Monday, September 02, 2019

Has LIGO observed gravitational echoes in 21 minute time scale?

LIGO has observed for few days ago two gravitonal waves with a time lapse of 21 minutes in the same direction (see this). The events are christened as S190828j and S190828l. This suggests that the signals coule orginate from same event. Gravitational lense effect could be one explanation.

TGD suggests an alternative explanation based on the notion of gravitational flux tubes. Magnetic flux tubes, in particular gravitational flux ones, form loops. The later signal could have spent 21 minutes by rotating around this kind of loop. This rotation can occur several times but the intensity of signal is expected to diminish exponentially if only a constant fraction remains in loop at each turn.

This sticking of radiation inside magnetic loops predicting echo like phenomenon is a general prediction of TGD and I have considered the possible occurrence of this phenomenon for cosmic gamma rays arriving in solar solar system in a model for solar cycle.

This kind of repetition of the signal has been observed already earlier for gravitational waves and has been dubbed "blackhole echoes" (see this) but in a time scale of .1 seconds (fundamental bio-rhythm by the way). For possible TGD based explanations of blackhole echoes see this and this.

The two time scales differ by four orders of magnitude but one cannot exclude same explanation. With light velocity Earth sized loop would correspond to a time lapse of about .1 seconds. Light travels in 21 minutes over a distance of 378 million kilometers to be compared with astronomical unit AU = 150 million kilometers defining the distance of Earth from Sun. Therefore loops in the scale of Earth's orbit around Sun could be involved and perhaps associated with the magnetic body of the collapsed system. .1 seconds defining the time scale for the blackhole echoes in turn corresponds to a circumference of order Earth circumference.

See the article TGD View about Quasars or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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