notion of number generalizes from integers N to space-time surfaces. Space-time surfaces can be multiplied and summed and form an algebra. This algebra decomposes to a union of number fields with product,division, sum and subtraction. One can identify space-time surfaces forming analogs for hierarchies of algebraic integers, algebraic rationals, etc... So that the mathematics performed by Quantum Platonia is considerably more complex than counting by 5+5 fingers!

These structures are defined by the corresponding structures for function algebras and fields defined in terms of analytic functions of 8 generalized complex coordinates of H=M4×CP2. One of the coordinates is a hypercomplex coordinate with light-like coordinate curves.

  1. In TGD space-time surfaces are numbers. Their dynamics is almost deterministic (at singularities the determinism fails and this forces us to take space-time surfaces instead of 3-surfaces as basic objects). The space-time surface as an almost deterministic time evolution is analogous to a proof of a theorem. The assumptions correspond to the initial state 3-surface and the outcome of the theorem to the final 3-surface. Second interpretation is as analogs of deterministic computer programs. Space-time surface as a proof of a theorem is analogous to its own Gödel number as a generalized number.
  2. Cognition always requires a discretization and the space of space-time surfaces ("world of classical worlds", WCW) allows a hierarchy of discretizations. The Taylor coefficients of the two analytic functions defining space-time belong to some extension of rationals forming a hierarchy. Therefore a given space-time surface corresponds to a discrete set of integers/rationals in an extension so that also WCW is discretized. For polynomials and rational functions this set is discrete. This gives a hierarchy. At the level of the space-time surface an analogous discretization in terms of an extension of rationals takes place.
  3. Gödel number for a given theorem as almost deterministic time evolution of 3-surface would be parametrized by the Taylor coefficients in a given extension of rationals. Polynomials are simplest analytic functions and irreducible polynomials define polynomial primes having no decomposition to polynomials of a lower degree. They might be seen as counterparts of axioms.
  4. One can form analogs of integers as products of polynomials inducing products of space-time surfaces. The space-time surfaces are unions for the space-time surfaces defined by the factors but an important point is that they have a discrete set of intersection points. Fermionic n-point functions defining scattering amplitudes are defined in terms of these intersection points and give a quantum physical realization giving information of the quantum superpositions of space-time surfaces as quantum theorems.
Could space-time surfaces replaced as integers replace ordinary integers in computationalism?

It is interesting to play with the idea that space-time surfaces as numbers, in particular integers, could define counterparts of integers in ordinary computationalism and metamathematics.

What might be the counterpart for the possibility to represent theorems as integers deduced using logic and for the Gödel numbering for theorems by integers?

  1. In TGD space-time surfaces are numbers. Their dynamics is almost deterministic (at singularities the determinism fails and this forces us to take space-time surfaces instead of 3-surfaces as basic objects). The space-time surface as an almost deterministic time evolution is analogous to a proof of a theorem. The assumptions correspond to the initial state 3-surface and the outcome of the theorem to the final 3-surface. Second interpretation is as analogs of deterministic computer programs. Space-time surface as a proof of a theorem is analogous to its own Gödel number as a generalized number.
  2. Cognition always requires a discretization and the space of space-time surfaces ("world of classical worlds", WCW) allows a hierarchy of discretizations. The Taylor coefficients of the two analytic functions defining space-time belong to some extension of rationals forming a hierarchy. Therefore a given space-time surface corresponds to a discrete set of integers/rationals in an extension so that also WCW is discretized. For polynomials and rational functions this set is discrete. This gives a hierarchy. At the level of the space-time surface an analogous discretization in terms of an extension of rationals takes place.
  3. Gödel number for a given theorem as almost deterministic time evolution of 3-surface would be parametrized by the Taylor coefficients in a given extension of rationals. Polynomials are simplest analytic functions and irreducible polynomials define polynomial primes having no decomposition to polynomials of a lower degree. They might be seen as counterparts of axioms.
  4. One can form analogs of integers as products of polynomials inducing products of space-time surfaces. The space-time surfaces are unions for the space-time surfaces defined by the factors but an important point is that they have a discrete set of intersection points. Fermionic n-point functions defining scattering amplitudes are defined in terms of these intersection points and give a quantum physical realization giving information of the quantum superpositions of space-time surfaces as quantum theorems.
Adeles and Gödel numbering

Adeles in TGD sense inspire another interesting development generalizing the Gödelian view of metamathematics.

