Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Solar radius is not affected by the solar variability

In the Scitechdaily article (see this an interesting question was posed.

How it is possible that the solar radius is not affected by solar cycle variability? This is one of the many questions which are popping as the existing view of solar physics is collapsing. The early cosmology and galactic physics collapsed first after the findings of James Webb telescope and now stellar physics is following!

TGD provides an immediate answer (for a background see the earlier blog posting)

  1. The numerous anomalies of the Sun leave only one conclusion: the standard view of the solar interior is completely wrong. Only the surface layer, magnetic bubble, is active and generates solar wind.
  2. The solar wind consists of matter emerging from the magnetic bubble forming a thin layer at the surface of the Sun. The nuclei of the solar wind from the Sun do not arrive from the solar core as fusion products but are created in a phase transition in which M_89 nucleons at long monopole flux tubes with mass 512 times the ordinary nucleon transform to ordinary nucleons and liberate almost all of their mass as kinetic energy and bosonic matter. These flux tubes form what I have called a magnetic bubble at the surface of the Sun. Solar core where fusion would be occurring is a mere fragment of imagination.
  3. In fact, in a good approximation Sun is analogous to a quantum harmonic oscillator consisting of mass shells as magnetic bubbles and the evolution of the Sun gradually burns these layers. The analogy with atoms and nuclei is obvious: only the valence shells are active and inner shells are totally silent and interact with the external world! This kind of layered structure was one of the first suggestions of classical TGD about 40 years ago but I could not take it seriously.
  4. Planets and supernovae correspond to massive explosions throwing out these shells and solar wind is caused by their local explosions.
  5. Finally the answer to the question. The solar wind affects the corona. The interior of the Sun has no effects on the shape of the Sun since it is totally passive just like the inner shells of the atom. Astrophysics is extremely simple.
See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.


Monday, July 29, 2024

New view of the Sun

The article by Nassim Haramein inspired a detailed study of the TGD view of the Sun and eventually led to a rather radical proposal. The existing view about the interior of the Sun as a seat of nuclear fusion producing nuclear matter and transferred outside the Sun by the solar wind and supernovae might be totally wrong. Already the earlier considerations strongly suggested that nuclear matter is produced at the surface layer of the Sun that forms a magnetic bubble. The correlation of the neutrino flux with solar activity and its anticorrelation with sunspots further strengthens this conclusion. I have already earlier proposed a quantum view of the Sun as an analog of a harmonic oscillator consisting of matter shells as these magnetic bubbles.

The evolution of the star would mean that it gradually loses these analogs of nuclear shells formed by  giant nuclear strings consisting of M89  nucleons 512 times heavier than ordinary M89 nuclei. Global explosions in which M89  transform to M107 nuclei  generate planets and supernovae and local explosions generate the solar wind. No nuclear fusion in the solar interior is needed.

Further solar anomalies

There are also further solar anomalies discussed in the article of Haramein (see this). Not all of them are absolutely essential for the discussion of the TGD based model.

  1. The theoretically predicted solar convection is too weak to explain empirical facts about heat transfer in the convective zone. In the TGD framework the notion of monopole flux tube is a natural seat of the convection (see this).

    One can also make a really radical questions? Is the solar interior something totally different from what we have used to think. Is there any fusion in the solar interior? What gives rise to the solar wind?

  2. The anomalously high temperature of the solar corona is   poorly understood. Temperature is 3 orders of magnitude higher at the solar corona than at the solar surface and there is emission of high energy X rays (see this). The temperature is about 1 million Kelvin  whereas the ignition temperature for nuclear fusion is 15 million Kelvin. TGD predicts dark fusion explaining the "cold fusion" and it would play a key role also in the formation of the Sun and also other astrophysical objects.

  3. Sunspot cycle having half-period of 11 years is one of the poorly understood aspects of the Sun. What happens is that the polarity of the solar magnetic field changes with a period of 11 years.

    The high energy gamma ray emission (see this) anti-correlates with the solar cycle so that the emission is minimum during the reversal of the magnetic field. Furthermore, the emission is largest towards North pole (see this). I have proposed a TGD based model for the sunspot cycle (see this) and this anomalous gamma rays are a surface phenomenon, and their emission correlates with the sunspot cycle, it is natural to start the model building from this model.

  4. Solar neutrino problem, that is the fact that the observed neutrino flux is considerably lower than predicted by the standard solar model, is usually assumed to be due to the mixing of neutrinos as they travel from Sun to Earth. The article of Haramein (see this) challenges the notion of neutrino mixing. The proposal is that τ and μ neutrinos could be produced if the temperature in the solar core is much higher than it is believed to be. There is however strong evidence for neutrino mixing from experiments which use atmospheric neutrinos, reactor neutrinos or neutrinos from particle accelerators.
  5. There is evidence for the correlation between the solar neutrino flux and solar wind and solar activity and for anticorrelation between solar neutrino flux and the number of sunspots (see this and this). It is however argued that the anticorrelation with the sunspot number does not exist (see this). In the framework of standard physics this looks strange if one believes that the production of neutrinos takes place in the interior of the Sun.

    This forces us to ask whether the origin of solar neutrinos is what it is believed to be. One can also challenge the existing beliefs about whether the convection is the origin of the solar wind and whether it could be generated at the surface layer of the Sun. Could the standard narrative about the interior of the Sun be completely wrong?

