Saturday, October 07, 2023

The realization of the notions of assembly and tensegrity in the TGD Universe

In the TGD framework one ends up with an amazingly simple engineering principle resembling so called assembly theory and applying to atoms, nuclei, and hadrons (see this). Since TGD Universe is fractal, this principle is expected to apply in all scales.
  1. The considerations of the above article relate closely to the observation that j-block consisting of parts of electron of atoms or nucleon shells of nuclei with fixed value of total angular momentum j=l+/- 1/2 and l=9 (at least) correspond to Platonic solids for l≤ 5 in the sense that different angular momentum eigenstates correspond to the vertices of the Platonic solid. If one assumes the presence of a Hamiltonian cycle going through all V vertices of the Platonic solid as a tessellations of sphere, one has F-2 free edges (F is the number of faces) besides the V edges of the cycle and one can also add particles to the middle points of the free edges. In the proposed model of atomic nuclei, one would have neutrons at the vertices and protons at the middle points or vice versa. Also the larger values of l appearing in highly deformed nuclei can be treated in the same way. If the unit of angular momentum increases to heff=nh, also these states can be assigned a Platonic solid.
  2. The space-time surfaces assignable to all atoms, nuclei, and hadrons can be constructed by connecting the electrons, nucleons, or quarks at the vertices of Platonic solid or at the middle points of the free edges with flux tubes serving as analogs of springs stabilizing the structure and having interpretation as analogs of mesons. Tensegrity is the appropriate notion here.
  3. In the case of hadrons, the predictions of the resulting mass formulas are satisfied within a few percent. This involves the predictions of TGD based mass calculations for fermion masses based on p-adic thermodynamics. This leads to an interpretation of the non-perturbative aspects of strong interaction in terms of a dark variant of weak interactions for which perturbation theory converges! The basic problem of QCD disappears in the TGD Universe. The same would apply to nuclear strong interactions but meson-like particles would have different p-adic length scales.

    2 and electroweak symmetries to the holonomies of CP2 so that a very close relationship between these interactions must exist. One can say that a unification of strong and weak interactions analogous to that provided by Maxwell electrodynamics for electric and magnetic fields takes place. For a given p-adic length scale (several fractally scaled variants of hadron physics are predicted) one can regard mesons as weak bosons predicted by TGD to have the entire spectrum of exotics. For this there is already support (see this, this and this). Ordinary hadron physics would correspond to dark weak interactions for p-adic length scale defined by Mersenne prime M107 and weak interactions to hadron physics for M89!

  4. In the case of nuclei, the MeV scale for excitation energies is correctly predicted and also a new 10 keV scale supported by various anomalies of nuclear physics is predicted. Besides this also Z^0 force is predicted to be significant and atom-like structures involving and having size scale 10 nm, which is a fundamental scale in biology, are predicted.

    The j-blocks (angular momentum) consisting of energy degenerate states with 2j states have as space-time correlates Platonic solids with Hamiltonian cycle as a closed flux tube, nuclear string connecting the vertices of the solid.

  5. In atomic physics the same picture applies, and led to a realization that in the standard model the repulsive classical interaction energy of electrons goes like Z4 whereas the interaction energy nucleus goes like Z2! The question is whether quantum mechanics can really guarantee the stability of many electron atoms or is this just an assumption. In the TGD framework, the flux tubes would stabilize the atoms with several electrons. This predicts new atomic physics related to the oscillations of the flux tubes which in nuclear physics give justification for the harmonic oscillator model of nucleus.
See the article Neil Gersching's vision of self-replicating robots from TGD point of view or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD. For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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