Monday, August 12, 2024

The TGD based model for the formation of planets passes the simplest tests in the case of Sun

The TGD based model for the Sun (see this) predicts the missing nuclear mass of 1500 ME (ME is the Earth mass) masses as a 89 solid layer at the surface of the Sun consisting nucleons having a mass 512 times that mass of the ordinary nucleon. The model is consistent with the earlier proposal (see this and (see this) that planets are formed in mini big bangs throwing out a surface layer or part of it. This layer would naturally correspond to the M89 layer having a baryonic mass of 3 Earth masses. Giant planets would have a core with mass of the order of ME and the gaseous sphere would have gravitationally condensed around it. The model survives basic qualitative and quantitative tests as the following argument demonstrates.
  1. The explosion of the M89 solid layer at the surface of the Sun formed by M89 monopole flux tubes explains the solar anomalies would create an expanding layer of ordinary M107 nuclear matter, which could gravitationally condense to a proto planet since the monopole flux tubes making it a rigid sphere would split in the explosion. The explosion would be a phase transition transforming M89 nuclei to M107 nuclei.

    In the gravitational condensation a rigid spherical surface would transform to a planet at Bohr orbit describable by the Nottale's atomic model for the planetary system. The angular momentum quantization condition for the rigid sphere would be replaced by the quantization condition for angular momentum plus Newton's law which for the rigid sphere would correspond to the vanishing of torque guaranteed by the sphericality.

  2. Angular momentum conservation would give strong constraints on the model, in particular the orbital and spin rotation frequency of the planet. One prediction is that the planets should rotate in the same counter clockwise direction as the Sun is spinning (this fact is not well understood). Only Venus and Uranus are exceptions to this rule and in the case of Venus it is thought that a collision with a fast moving asteroid has changed the rotation direction. One cannot of course exclude the possibility that the M89 layer of the Sun can also rotate in a direction opposite to that of the Sun.
  3. A quantitative test is provided by checking whether the rotational angular momenta of the planets are nearly the same or by dissipation somewhat smaller than the angular momentum associated with the M89 layer. The prediction is

    Llayer,spin=(2/3)MlayerRSun2ΩSun= LE,rot MEdE2 ΩE,rot.

    Substituting the numbers Mlayer= 1500 ME, and dE= AU= 1.49× 108 km, TE,rot= 365 d, TSun=25 day, one obtains Llayer/LE,rot= 1.11. The discrepancy could be due to the dissipation.

This simple quantitative test can be performed also for the other planets. This is only one of the many quantitative successes of the TGD based model of the Sun and planets.

See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.


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