A new view of the Sun

The solar convection problem (see this) means that the convection, which should bring nuclear matter from the core to the surface, is much smaller than believed to be. The solar neutrino problem means that the solar neutrino flux is much lower than it is predicted to be. Furthermore, there is a correlation of the neutrino flux with the solar wind and anticorrelation with sunspot number were discussed (see this and this). These findings do not conform with the view that nuclear fusion produces the nuclear matter arriving from the Sun.

I have already earlier (see this) asked whether the Sun could be satisfactorily described by using the analog of the shell model with harmonic oscillator potential replaced with gravitational potential associated with the average mass density of the Sun.

The basic prediction concerning neutrinos would be that, not only nuclei, but also neutrinos are predominantly produced at the surface layer of the Sun: there would be no nuclear fusion in the core of the Sun! The long M89 flux tubes split by reconnection to loops carrying. The M89 nuclei transform to M107 nuclei and almost all rest energy is transformed to kinetic energy causing the explosion. This process would also produce neutrinos brought to Earth by the solar wind.

Neutrino mixing is a well-established phenomenon and would take place also now. However, the model for the production of neutrinos changes profoundly. One expects that all neutrino generations are produced in the M89 → M107 transition. The production of neutrinos in the decays of ordinary pions produced as end products in the process could be an important mechanism, analogous to the interaction of the solar surface and atmosphere with cosmic rays also proposed as a mechanism for the production of neutrinos.

Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) effect (see this) is proposed as an explanation for the anomalously large mixing of high energy neutrinos involves a resonance effect caused by the presence of a density of electrons with a value dictated by neutrino mass difference considered. The MSW effect is not needed in the model. One can however ask whether the neutrinos could mix strongly in the solar corona and whether neutrinos could be produced in the corona as a side product of dark nuclear fusion.

This picture would explain why the neutrino flux correlates with solar activity. What about anticorrelation with the number of sunspots? The TGD based model for the reversal of the solar magnetic field assumes that the monopole flux tubes at the surface of the Sun split to short loops by reconnections, which then change their direction from North-South to South-North. The splitting would occur at sunspots. During this period there would be no big loops, whose reconnection and the transformation to ordinary nuclei would generate the solar wind. If the M89 nuclei do not transform to ordinary nuclei during this period, the neutrino flux would have a minimum.

See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Memory materials and zero energy ontology

Memory materials (or smart materials) provide a challenge for the view of condensed matter based on the standard quantum theory since standard quantum theory does not allow a mechanism for the coding of information about the past of the quantum past of the system involving possibly quantum jumps to its recent state. In TGD, zero energy ontology (ZEO) combined with holography = holomorphy vision provides this kind of mechanism discussed in article and blog article (see this and this). In what follows, the general mechanism of conscious memory is discussed first and then it is applied to memory materials.

1. ZEO and holography make possible memories by coding the quantum jump as a conscious event to the final state of the quantum jump

We have memories about the conscious experiences of the past. How are these memories formed? Zero energy ontology (ZEO) (see this) and this) suggests a rather concrete model for the representations of the memories in terms of the geometry of the space-time surface.

Consider first a brief summary of ZEO.

  1. The basic notions of ZEO are causal diamond (CD), zero energy state, and state function reduction (SFR). There are two kinds of SFRs: "small" SFRs (SSFRs) and "big" SFRs (BSFRs).
  2. A sequence of SSFRs is the TGD counterpart for a sequence of repeated measurements of the same observables: in wave mechanics they leave the state unaffected (Zeno effect). Already in quantum optics, one must loosen this assumption and one speaks of weak measurements. In the TGD framework, SSFRs give rise to a flow of consciousness, self.
  3. BSFR is the counterpart of the ordinary SFR. In the BSFR the arrow of the geometric time changes and BSFR means the death of self and to a reincarnation with an opposite arrow of geometric time. Death and birth as reincarnation with an opposite arrow of time are universal notions in the TGD Universe.
Consider now this view in more detail.
  1. Causal diamond CD=cd× CP2 (see this) is the intersection of future and past directed light-cones of M4. In the simplest picture, cero energy states are pairs of 3-D many-fermion states at the opposite light-like boundaries of the CD.
  2. Zero energy states are superpositions of space-time surfaces connecting the boundaries of CD. These space-time surfaces obey holography, which is almost deterministic. Holography = holomorphy principle allows their explicit construction as minimal surfaces and they are analogous to Bohr orbits when one interprets 3-surface as a generalization of a point-like particle. Already 2-D minimal surfaces fail to be completely deterministic (a given frame can span several minimal surfaces). This non-determinism forces ZEO: in absence of it one could have ordinary ontology with 3-D objects as basic geometric entities.

    The failure of complete determinism makes 4-dimensional Bohr orbits dynamical objects by giving them additional discrete degrees of freedom. They are absolutely essential for the understanding of memory and one can speak of a 4-dimensional brain.

  3. The 3-D many-fermion states and the restriction of the wave function in WCW to a wave function to the space-of 3-surfaces as the ends of Bohr orbits at the passive boundary of CD are unaffected by the sequence of SSFRs. This is the counterpart for the Zeno effect. This requires that a given SSFR must correspond to a measurement of observables commuting with the observables which define the state basis at the passive boundary.

    The states at the opposite, active, boundary of CD are however affected in SSFRs and this gives rise to self and flow of consciousness. Also the size of CD increases in a statistical sense. The sequence of SSFRs gives rise to subjective time correlating with the increase of geometric time identifiable as the temporal distance between the tips of the CD. The arrow of time depends on which boundary of CD is passive and the time increases in the direction of the active boundary.

