Monday, September 16, 2019

How the new view about solar fusion forces to change the ordinary views about nuclear physics?

First a general comment about nuclear physics, which applies with appropriate modifications also to the evolution of theoretical particle physics (or lack of it) after the emergence of standard model followed by GUTS and superstring models.

  1. One can see the standard nuclear physics as a tragic Odysseia due to the stubborn sticking to the naive length scale reductionism. All began with the modelling of nucleons as point like particles inspired by the successes of atomic physics. It turned out that the model for nucleons as point like particles failed and we still do not understand low energy nuclear physics. The wave-mechanical potential models and QFT models assuming the notion of point-like nucleon led to an inflation of nuclear models each of them explaining some aspects of nuclei but a real theory is still missing.

  2. Dark nuclear physics was originally suggested in TGD framework to explain "cold fusion" and later conjectured to allow the understanding of pre-stellar evolution as a step-wise process leading to the gradual heating of matter leading to nuclear fusion. The model relies on nuclear strings and their dark variants as dark nuclear matter. In this article it is argued that this picture leads to a realistic model of nuclear fusion and of stellar core and perhaps entire stellar interior as a dark spaghetti like structure. Ironically, "cold fusion" researchers regarded for decades as the pariahs of physics community, would show the path to follow.

The proposed model involves several new deep ideas inspired by the fusion of general TGD based visions about nuclear physics on one hand and about the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets on the other hand. Behind both visions is the notion about fractal hierarchy of flux tubes formed from cosmic strings by gradual thickening during the cosmic evolution. A further important piece is ZEO based view about quantum state and quantum measurement forcing to modify ordinary quantum mechanical description.
  1. The idea is that Sun and its Kähler magnetic field form a sub-tangle of the galactic tangle associated with a long cosmic string and extending outside Sun, and perhaps including also planets as sub-tangles. This can be made more precise by assuming that total mass of the straight cosmic string portion involved equals to the total mass of the system considered. The estimate from the diameter of Sun suggests that the total mass is few times the solar mass. This model connects closely with the problem of cosmological constant solved by the twistor lift of TGD and solar physics can be associated with one particular value of length scale dependent cosmological constant: also this idea forced by TGD is revolutionary.

  2. Quantum classical correspondence stating that quantum states are superpositions of Bohr orbit like preferred extremals challenges the idea about tunnelling as an essential element of nuclear physics. The first option is that BSFR - identified as ordinary → dark phase transition increasing the value of heff and involving time reversal followed by its reversal - allows wave-mechanical tunnelling as an approximate description. An alternative realization encouraged by M8-H duality would be as SSFR involving no time reversal but discontinuity at the level of space-time development involving TGD counterparts of branes. This option resonates with the idea about sequence of SRFFs as TGD counterpart of a unitary time evolution suggested by the wave mechanical model. In any case, both TGD view about dark matter and ZEO would become part of nuclear physics, and mean giving up standard ontology and standard wave mechanics as a description of nuclei.

    It would not be surprising if similar view about tunnelling could apply also to particle reactions and I have proposed that dark variants of nuclei of M89 hadron physics as scaled variant of ordinary M107 hadron physics have made themselves visible via the observed (but neglected) bumps with masses obtained by scaling up the masses of ordinary mesons by factor 512. Tunnelling would be now from ordinary hadron physics to dark M89 hadron physics.

  3. When one has paradox, one knows that something is wrong with the basic conceptualization. The presence of dark variants of nuclei makes itself directly visible via the conflict between metallicities deduced from spectroscopy and meteorite abundances and those derived from helio-seismology and solar neutrino physics. Besides ordinary nuclei also their dark variants would present and contribute to metallicity in the solar interior.

See the article Solar metallicity problem from TGD perspective or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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