Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Progress during last year in TGD I: Particle physics

In this and subsequent postings I try to present an overview about the basic themes that have motivated blog articles during this year with links to the appropriate postings. This also helps me to get a bird's eye of view to what I have been doing during the year;-).

In these postings I will consider first the experimental side, then theoretical aspects of TGD, and finally quantum biology and TGD inspired theory of consciousness.

One can say that on the experimental side the year has been dominated by Higgs, SUSY, and dark matter. On the theoretical side the developments related to the understanding of the preferred extremals of Kähler action and of solutions of the modified Dirac action have dominated the scene but also other important ideas and insights have emerged. In quantum biology new applications for the notions of magnetic body and negentropic entanglement have emerged. In TGD inspired theory of consciousness zero energy ontology (ZEO) has led to a more detailed view about the relationship between geometric time and experienced time leading to highly non-trivial modification of existing manners of thinking.

The media-hot issues have been mostly in particle physics sector. The buzz words have been Higgs, SUSY, and dark matter. Scaled up variante of hadron physics is one of the most important TGD predictions but represents something totally new for the mainstream and blogger community. The results from LHC and Fermi satellite have been especially interesting in this respect.

1. Higgs issue

Higgs has been a stone in the toe of TGD. The problem has been the lack of classical space-time correlate for it.
No wonder that in the case of Higgs I have developed a large number of alternative scenarios with and without Higgs like particle.

At this moment it seems clear that Higgs like particle exists although it is far from clear whether it has standard model couplings. If TGD has QFT limit and if one believes that Higgs mechanism is the only manner to model the particle massivation in QFT context, then Higgs mechanism would provide a mimicry of p-adic massivation but not its fundamental description. p-Adic thermodynamics is required for a microscopic description. Higgs vacuum expectation could have space-time counterpart at microscopic level and correspond to CP2 part for the trace of the second fundamental form assignable to string world sheet (if string world sheet is minimal surface in space-time as one might expect, it is not minimal surface in imbedding space (meaning vanishing Higgs expectation) except under very special conditions).

The too high decay rate of Higgs like state to gamma pairs is still reported and the mass of Higgs seems to depend slightly on whether it is determined from the production of gamma pairs or Z pairs. This suggests that also something else than Higgs is there. TGD candidate for this something else would be the pion of M89 hadron physics to be discussed below. By a naive scaling estimate for its width as Γ∼ αs M one would obtain width of order 20 GeV.

The identification as the 135 GeV particle for which Fermi telescope finds evidence as M89 pion is rather suggestive. This suggests that the anomalously high rate for the production of gamma pairs could be due to the decays of M89 pion providing an additional background. Due to this background also the determination of the mass of the Higgs like state could lead to different results for gamma pairs and Z pairs in ATLAS.

The rate for the production of gamma pairs is somewhat too high up to cm energy of gamma pair of order 200 GeV. May be this effect could be understood in terms of satellites of M89 pion with mass difference of order 20 GeV. These satellites would be scaled up variants of satellites of ordinary pion(and also other hadrons) for which evidence has been found recently and explained in TGD framework in terms of infared Regge trajectories. Of course, not a single particle physicist in CERN takes this kind of idea seriously since ordinary low energy hadron physics is regarded as a closed chapter of particle physics in higher energy circles.

2. M89 hadron physics

M89 hadron physics is one of the key "almost"-predictions of TGD at LHC. Both Fermi satellite and LHC have provided interesting data in this respect. The standard interpretation for the unexpected correlations for charged particle pairs meaning that they tend move either in parallel or antiparallel manner in heavy ion collisions detected already by RHIC for seven years ago and - even more surprisingly - in proton proton collisions detected by LHC for about two years ago are in terms of color spin glass. In quark gluon plasma one does not expect the correlations. Color spin glass has got support from AdS/CFT correspondence but the model is not fully consistent with the experimental data.

TGD suggests an interpretation in terms of decays of string like objects possible in low energy M89 hadron physics but not in high energy QCD. The 135 GeV particle suggested by Fermi data could be pion of M89 physics rather than dark matter particle.

3. New hadron physics suggested by TGD

TGD view about strong interactions differs in many respects from that provided by QCD. In particular, the interpretation of color quantum numbers is not as spin like quantum numbers but in terms of partial waves in CP2 degrees of freedom. The many-sheeted space-time also leads to a view about both partons and hadrons as 3-D surfaces and the notion of color magnetic body is expected to be central in the description of hadrons at low energies.

There exists recent evidence for satellites of ordinary hadrons with mass differences having the scale of 20-40 MeV. TGD suggest an explanation in terms of new physics assignable to IR color magnetic flux tubes. This physics should make itself visible also in M89 physics via satellites of M89 hadrons, in particular pion whose decays would provide additional gamma pair background perhaps relating to the too high decay rate of Higgs like state to gamma pairs.

4. N=1 SUSY

LHC has reported very strong bounds on the parameters of the models based on N=1 SUSY and the models are getting increasinly complicated. This is also a bad news for super string models. In fact, the Russian discoverer of the supersymmetry believes that something is badly wrong with the standard SUSY, and one should try something more imaginative rather than tinkering with models which do not work. He even talks about a lost generation of theoretical physicists. I can only agree.

N =1 SUSY and thus standard SUSY is excluded in TGD framework from the beginning by the dimension 8 of the imbedding space. For long time I however thought that covariantly constant right-handed neutrino could produce it approximately. It seems now that this is not the case although one has different kind of badly broken large N SUSY. The core of argument is that since covariantly constant right handed neutrino decouples from all interactions (even gravitational!), its behavior cannot combine with particle to form sparticle as strongly spin-correlated pair so that right-handed neutrinos behave as their own phase.

5. Dark matter

Dark matter is one of the hot topics of the recent day physics. TGD view about various forms of dark matter differs dramatically from the standard views and means different interpretation for the observations interpreted as indications for the existence of dark matter. The hierarchy of phases of matter characterized by an effective value of Planck constant coming as a multiple of Planck constant would behave like dark matter as far as vertices of Feynman diagrams are considered.

Galactic dark matter could be identified as Kähler magnetic energy of magnetic flux tubes originated from primordial cosmic strings. One can assign to these objects a gigantic value of an effective Planck constant as "gravitational Planck constant". The magnetic energy has an identification as dark energy in TGD framework. Distant stars in the galactic plane are predicted to have contant velocity spectrum without any further assumptions. The motion of astrophysical objects would be however free along the cosmic string containing galaxies around it like pearls in necklace.

During the last year Fermi satellite has produced valuable data consistent with TGD view.

6. Miscellaneous

There are also other new physics topics related to physics that I have written about.

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