  4. Ordinary SFRs correspond in TGD to BSFRs. Both BSFRs and SSFRs are possible in arbitrarily long scales since the heff hierarchy makes possible quantum coherence in arbitrary long scales.

    The new element is that the arrow of geometric time changes in BSFR since the roles of the active and passive boundaries of CD change. BSFR occurs when the set of observables measured at the active boundary no longer commutes with the set of observables associated with the passive boundary.

    The density matrix of the 3-D system characterizing the interaction of the 3-surface at the active boundary with its complement is a fundamental observable and if it ceases to commute with the observables at the active boundary, BSFR must take place.

Consider now what memory and memory recall could mean in this framework.
  1. The view has been that active memory recall requires what might be regarded as communications with the geometric past. This requires sending a signal to the geometric past propagating in the non-standard time direction and absorbed by a system representing the memory (part of the brain or of its magnetic/field body). In the ZEO this is possible since BSFRs change the arrow of the geometric time.
  2. The signal must be received by a system of geometric past representing the memory. This requires that 4-D space-time surfaces are not completely deterministic: Bohr orbits as 4-D minimal surfaces must have analogs of frames spanning the 2-D soap film, at which determinism fails. The seats of memories correspond to the seats of non-determinism as singularities of the space-time surface as a minimal surface.

  3. How are the memories coded geometrically? This can be understood by asking what happens in SSFR. What happens is that from a set of 3-D final states at the active boundary some state is selected. This means a localization in the "world of classical worlds" (WCW) as the space of Bohr orbits. The zero energy state is localized to the outcome of quantum measurement. In ZEO the outcome therefore also represents the quantum transition to the final state! This is not possible in the standard ontology.

    The findings of Minev et al (see this and this) that in quantum optics quantum jumps correspond too smooth classical time evolutions leading from the initial state to the final state provide a direct support for this picture.

    ZEO therefore gives a geometric representation of a subjective experience associated with the SSFR. One obtains conscious information of this representation either by passive or active memory recall by waking up the locus of non-determinism assignable to the original conscious event. The slight failure of determinism for BSFRS is necessary for this. The sequence of SSFRs is coded to a sequence of geometric representations of memories about conscious events.

    This is how the Universe gradually develops representations of its earlier quantum jumps to its own state. Since the algebraic complexity of the Universe can only increase in a statistical sense the quantum hopping of the Universe in the quantum Platonic defined by the spinor fields of WCW implies evolution.

2. ZEO and memory materials

Basic facts about memory materials and shape-memory alloys can be found from Wikipedia (see this) The following summary is essentially the summary of the Wikipedia article

  1. Basic examples of shape-memory alloys are copper-aluminium-nickel and nickel-titanium (NiTi), but SMAs can also be created by alloying zinc, copper, gold and iron. NiTi, NiTi-based SMAs are preferable for most applications due to their stability and practicability as well as their superior thermo-mechanical performance. NiTi SMAs can exist in two different phases, with three different crystal structures (i.e. twinned martensite, detwinned martensite, and austenite) and six possible transformations. The thermo-mechanical behavior of the SMAs is governed by a phase transformation between the austenite (A) and the martensite (M).

    Twinning of M means that it decomposes to crystals behaving like separate units. If quantum coherence is involved this could mean a reduction of quantum coherence length.

  2. The thermal behavior of NiTi alloys is described by a hysteresis curve (see this) in which the percent or M varies between 100 and 0 corresponding to pure M and pure A.

    NiTi alloys change from A to M upon cooling starting from a temperature below Ms at which the heating has completely transformed A to M ; Mf is the temperature at which the transition by cooling from A to M is completed. During heating As and Af are the temperatures at which the transition from M to A starts and is complete.

  3. Applying a mechanical load to twinned M leads to a re-orientation of the crystals, referred to as de-twinning , which results in a deformation which is not recovered (remembered) after releasing the load. De-twinning starts at a certain stress σs and ends at f above which M continues to exhibit only elastic behavior (as long as the load is below the yield stress). One can interpret the de-twinning as loading of elastic energy to the twinned M so that detwinned M would have a lower energy.
  4. The phase transformation from A to M can also be induced at a constant temperature by applying a mechanical load above a certain level. The transformation is reversed when the load is released. The reversibility suggests that the system's time evolution is analogous to a unitary evolution: in ZEO a sequence of SSFRs separated by analogs of unitary evolutions would characterize it.

  5. The memorized deformation from detwinning of M is recovered after the heating to A. The transition from M to A depends only on temperature and stress. The transition does not depend on time, as most phase changes do. The reason would be that there is no diffusion involved.

    While the rapid cooling of carbon-steel is analogous to the cooling of A, it is not reversible and involves diffusion. Steel does not have shape-memory properties.

    ZEO suggests that in the case of A-M system a quantum phase transition describable as a sequence of SSFRs defining a generalization of unitary evolution making possible memory is in question. In the case of steel the description in terms of a sequence of SSFRs is not possible and memory would be lost.

The heating and also de-twinning process by applied pressure involves a feed of energy.
  1. The hierarchy of effective Planck constants defines a hierarchy of phases of the ordinary matter behaving like dark matter. The increase of heff requires energy and the heating would provide it: one could speak of forced quantum coherence. I have proposed that this makes possible also high Tc superconductivity as a forced superconductivity. Metabolic energy feed would make this possible in living matter.
  2. The heating would increase the heff of the detwinned M to that of A. The difference between A-M system and steel could be that heff is larger for A than steel. The larger the value of heff, the larger the time span of the (conscious) memory. The memory span of steel would be shorter.
  3. One expects that energy is liberated in the A to M transition. However, the stress used to de-twin the twinned M produced by the cooling of A pumps energy to the twinned M. How can one understand this?