  1. p-Adic number fields are labelled by primes and finite fields induced by their extensions. One can organize the p-adic number fields to adele and the same applies to their extensions so that one has an infinite hierarchy of algebraic extensions of the rational adele. TGD brings something new to this picture.
  2. Two p-adic number fields for which elements are power series in powers of p1 resp. p2 with coefficients smaller than p1 resp. p2, have common elements for which expansions are in powers of integers n(k1,k2)= p1k1×p2k1, k1>0, k2>0. This generalizes to the intersection of p1,p2,..., pn. One can decompose adeles for a union of p-adic number fields which are glued together along these kinds of subsets. This decomposition is general in the description of interactions between p-adic sectors of adeles. Interactions are localized to these intersections.
  3. Mathematical cognition would be based on p-adic numbers. Could one think that ordinary integers should be replaced with the adelic integers for which the pi:th factor would consist of p-adic integers of type pi.

    These integers are not well-ordered so that the one cannot well-order theorems/programs/etc... as in Gödel numbering.

    The number of p-adic integers is much larger than natural numbers since the pinery expansion can contain an infinite number of terms and one can map p-adic integers to real numbers by what I call canonical identification. Besides this one has fusion of various p-adic number fields.

An interesting question is how this changes the Gödelian views about metamathematics. It is interesting to play with the idea that space-time surfaces as numbers, in particular generalized integers, could define counterparts of integers in ordinary computationalism and metamathematics.

Numbering of theorems by space-time surfaces?

What might be the counterpart for the possibility to represent theorems as integers deduced using logic and for the Gödel numbering for theorems by integers?

  1. In TGD space-time surfaces are numbers. Their dynamics is almost deterministic (at singularities the determinism fails and this forces us to take 4-D space-time surfaces instead of 3-surfaces as basic objects). The space-time surface as an almost deterministic time evolution is analogous to a proof of a theorem. The assumptions correspond to the initial state 3-surface and the outcome of the theorem to the final 3-surface. Second interpretation is as an analog of a deterministic computer program. The third interpretation as a biological function. Space-time surface as a proof of a theorem is analogous to its own Gödel number, but now as a generalized number. One can define the notions of prime , integer , rational and transcendental for the space-time surfaces.

    The counterparts of primes, determined by pairs of irreducible polynomials, could be seen as axioms. The product operation for space-time surfaces generates unions of space-time surfaces with a discrete set of intersection points, which appear as arguments of fermionic n-point functions allowing to define fermionic scattering amplitudes. Also other arithmetic operations are possible.

    Also functional composition, essential in computationalism, is possible. One can take any analytic h(z) function of a complex coordinate z and form a functional composite h(f1(...)) or h(f2(...)). One can also iterate this process. This would make it possible to realize recursion, essential in computationalism. This iteration leads also to fractals.

  2. Cognition always requires a discretization and the space of space-time surfaces ("world of classical worlds", WCW) allows a hierarchy of discretizations. The Taylor coefficients of the two analytic functions f1,f2 defining space-time belong to some extension E of rationals forming a hierarchy. Therefore a given space-time surface corresponds to a discrete set of integers/rationals in an extension of rationals so that also WCW is discretized for given E. For polynomials and rational functions this set is discrete. This gives a hierarchy. At the level of the space-time surface an analogous discretization in terms of E takes place.
  3. Gödel number for a given theorem as almost deterministic time evolution of 3-surface would be parametrized by the Taylor coefficients in a given extension of rationals. Polynomials are simplest analytic functions and irreducible polynomials define polynomial primes having no decomposition to polynomials of a lower degree. Polynomial primes might be seen as counterparts of axioms. General analytic functions are analogous to transcendentals.
  4. One can form analogs of integers as products of polynomials inducing products of space-time surfaces as their roots. The space-time surfaces are unions for the space-time surfaces defined by the factors but an important point is that they have a discrete set of intersection points. Fermionic n-point functions defining scattering amplitudes are defined in terms of these intersection points and give a quantum physical realization giving information of the quantum superpositions of space-time surfaces as quantum theorems.
See the articles TGD as it is towards end of 2024: part I, TGD as it is towards end of 2024: part II, and About Langlands correspondence in the TGD framework.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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