Thursday, November 18, 2021

Mott insulators learn like living matter

Researchers in Rutgers University have found that quantum materials, in this case Mott insulators, are able to learn very much like living matter (see this). The conductivity of the quantum material represented behavior and sensory input was represented by external stimuli like oxygen, ozone and light.

The finding was that conductivity depends on these stimuli and that the system mimics non-associative learning. Non-associative learning does not involve pairing with the stimulus but habituation or sensitization with the stimulus.

I have already earlier (see this) briefly considered transition metals, Mott insulators, and antiferromagnets from the point of view of TGD inspired theory of high Tc superconductivity.

  1. By looking at Wikipedia (see this), one finds that Mott insulators are transitional metal oxides such as NiO. Transition metals, such as Ni, can have unpaired valence electrons since they can appear in electronic configurations [Ar] 3d8 4s2 or [Ar] 3d9 4s1. This should make transition metals and their oxides conductors. They are not since they seem to somehow develop an energy gap between states in the same valence band making them insulators.
  2. Mott developed a model for NiO as an insulator: the expected conduction was based on the transition for neighboring Ni2+O2- molecules

    (Ni2+O2-)2 → Ni3+O2- + Ni1+O2-.

    In the latter configuration, the number of valence electrons of Ni is odd for both neighbors.

  3. The formation of the gap can be understood as a competition between repulsive Coulomb potential U between 3d electrons and the transfer integral t of 3d electrons between neighboring atoms assignable to the transition. The total energy difference between the two states is E=U-2zt, where z is the number of neighboring atoms. A large value of U leads to a formation of a gap implying the insulator property.
  4. Also antiferromagnetic ordering is necessary for the description of Mott insulators. Even this is not enough, and the rest which is not so well understood, is colloquially called mottism. The features of Mott insulators that require mottism are listed in the Wikipedia article. They include the vanishing of the single particle Green function along a connected surface in the first Brillouin zone and the presence of charge 2e boson at low energies.
  5. The description of both Mott insulators and high Tc superconductors involves antiferromagnetism and Mott insulators exhibit extraordinary phenomena such as high Tc superconductivity and so-called colossal magnetoresistance thought to be due the interaction between charge and spin of conduction electrons.
In the TGD framework, the description of high Tc superconductors (see this, this and this) involves pairs of monopole flux tubes with opposite direction of monopole magnetic flux possible not possible in Maxwellian electrodynamics. The members of Cooper pairs, which are dark in the TGD sense having an effective Planck constant heff≥ h, reside at the monopole flux tubes. The Cooper pairs are present already above Tc but the flux tubes are short and closed so that supercurrent flows only in short scales. At Tc long flux tubes are formed by reconnection.
  1. Dark valence electrons could help to understand Mott insulators. Transition metals are known for a strange effect in which the valence electrons seem to disappear (see this, this, and this). The TGD proposal is that the electrons become dark in the TGD sense.
  2. It has become clear that dark electron can appear only as bound states for which the sum of momenta, which are algebraic integers in the extensions of rationals with dimension h=heff/h0 (this guarantees periodic boundary conditions) must be Galois singlets: one has Galois confinement. This implies that the total momentum is ordinary integer (see this and this).

    Therefore free dark electrons are not allowed and Cooper pairs and possibly also states formed by a larger number of electrons, say four as has been found (see this) are possible as Galois singlets. In the TGD inspired quantum biology dark proton triplets realize genetic codons and genes could correspond to N-codons as Galois confined states of 3N dark protons (see this).

  3. As a rule, single particle energies increase with increasing heff and the thermal energy feed could increase the effective value Planck constant for an unpaired valence electron of Mott insulator from h to heff>=nh0>h of the valence electrons and it would become dark in the TGD sense. Here n denotes the dimension of extension of rationals assignable to the space-time region. The natural assumption is that Galois confinement forces the Cooper pairing of unpaired electrons of neighboring atoms.
  4. Above Tc, the flux tubes associated with Cooper pairs would be too short for large scale superconductivity so that one would have a conductor or a Mott insulator. Under certain conditions involving low enough temperature, a supraflow in long scales would become possible by the mechanism described above. The massive magnetoresistance could involve a transfer of electrons as Cooper pairs at the magnetic flux tubes of the external magnetic field which would be too short to give rise to superconductivity or even superconductivity. External magnetic fields could also induce dark ferromagnetism as formation of dark flux tubes.
Dark electrons, protons and ions residing at the magnetic flux tubes of the "magnetic body" (MB) of the system are in a key role in the TGD based quantum biology and essential for learning as self-organization. heff serves as a measure for the number theoretical complexity and therefore "intelligence" of the system. There MB naturally acts as a "boss".

Also now the MB of the Mott insulator could play a key role: MB with heff >h would be the "boss" and learn and induce changes in the behavior of the ordinary matter, the "biological body" (BB). In the non-associative learning, adaptation and sensitization is involved and it would be MB that adapts or sensitizes. The TGD view of a neuron proposes a rather detailed model for the communication between the BB and MB (see this).

See the article TGD and condensed matter or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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