    The twinned configuration consists of copies of the same configuration and de-twinning would fuse them together and energy would be liberated in the fusion. Mechanical loading would feed energy to the system but minimization of free energy would induce de-twinning and would liberate energy. The applied stress could kick the system over a potential wall to a state with a lower energy.

    The process would be analogous to that proposed to occur in the biocatalysis (see this). The shortening of the monopole flux tubes connecting the reactants, induced by the reduction of heff, would bring reactants together and liberate energy making it possible to overcome the potential wall preventing the reaction. In the recent case the compression decreasing heff would shorten the distance between the basic units of twins and induce fusion.

See the article TGD and condensed matter or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Zero energy ontology and holography make possible memories by coding the quantum jump as a conscious event to the final state of the quantum jump

We have memories about the conscious experiences of the past. How are these memories formed? Zero energy ontology (ZEO) (see this) and this) suggests a rather concrete model for the representations of the memories in terms of the geometry of the space-time surface.

Consider first a brief summary of ZEO.

  1. The basic notions of ZEO are causal diamond (CD), zero energy state, and state function reduction (SFR). There are two kinds of SFRs: "small" SFRs (SSFRs) and "big" SFRs (BSFRs).
  2. A sequence of SSFRs is the TGD counterpart for a sequence of repeated measurements of the same observables: in wave mechanics they leave the state unaffected (Zeno effect). Already in quantum optics, one must loosen this assumption and one speaks of weak measurements. In the TGD framework, SSFRs give rise to a flow of consciousness, self.
  3. BSFR is the counterpart of the ordinary SFR. In the BSFR the arrow of the geometric time changes and BSFR means the death of self and to a reincarnation with an opposite arrow of geometric time. Death and birth as reincarnation with an opposite arrow of time are universal notions in the TGD Universe.
Consider now this view in more detail.
  1. Causal diamond CD=cd× CP2 (see this) is the intersection of future and past directed light-cones of M4. In the simplest picture, cero energy states are pairs of 3-D many-fermion states at the opposite light-like boundaries of the CD.
  2. Zero energy states are superpositions of space-time surfaces connecting the boundaries of CD. These space-time surfaces obey holography, which is almost deterministic. Holography = holomorphy principle allows their explicit construction as minimal surfaces and they are analogous to Bohr orbits when one interprets 3-surface as a generalization of a point-like particle. Already 2-D minimal surfaces fail to be completely deterministic (a given frame can span several minimal surfaces). This non-determinism forces ZEO: in absence of it one could have ordinary ontology with 3-D objects as basic geometric entities.

    The failure of complete determinism makes 4-dimensional Bohr orbits dynamical objects by giving them additional discrete degrees of freedom. They are absolutely essential for the understanding of memory and one can speak of a 4-dimensional brain.

  3. The 3-D many-fermion states and the restriction of the wave function in WCW to a wave function to the space-of 3-surfaces as the ends of Bohr orbits at the passive boundary of CD are unaffected by the sequence of SSFRs. This is the counterpart for the Zeno effect. This requires that a given SSFR must correspond to a measurement of observables commuting with the observables which define the state basis at the passive boundary.

    The states at the opposite, active, boundary of CD are however affected in SSFRs and this gives rise to self and flow of consciousness. Also the size of CD increases in a statistical sense. The sequence of SSFRs gives rise to subjective time correlating with the increase of geometric time identifiable as the temporal distance between the tips of the CD. The arrow of time depends on which boundary of CD is passive and the time increases in the direction of the active boundary.

  4. Ordinary SFRs correspond in TGD to BSFRs. Both BSFRs and SSFRs are possible in arbitrarily long scales since the heff hierarchy makes possible quantum coherence in arbitrary long scales.

    The new element is that the arrow of geometric time changes in BSFR since the roles of the active and passive boundaries of CD change. BSFR occurs when the set of observables measured at the active boundary no longer commutes with the set of observables associated with the passive boundary.

    The density matrix of the 3-D system characterizing the interaction of the 3-surface at the active boundary with its complement is a fundamental observable and if it ceases to commute with the observables at the active boundary, BSFR must take place.

Consider now what memory and memory recall could mean in this framework.
  1. The view has been that active memory recall requires what might be regarded as communications with the geometric past. This requires sending a signal to the geometric past propagating in the non-standard time direction and absorbed by a system representing the memory (part of the brain or of its magnetic/field body). In the ZEO this is possible since BSFRs change the arrow of the geometric time.
  2. The signal must be received by a system of geometric past representing the memory. This requires that 4-D space-time surfaces are not completely deterministic: Bohr orbits as 4-D minimal surfaces must have analogs of frames spanning the 2-D soap film, at which determinism fails. The seats of memories correspond to the seats of non-determinism as singularities of the space-time surface as a minimal surface.

  3. How are the memories coded geometrically? This can be understood by asking what happens in SSFR. What happens is that from a set of 3-D final states at the active boundary some state is selected. This means a localization in the "world of classical worlds" (WCW) as the space of Bohr orbits. The zero energy state is localized to the outcome of quantum measurement. In ZEO the outcome therefore also represents the quantum transition to the final state! This is not possible in the standard ontology.

