Friday, February 02, 2018

How brain selectively remembers new places?

There was a very interesting link in Minding Brain related to the storage of new memories. The title of the popular article is "How brain selectively remembers new places?". The following represents TGD based view about what might happen.

  1. In TGD framework brain/body corresponds to 4-D geometric object classically - a space-time surface with complex topology (zero energy ontology, ZEO). Brain and biological body are accompanied by magnetic body (MB) defining a topological time evolution of flux tube network having neurons (and also body cells) as its nodes and it is MB, which seems to be of fundamental significance (see this and this). Memories are located in 4-D brain (body) for the first time to the time-place, where they were formed, later successful memory recalls form new copies of them.

  2. To remember is to see in time direction to geometric past. The signal sent from hippocampus backwards in geometric time scatters back in standard time direction: this is nothing but seeing in 4 dimensions. 4-D memory storage means that there is practically no limitations on memory storage since new storage capacity is created all the geometric time! Making careful distinction between experienced and geometric times allows to both avoid paradoxes and solve the paradoxes of existing theory.

    Remark: Also the possibility of quantum entanglement also increases exponentially the memory storage capacity (and destroys the dreams of AI afficionados about copying human consciousness as bits telling whether neuron fires or not to a computer file!).

  3. Brain is able to detect whether the sensory percept - say completely new place - is indeed new. Brain acts as novelty detector. This requires scanning of 4-D brain to see whether there are sensory percepts in geometric past, which share common features with the recent sensory percept. This requires high level conceptualization so that perceptive field is decomposed to objects with some attributes. If common objects are not found, the percept is regarded as something new. In this case a new symbolic memory representation about perceptive field is formed.

  4. This strongly suggests that the signal sent from hippocampus scatters back from brain of past and is then compared with the recent sensory percept. If they the signals are very similar - this might give rise to some kind of resonance - the experience is "I have seen this before". The information provided by the already existing memory is utilized. If not then sensory percept is regarded as new and memory representation is formed.

Where is this new memory representation constructed?
  1. The article suggests that locus coeruleus (LC) and area CA3 of hippocampus are involved. It was found that the modulation of CA3 by LC is was involved in the formation of new memory: if the modulation was prevented, no new memory was formed and the the mice behaved next day as if the place were still new.

  2. In ZEO the new memory would correspond to a collection of activated neurons in LC and CA3 accompanied by connected flux tube structure represented the new mental image as a quantum entangled structure - tensor network. This kind of mental images would have formed for some period of time in the brain of the mice and given rise to a 4-D representation of new place to be read later by sending signals backwards in geometric time.

See the article Emotions as sensory percepts about the state of magnetic body? or the chapter of "TGD based view about living matter and remote mental interactions" with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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