Monday, October 06, 2014

More precise view about remote replication

Both Luc Montagnier and Peter Gariaev have found strong evidence for what might be called remote replication of DNA. I have developed a TGD inspired model for remote replication using the data from Peter Gariaev, who has developed the notion of wave DNA waveDNA supported by Montagnier's findings.

Polymer chain reaction (PCR) provides a manner to buildcopies of piece of DNA serving as template. Once single copy is produced, it serves as a template for a further copy so that exponential amplification is achieved. Montagnier's and Gariaev's works suggest however that the synthesis of DNA could also occur without a real matrix DNA as remote replication. According to the proposal of Gariaev DNA template would be remotely represented as what he calls wave DNA. Montagnier uses 7 Hz ELF radiation to obtain the effect whereas Gariaev uses scattering of laser light into large interval of frequencies to achieve the effect.

In TGD approach magnetic body containing dark matter with large Planck constant, the associated cyclotron radiation for which energy scale is proportional to effective Planck constant heff=n× h having large values implying conjectured macroscopic quantum coherence of living matter, dark analog of DNA represented as dark proton sequences at magnetic flux tubes and accompanying ordinary DNA, plus reconnection of U-shaped magnetic flux tubes assignable to the magnetic bodies of bio-molecules and allowing them to recognize each other, are the basic elements. The model has evolved from the attempts to understand water memory and homeopathy in TGD framework (see this).

Both 7 Hz ELF radiation and scattering of laser light would both generate dark photon (large Planck constant) spectrum with a wide spectrum of frequencies but with the same energy which in Gariaev's experiments would naturally be the energy of scatter laser light. The dark photons would provide representation for DNA codons. If 7 Hz frequency radiation involves dark photons with energies of visible photons transforming to ordinary photons before scattering from DNA the outcome would be same as in Gariaev's experiments.

The updated model involves same elements as the model discussed in (see this) but there are also new elements due to the developments in the model of dark DNA allowing to imagine a detailed mechanism for how water can represent DNA and how DNA could be transcribed to dark DNA. The transcription/association represents a rule and rules are represented in terms of negentropic entanglement in TGD framework with pairs of states in superposition representing the instances of the rule. Transition energy serves as a characterizer of a molecule - say DNA codon - and the entangled state is a superposition of pairs in which either molecule is excited or dark DNA codon is excited to higher cyclotron state with same energy: this requires tuning of the magnetic field and sufficiently large value of heff at the flux tube. Negentropic entanglement is due to the exchange of dark photons: this corresponds to wave DNA aspect. Dark cyclotron photons also generate negatively charged exclusion zones (EZs) discovered by Pollack and in this process transform part of protons to dark ones residing at the magnetic flux tubes associated with EZs and forming dark proton sequencies.

For details see the chapter Quantum gravity, dark matter, and prebiotic evolution or the article More Precise View about Remote DNA Replication .


Anonymous said...

Dear Matti,

“CP2-type vacuum extremal has 1-D light-like random curve as M4 projection”
In my imagination, an electron(a deformation of CP2-type vacuum extremal) has also 1-D light-like random curve in the space-time surface. But if that is correct, hence the wormhole throat is zero dimension and the radius of wormhole throat of electron is zero. What is my misunderstanding? said...

Essential point is that one talks about *M^4 projection*, not space-time projection. Space-time projection is of course trivially 4-D because the CP_2 extremal represents the particles as a region with Euclidian metric signature .

CP_2 type vacuum extremals and their deformations providing a model of wormhole contact serving as building brick of elementary particles, and "cosmic strings" in TGD sense are examples of space-time surfaces for which General Relativity type description fail. In GRT one has small deformation of M^4 which would now mean 4-D M^4 projection.

Anonymous said...

Dear Matti,

hence as i understand although M4 projection of CP2 type vacuum extremals are one dimensional, but space-time projection of them are four dimensional. Is that correct?

In TGD, there are many fermionic Fock states localized at 3-surfaces. does it means there are many (for example)electrons localized at the 3-surfaces? but how is that possible when we know electrons are repulsive from each other? said...

Dear Hamed,

it is correct trivially! Projection of point of space-time surface is orthogonal projection. If you project point of space-time surface to space-time surface you project it to itself!

Space-time surface can contain several light-like orbits of partonic two-surface. Even elementary particles contain two wormhole contacts and corresponding orbits members for the pairs of wormhole contacts connected by flux tubes carrying monopole flux at the two sheets they connect.

Each light-like partonic orbit contains boundary curves of possibility several string world sheets carrying fermion or antifermion.

Em repulsion and statistics of course pose restrictions and one cannot add too many fermions with same charge to the boundary component.

An interesting possibility is that the anyonic phases involving large number of electrons at 2-D surface correspond to partons with macroscopic size. M^4 projection of CP_2 type vacuum extremal would have macroscopic size and also large h_eff could scale up its size. Charge fractionation might indeed relate closely to h_eff.

One can consider the possibility that all macroscopic objects involve space-time sheet with size scale of the object and having Euclidian signature so that its boundary would be big partonic surface and make the macroscopic object particle like entity.

I have proposed that the momenta of assignable to the string world sheet boundaries are parallel. If so the propagator contaiing n fermions would be proportional to 1/p^n and for n>2 one would not have ordinary particles for which propagator is proportional to 1/p (fermon) or 1/p^2 (boson).
This would restrict dramatically the spectrum of particle states.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answer.

Suukko II said...

Hmm.. I just chek my old files. And found some pictures. We repeat Gariaew dna-communication foundation, it, own style. See pictures. Red "ribbon" is the point.
DNA is in a test tube:

Pict without The red "ribbon" :

Pict with red "ribbon"

And Gariaev origonal pict. The color is same. I think, wavelenght is 762.8 nm.

T: S.Penttinen

Suukko II said...

Ops, i remember wrong... right red color wavelenght is 632,8 nm. It is same than Neon-helium laser. And activate dna very strong. said...

Thank you. These experiments might mean that dark matter has been photographed by Gariaev et al and it seems that also by you repeating similar experiment.

If particle physicists would not regard biology as a generalised botany and TGD as a crackpot theory , the experimental solution of dark matter riddle might take only year or two with the technological knowhow available. We must just wait. Big Science has Big Inertia and Big Scientists are not blessed with Big Imagination.