    The findings of Minev et al (see this and this) that in quantum optics quantum jumps correspond too smooth classical time evolutions leading from the initial state to the final state provide a direct support for this picture.

    ZEO therefore gives a geometric representation of a subjective experience associated with the SSFR. One obtains conscious information of this representation either by passive or active memory recall by waking up the locus of non-determinism assignable to the original conscious event. The slight failure of determinism for BSFRS is necessary for this. The sequence of SSFRs is coded to a sequence of geometric representations of memories about conscious events.

    This is how the Universe gradually develops representations of its earlier quantum jumps to its own state. Since the algebraic complexity of the Universe can only increase in a statistical sense the quantum hopping of the Universe in the quantum Platonic defined by the spinor fields of WCW implies evolution.

See the article TGD as it is towards end of 2024: part II or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

About the generalization of the holography = holomorphy ansatz to general analytic functions

The general ansatz works also for analytic functions with poles since (f1=0,f2=0) implies that the poles do not belong to the space-time surface. What is required is that the roots are not essential singularities. For rational functions Ri=Pi/Qi the vanishing conditions reduce to those for the polynomials Pi.

The generalization Rieman zeta to polyzeta Sn(s1,...,sn) is s function of n complex variables (see this) and satisfies identities analogous to those satisfied by Riemann zeta. This generalization is extremely interesting from the point of view of physics of chaotic and quantum critical systems. Polyzeta S4 with four complex arguments would define as its roots a 6-D analog of the twistor space of the space-time surface expected to have an infinite number of 6-D roots having interpretation as a generalization of zeros of Riemann zeta.

One could have f1=S4 so that its roots would correspond to 6-D zeros of polyzeta S4(s1,...,s4) defining the counterparts of twistor surfaces! f2=0 could define a map from the M4 twistor sphere S21 to CP2 twistor sphere S22 characterized by a winding number or vice versa.

A further extremely nice feature is that the space-time surfaces form a number field in the sense that one can sum, multiply and divide the members of fi and gi of (f1,f2) and (g1,g2) elementwise. Also functional composition is possible. One could say that the space-time surface is a number. One can also consider polynomials and polynomials with prime order behave like multiplicative primes. It is also possible to identify prime polynomials with respect to functional composition (see this).

See the article TGD as it is towards end of 2024: part I or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Are supernovae induced by the transformation of M89 nuclei at the stellar surface to ordinary nuclei?

Could the explosions of the M89 magnetic bubbles proposed to rise to the planets induce supernovae? The following vision suggests itself.
  1. The flux tubes as M89 super-nuclei split to ordinary M107 nuclei and produce ordinary nuclear matter and liberate energy. This transition would give an additional contribution to the nuclear matter outside stars compensating for the missing contribution due to the missing ordinary nuclear matter inside stars.
  2. The decay of giant M89 nuclei defined by the monopole flux tubes would also create nuclei heavier than Fe, which are not produced in the stellar cores.
  3. The pressure pulse created in this way leads to the formation of supernovae and blackhole-like objects? Various giant stars would be the outcome of these kinds of explosions of the M89 surface layer?
One can check whether this hypothesis might make sense in the case of supernovae. I attach here a piece of text from the Wikipedia article about supernovae (see this) almost as such.

  1. A supernova occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star, or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion. The original object, progenitor, either collapses to a neutron star or black hole, or is completely destroyed to form a diffuse nebula. The peak optical luminosity of a supernova can be comparable to that of an entire galaxy before fading over several weeks or months.
  2. Theoretical studies indicate that most supernovae are triggered by one of two basic mechanisms: the sudden re-ignition of nuclear fusion in a white dwarf, or the sudden gravitational collapse of a massive star's core.
  3. In the re-ignition of a white dwarf, the object's temperature is raised enough to trigger runaway nuclear fusion, completely disrupting the star. Possible causes are an accumulation of material from a binary companion through accretion, or by a stellar merger.
  4. In the case of a massive star's sudden implosion, the core of a massive star will undergo sudden collapse once it is unable to produce sufficient energy from fusion to counteract the star's own gravity, which must happen once the star begins fusing iron, but may happen during an earlier stage of metal fusion.
  5. Supernovae can expel several solar masses of material at speeds up to several percent of the speed of light. This drives an expanding shock wave into the surrounding interstellar medium, sweeping up an expanding shell of gas and dust observed as a supernova remnant. Supernovae are a major source of elements in the interstellar medium from oxygen to rubidium. The expanding shock waves of supernovae can trigger the formation of new stars. Supernovae are a major source of cosmic rays. They might also produce gravitational waves.
These facts suggest that both in the case of white dwarfs and massive stars, the transformation of M89 nuclei to ordinary nuclei triggers the supernova by creating a powerful pressure pulse towards the core of the star.

In the case of a supernova, the mass thrown out is measured using solar mass MSun as a unit. For the explosions producing planets, the mass ME of the Earth is the natural mass unit. Can one understand this?

