Monday, September 21, 2020

Expanding Earth model, Cambrian Explosion, and Pangaea supercontinent

This is a response to a comment of David Whitfield in a discussion related to the life on Mars and whether it might be a good idea to reserve a ticket to the next spacecraft going to Mars. The comment is about TGD based Expanding Earth model suggesting thatin Cambrian Explosion Earth experienced a rapid phase of expansion increasing it radius by a factor 2. The model is natural in TGD and forced by the assumption that cosmic expansion occurs in average sense also for astrophysical objects. Since no smooth expansion has been observed, the expansion must occur as rapid jerks.

The TGD based model is consistent with my knowledge about geological and climate evolution: I am of course not an expert and I know well that experts disagree in many aspects. I put my money on general arguments and empirical anomalies: cosmic expansion must take place also for the planets and stars and must occur in discrete steps since smooth expansion is not observed. Here testing is possible.

  1. Climate evolution: the snowball earth model has anomalies and it must be given up in TGD framework. The evolutionary history of magnetic fields could allow testing of the model: their behavior challenges the snowball earth model.
  2. Biological evolution: the sudden emergence of a huge number of multicellulars as from nothing is the strongest argument in favor of the the burst of intraterrestrial life living in the underground ocean to the surface. The life forms in the start of the expansion lived in the world with a 6 hour long day instead of 24 hours. This might make itself visible in the biorhythms of animals living today as a kind of genetic memory. Could this biorhythm show itself somehow in the very early fossils? The expansion of Earth led to a weakening of the gravitational field: this explains the emergence of giant creatures, which lost the fight for survival: small animals with big brains were the winners.
  3. Geological evolution: An interesting question related to the Pangaea supercontinent can be raised. Pangaea is thought to have emerged from continents about 335 million years ago: there would have been Pangaea and the Ocean. The Cambrian Explosion occurred roughly 500 million years. Did Pangaea form from separate continents or did the Cambrian Explosion create a single gradually expanding Ocean and plus one super continent which did not increase in size but was like an island. Can one think that the recent continents emerged from Pangaea. I have not considered this question.

See this and this.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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