Friday, September 13, 2019

Solar metallicity problem from TGD perspective

For ten years ago it was thought that Sun is a well-understood system but more precise computations demonstrated a problem. The metallicities deduced from spectroscopic data deviate strongly from those deduced from helio-seismology and solar neutrino data as described in the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics by Martin Asplund et al, who were pioneers modelling solar surface as 3-D structure rather than idealizing it with 2-D structure.

The abundances used are determined from meteorites and these estimates are more accurate and are consistent with the values determined by Asplund et al and used also to extrapolate the metallicities in core.

  1. The metallicity of Sun deduced from spectroscopy by Asplund et al would be 1.3 per cent whereas the older model and also helio-seismology give 1.8 per cent metallicity. Is the metallicity indeed 1.3 per cent using standard model to extrapolate the spectroscopic data at surface? Or is it 1.8 per cent deeper in the interior in which case the extrapolation used to deduce metallicity in the interior would not be realistic.

  2. There are also other discrepancies. The height of convective zone at which radiative energy transfer is replaced with convection is given by RCZ= .724R. The predicted He abundance at surface is Ysurf=.231. These values are in conflict with RCZ= .713R and Ysurf=.248 deduced from helio-seismological data. Also density and sound velocity profiles deviate from those deduced from the helio-seismology. The earlier model approximating solar surface as 2-D structure is in excellent accordance with the helio-seismological data.

Dark matter identified as heff=nh0 phases has become key player in TGD inspired new physics being now a crucial element of TGD based view about living matter. Dark nuclear fusion is proposed to provide the new physics allowing to understand "cold fusion". In the following it will be found that dark matter in TGD associated with solar core could provide an elegant solution also to the solar metallicity problem.

In TGD classical physics is an exact part of quantum physics. The tunnelling phenomenon essential for nuclear physics based model of solar nuclear fusion would correspond in TGD to a state function reduction creating a phase consisting of dark nuclei which can fuse without tunnelling due to the reduction of the binding energy scale. State function reduction to ordinary phase leads to the final state of the reaction. In ZEO "big" (ordinary) state function reduction would reverse the arrow of time so that if tunnelling phenomenon is assignable to "big" state function reduction rather than TGD counterpart of "weak" measurement, ZEO would make possible nuclear fusion.

The missing nuclear matter inside core would be dark variants of nuclei associated with dark flux tubes. This would explain the conflict between the metallicities deduced from spectroscopic and meteoritic data on one hand and those deduced from helio-seismic data. The reason is that sound waves and photons in the core couple to both ordinary and dark matter so that helio-seismology gives metallicities as sums of ordinary and dark metallicities. Using the estimate for the thickness of the dark flux tube coming from the TGD based model of "cold fusion", one can estimate the length of dark flux tube inside solar core and it turns out to fill about 30 per cent of its volume.

One can relate the model also to the model for the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets as tangles assignable to cosmic strings thickened to flux tubes implying the decay of their Kähler magnetic energy to ordinary matter in analogy with the decay of inflaton field and nice quantitative estimates follow. Also a connection with twistor lift of TGD predicting hierarchy of cosmological constants emerges and the radius of solar core turns out to corresponds to the value of cosmological constant implied by the amount of missing matter identified as dark matter at flux tubes.

See the article Solar metallicity problem from TGD perspective or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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