  1. In the case of the Sun The magnetic bubble consists of M89 monopole flux tubes forming a mass of about .005MSun. The baryons produced in the transition make mass of about 3ME at most and would compensate for the missing nuclear mass inside the star. A good guess is that the model for the solar M89 bubble generalizes as such so that the fraction of M89 mass scales like (Rstar/RSun)2.
  2. For blue giants (see this ), the masses are in the range 10 -300 MSun and the radii vary in the range 10 -100 RE as the table of the Wikipedia article shows. The amount of ordinary baryons produced would be in the range 102-104ME at most and considerably smaller than MSun∼ 106ME.
  3. In accordance with the expectations, the explosion should also throw out a considerable amount of ordinary nuclear matter. The huge inward directed pressure pulse produced by the transformation of the M89 layer to M107 nuclear matter would produce as a reaction a strong inward pulse and this in turn would induce an outward pulse throwing the ordinary nuclear matter out.
  4. In the case of white dwarf the inward directed pressure pulse could heat the core and re-ignite a runaway nuclear fusion inducing a total disruption of the white dwarf. In the case of a massive star this could induce a gravitational collapse of the core leading to a blackhole-like object or a neutron star.
To sum up, the TGD based model would solve the problem due to the missing nuclear mass and provide a missing link to the model of supernova. The decay of the giant M89 nuclei to ordinary nuclei would also explain the origin of the nuclei heavier than Fe.

See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A mechanism of photosynthesis which does not involve biomolecules

Standard biology teaches us that photosynthesis is needed to produce oxygen, which is the basic prerequisite of life. Besides complex biological apparatus this requires photons, which provide the needed energy. At the bottom of the ocean there is very dark and this might form a bottleneck for the evolution of life. Now it has been found that at the bottom of ocean mineral deposits known as polymetallic nodules can generate oxygen in absence of photons (see this). They contain combinations of cobalt, copper, lithium, and manganese and the size of the nodule can be that of a human hand. The initiation of electrolysis splitting water to hydrogen and oxygen needs only 1.5 eV voltage in seawater. This means that one has a battery. It was found that the nodules involve voltage as high as .95 eV.

The nodules could make possible electrolysis and splitting of water. They could make it possible to overcome the hen and egg problem due the fact that a complex biomolecular apparatus is needed for photosynthesis but this apparatus cannot exist in primordial biology.

In the TGD Universe, multicellular life would have evolved in underground oceans and bursted to the surface in the Cambrian explosion for about 450 million years ago (see for instance this), which in the TGD Universe was caused by the expansion of the Earth radius by a factor 2 in a rather short period of time. TGD indeed predicts that the cosmic expansion of astrophysical objects occurs as short bursts. This explains why the astrophysical objects comove in expansion but do not expand themselves .

A heavy objection against this vision is that there are no photons in underground oceans so that photosynthesis is not possible. I have proposed that the light arriving as dark photons - ordinary photons but with a large value of effective Planck constant heff - from the Earth's core (the temperature is nearly the same as in the solar corona) could have provided the metabolic energy. Also solar photons arriving as dark photons along monopole flux tubes could have provided the energy.

It seems that also the polymetallic nodules could generate photons and make possible the splitting of water. What could be the mechanism making this possible? It must be added that also electrolysis, thought to represent ancient physics, is not a well-understood phenomenon. Remarkably, "cold fusion" was discovered in electrolytes (for the TGD view see this and this) . The voltages used in electrolysis are in eV range and in atomic physics length scales they correspond to ridiculously weak electric fields. How can they cause the ionization essential for electrolysis?

  1. In the Pollack effect (see this), the irradiation of water in the presence of the gel phase generates a voltage, and therefore produces a battery. This battery also makes possible electrolysis and the splitting of water producing oxygen. Pollack effect is not understood in the framework of standard chemistry.
  2. The TGD explanation is that in the Pollack effect one fourth of the protons of water are transformed to dark photons and kicked to monopole flux tubes. This creates a negatively charged region called exclusion zone (EZ). This would generate a charge separation giving rise to the voltage. Photons would provide the needed energy to transform ordinary protons to dark protons with a larger value of heff and therefore larger energy.

    It has become gradually clear that what matters is energy. Therefore the Pollack effect can be realized in several ways. In particular, the formation of molecules as bound states of atoms can provide the needed energy: no photons would be needed (see this and this ).

    In particular, the reverse Pollack effect, that is dropping of dark protons from the monopole flux tubes back to ordinary protons, is also possible and would liberate ordinary photons needed in the splitting of water. This could also provide the photonic energy needed in photosynthesis and could provide a temporary storage of metabolic energy needed in photosynthesis and in the storage of energy to ATP (see this).

  3. If this can happen in the nodules, the photosynthesis could have evolved in underground oceans via the fusion of atoms to molecules and completely without external light source.
See for instance the article Expanding Earth Hypothesis and Pre-Cambrian Earth or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Some solar mysteries

This article was inspired by the article "Is the Sun a Black Hole?" by Nassim Haramein. The article describes a collection of various anomalies related to the physics of the Sun, which I have also considered from the TGD point of view. The most important anomalies are the gamma ray anomalies and the missing nuclear matter of about 1500 Earth masses. The idea that the Sun could contain a blackhole led in the TGD framework to a refinement of the earlier model for blackhole-like objects (BHs) as maximally dense flux tube spaghettis predicting also their mass spectrum in terms of Mersenne primes and their Gaussian counterparts.

It however turned out that the TGD based model for the missing nuclear matter assigns the gamma ray anomalies to a magnetic bubble as a layer covering the surface of the Sun and consisting of closed monopole flux tube loops running in North-South direction and carrying M89 nucleons with a mass which is 512 times the mass of the ordinary nucleon. This structure could be seen as a 2-D surface variant of the TGD counterpart of blackhole and under very natural assumptions its mass is the missing 1500 Earth masses of ordinary nuclear matter. This model conforms with the earlier model of the sunspot activity related to the reversal of the solar magnetic field. It also explains the gamma ray anomaly below 35 GeV.

A possible explanation for the TeV anomaly is in terms of M79 nuclei generated in the TGD counterpart for the formation of quark gluon plasma, which in the TGD Universe would generate M89 hadrons from M107 hadrons. Now M79 nuclei would be generated from M89 hadrons in a process analogous to high energy nuclear collision, which would correspond to the collision of the M89 flux tubes, whose distance would be larger than 2 Compton lengths of M89 nucleons.

The model leads also to a proposal for the generation of the inner planets and Mars via explosion of the outer layer of the Sun consisting of Mk nucleons caused by the transformation of Mk nucleons to M107 nucleons. M89 would give the inner planets and cores of the outer planets, which would have got their gas envelopes by gravitational condensation.

See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Galaxy without stars

Galaxy without stars and containing only hydrogen gas is the newest strange finding of astronomers (see this). The proposed explanation is that the galaxy-like structure is so young that the formation of stars has not yet begun.

The hydrogen galaxy might be also seen as a support for the TGD based view of the formation of galaxies and stars. The basic objects would be cosmic strings (actually 4-D objects as surfaces in M^4xCP_2 having 2-D M^4 projection) dominating the primordial cosmology. Cosmic strings would carry energy as analog of dark energy and would give rise to the TGD counterpart of galactic dark matter predicting the flat velocity spectrum of distance stars around the galaxy. Cosmic strings are unstable against thickening producing flux tube tangles. The reduction of string tension in the thickening liberates energy giving rise to the visible galactic matter, in particular stars. This process would be the TGD counterpart of inflation and produce galaxies and stars. Quasars would be formed first.

One can however consider a situation in which there is only hydrogen gas but no cosmic strings. If the hydrogen "galaxy" has this interpretation, the standard view of the formation of galaxies as gravitational condensation could be wrong. Galaxy formation would proceed from short to long length scales rather than vice versa.

See the article About the recent TGD based view concerning cosmology and astrophysics or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this. .

New understanding about the energetics of muscle contraction

The FB post of Robert Stonjek told about a popular article in Phys Org (see this) about the modelling of unexpected findings related to muscle contraction (see the Nature article). The article is very interesting from the point of view of TGD inspired quantum biology (see for instance this).

Muscle contraction requires energy. From the article one learns that the contraction is not actually well-understood. The interesting finding is that the rate of muscle contraction correlates with the rate of water flow through the muscle. As if the water flow would provide the energy needed by the contraction. How? This is not actually well-understood. This is only one example of the many failures of naive reductionism in recent biology.

TGD suggests a very general new physics mechanism for how a biosystem can gain metabolic energy.

  1. One can start from biocatalysis, whose extremely rapid rate is a complete mystery in the framework of standard biochemistry. The energy wall which reactants must overcome makes the reactions extremely slow. A general mechanism of energy liberation allowing us to get over the wall, should exist. The reactants should also find each other in the molecular crowd.
  2. The first problem is that one does not understand how reactants find each other. The magnetic monopole flux tubes, carrying phases of ordinary matter with effective Planck constant heff>h behaving like dark matter, make the living system a fractal network with molecules, cells, etc at the nodes. The U-shaped flux tubes acting as tentacles allow the reactant molecules to find each other: a resonance occur when the U-shaped flux tubes touching each other have same magnetic value of magnetic field and same thickness, a cyclotron resonance occurs, they reconnect to form a pair of flux tubes connecting the molecules. Molecules have found each other.
  3. At the next step heff decreases and the connecting flux tube pair shortens. This liberates energy since the length of the flux tube pair increases with heff. Quite generally the increase of heff requires energy feed, and in biosystems this means metabolic energy feed. The liberated energy makes it possible to overcome the energy barrier making the reaction slow.
  4. This mechanism applied to the monopole flux tubes associated with water clusters and bioactive molecules is a basic mechanism of the immune system and allows the organism to find bioactive molecules which do not belong to the system normally. Cyclotron frequency spectrum of the biomolecule serves as the fingerprint of the molecule. This is also the basic mechanism of water memory.
In muscle contraction, the flow of water involving these contracting flux tubes would liberate the energy needed by contraction and the process would be very fast. The water flowing through the muscle is a fuel carrying energy at its monopole flux tubs with heff>h. The energy is used and water becomes ordinary. The rate of the flow correlates with the rate of contraction and with the rate of the needed metabolic energy feed.

The interesting question is whether this mechanism reduces to the usual ATP-ADP mechanism in some sense or whether ATP-ADP mechanism is a special case of this mechanism

See for instance the article TGD view about water memory and the notion of morphogenetic field.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Do   local Galois group and ramified primes make sense as general coordinate invariant notions?

In TGD, space-time surface can be regarded as a 4-D root for a pair P1,P2 of polynomials of generalized complex coordinates of H=M4× CP2 (of of the coordinates is generalized complex coordinates varying along light-like curves). Each pair gives rise to a 6-D surface proposed to be identifiable as analog of twistor space and their intersection defines space-time surface as a common base of these twistor spaces as S2.

One can also think of the space-time surface X4 as a base space of a twistor surface X6 in the product T(M4)× T(CP2) of the twistor spaces of M4 and H. One can represent X4 as a section of this twistor space as a root of a single polynomial P. The number roots of a polynomial does not depend on the point chosen. One considers polynomials with rational coefficients but also analytic functions can be considered and general coordinate invariance would suggest that they should be allowed.

Could one generalize the notion of the Galois group so that one could speak of a Galois group acting on 4-surface X4 permuting its sheets as roots of the polynomial? Could one speak of a local Galois group with local groups Gal(x) assigned with each point x of the space-time surface. Could one have a general coordinate invariant definition for the generalized Galois group, perhaps working even when one considers analytic functions f1,f2 instead of polynomials. Also a general coordinate invariant definition of ramified primes identifiable as p-adic primes defining the p-adic length scales would be desirable.

The required view of the Galois group would be nearer to the original view of Galois group as permutations of the roots of a polynomial whereas the standard definition identifies it as a group acting as an automorphism in the extension of the base number field induced by the roots of the polynomial and leaving the base number field. The local variant of the ordinary Galois group would be defined for the points of X4 algebraic values of X4 coordinates and would be trivial for most points. Something different is needed.

In the TGD framework, a geometric realization for the action of the Galois group permutings space-time regions as roots of a polynomial equation is natural and the localization of the Galois group is natural. I have earlier considered a realization as a discrete subgroup of a braid group which is a covering group of the permutation group. The twistor approach leads to an elegant realization as discrete permutations of the roots of the polynomial as values of the S2 complex coordinate of the analog of twistor bundle realized as a 6-surface in the product of twistor spaces of M4 and CP2. This realization makes sense also for the P1,P2 option.

The natural idea is that the Galois group acts as conformal transformations or even isometries of the twistor sphere S2. The isometry option leads to a connection with the McKay correspondence. Only the Galois groups appearing in the hierarchy finite subgroups of rotation groups appearing in the hierarchy of Jones inclusions of hyper-finite factors of type II1 are realized as isometries and only the isometry group of the cube is a full permutation group. For the conformal transformations the situation is different. In any case, Galois groups representable as isometries of S2 are expected to be physically very special so that the earlier intuitions seems to be correct.

General coordinate invariance allows any coordinates for the space-time surface X4 as the base space of X6 as the analog of twistor bundle and the complex coordinate z of S2 is determined apart from linear holomorphies z → az+b, which do not affect the ramimifed primes as factors of the discriminant defined by the product of the root differences.

See the article TGD as it is towards end of 2024: part I or a chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

The mystery of the magnetic field of the Moon

In Bighthink there was an interesting story telling about the strange finding related to the faces of the Moon. The finding is that the faces of the Moon are very different. Moon and Earth are in rotational resonance meaning that the we see always the same face of the Moon. In 1959 the first spacecraft flew around the Moon and it was found that the two sides of the Moon are very different.

The near side is heavily cratered and the lighter areas are in general more cratered that the dark areas known as maria. Craters have a fractal structure: craters within craters. Dark areas have different decomposition. At the far side there are relatively few dark maria and the dark side is thoroughly cratered and "rays" appear to radiate out from them.

The "obvious" explanation for the difference between the two sides is that there is a massive bombardment by heavy towards the far side whereas Earth has shielded the near side. This explanation fails quantitatively: the number of collisions at the near side should be only 1 per cent smaller at the far side. The far side is about 30 per cent more heavily cratered than the near side. There is no explanation for the size and abundance difference of the maria.

The article discusses the explanation in terms of Theia hypothesis stating that Moon was formed as a debris resulting from a collision of Mars size planet with Earth. If the Earth was very hot, certain elements would have been depleted from the surface of the Moon and chemical gradients would have changed its chemical decomposition. The very strong tidal forces when the Moon and Earth were near to each other would have led to a tidal locking. If the near side has thinner crust, Maria could be understood as resulting from molten lava flows into great basins and lowlands of the near side. If the maria solidified much later than the highlands one can understand why the number of craters is much lower. The impact did not leave any scars. The hot Earth near the Moon also explain the difference in crustal thickness.

TGD suggests a different explanation consistent with the Theia hypothesis. TGD predicts that cosmic expansion consists of a sequence of rapid expansions. This explains why the astrophysical objects participate in cosmic expansion but do not seem to expand themselves. The prediction is that astrophysical objects have experienced expansions. The latest expansion would have occurred .5 billion years ago and increased the radius of Earth by a factor 2. These epansion can be also explosions throwing away a layer of matter. Sun would created planets in this kind of explosions by the gravitational condensation of the resulting spherical layers to form the planet. Also Moon could have emerged in an explosion of Earth throwing out a thin expanding spherical layer. This would explains why the composition of Moon is similar to that of Earth.

The hypothesis resembles the Theia hypothesis. The hypothesis however suggests that the Moon should consist of a material originating from both Theia and Earth. The compositions of Earth and Moon are however similar. Why Theia and Earth would have had similar compositions?

This spherical layer was unstable against gravitational condensation to form the Moon. If the condensation was such that there was no radial mixing, the layer's inner side remained towards the Earth. This together with the tidal locking could allow to understand the differences between the near and far sides of the Moon. The chemical composition of the near side would correspond to that in the Earth's interior at certain depth h. One can estimate the thickness h of the layer as h= RM^3/RE2 ≈ RE/48 from RM≈ RE/4. This gives h≈ 130 km. The temperature of the recent Earth at this depth is around 1000 K (see this). At the time of the formation of Moon, the temperature could have been considerably higher, and it could have been in molten magma state.

Orbital locking would rely on the same mechanism as in Theia model. The half-molten state would have favored the development of the locking. The far side would represent the very early Earth affected by the meteoric bombardment or some other mechanism creating the craters.

Another mysterious observation is that Moon has apparentely turned itself inside out! The proposed mechanism indeed explains this. See the blog post.

See the article Moon is mysterious or the chapter Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe: Part I.