Monday, September 16, 2013

Has IceCube detected neutrinos coming from decays of p-adically scaled up copies of weak bosons?

This note was inspired by very interesting posting "Storm in IceCube" by Jester. IceCube is a neutrino detector located at South Pole. Most of the neutrinos detected are atmospheric neutrinos originating from Sun but what one is interested in are neutrinos from astrophysical sources.

  1. Last year the collaboration reported the detection for neutrino cascade events, with with energy around 1 PeV=106 GeV. The atmospheric background decreases rapidly with energy and at these energies the detection of a pair of events at these energies corresponds to about 3 sigma. The recent report tells about a broad excess of events (28 events) above 30 TeV: only about 10 are expected from atmospheric neutrinos alone. The flavor composition is consistent with 1:1:1 ratio of the 3 neutrino species as expected for distant sources for which the oscillations during the travel should cause complete mixing. The distribution of the observed events is consistent with isotropy.

  2. There is a dip ranging from .4 PeV to about 1 PeV and the spectrum has probably a sharp cutoff somewhat above 1 TeV. This suggests a monochromatic neutrino line resulting from the decays of some particle decaying to neutrino and some other particle - possibly also neutrino (see this). Astrophysical phenomena with standard model physics are expected to produce smooth power-law spectrum - typically 1/E2 - rather than peak. The proposal is that the events around 1 PeV could come from the decay of dark matter particles with energy scale of 2 TeV. The observation of two events gives a bound for the life-time of dark matter particle in question: about 1021 years much longer than the age of the Universe. The bound of course depends on what density is assumed for the dark matter.

  3. There is also a continuum excess in the range [.1, .4] PeV. This could result from many-particle decay channels containing more than 2 particles.
What says TGD?
  1. TGD almost-predicts a fractal hierarchy of hadron physics and weak physics labelled by Mersenne primes Mn=2n-1. Also Gaussian primes MG,n= (1+i)n-1 are possible. M107 would correspond to the ordinary hadron physics. M89 would correspond to weak bosons and a scaled up copy of hadron physics, for which there are many indications: in particular, the breaking of perturbative QCD at rather high energies assignable at LHC to proton heavy nucleus collisions. The explanation in terms of AdS/CFT correspondence has not been successful and is not even well-motivated since it assumes strong coupling regime.

  2. The next Mersenne prime is M61 and the first guess is that the observed TeV neutrinos result from the decay of W and Z bosons of scale up copy of weak physics having mass near 1 TeV. The naivest estimate for the masses of these weak bosons is obtained by the naive scaling the masses of ordinary weak bosons by factor 2(89-61)/2=214. For mW=80 GeV and mZ=90 GeV one obtains mW(61)= 1.31 PeV and mZ(61)= 1.47 PeV. The energy of the mono-chromatic neutrino would be about about .65 PeV and .74 PeV in the two cases. This is in the almost empty range between .4 PeV and 1 PeV and too small roughly by a factor of kenosqrt2.

    An improved estimate for upper bound of Z mass is based on the p-adic mass scale m(M89) related to the p-adic mass scale M127 of electron by scaling factor 2(127-89)/2= 219 giving m(89)≈ 120 GeV for me= (5+X)1/2m(127) =.51 MeV and X=0 (X≤ 1 holds true for the second order contribution to electron mass). The scaling by the factor 2(89-61)/2= 214 gives m(61)= 1.96 TeV consistent with the needed 2 TeV. The exact value of weak boson mass depends on the value of Weinberg angle sin2W) and the value of the second order contribution to the mass: m(61) gives upper bound for the mass of Z(61). The model predicts two peaks with distance depending on the value of Weinberg angle of M61 weak physics.

  3. What about the interpretation of the continuum part of anomaly? The proposed interpretation for many-particle decays looks rather reasonable. The simplest possibility is the decay to a pair of light quarks of M61 hadron physics, followed by a decay of quark or antiquark via emission of W boson decaying to lepton-neutrino pair.
To sum up, the existence of scaled up copy of weak physics would mean the last nail to the coffin of GUTs predicting huge desert between weak mass scale and the mass scale of leptoquarks having mass scale of order 10-4 Planck masses. It would also provide a further support for the p-adic length scales hypothesis.

For background see the chapter "New particle physics predicted by TGD: part I".

Note: The new (temporary) address of my homepage is http://www. The only change is the replacement of "com" with "fi" and one can get from any link to the new address just by replacing "com" with "fi".

1 comment:

L. Edgar Otto said...

Glad to hear you have access to the work... I found it, and I found one article that explained how you saw and derived the essential idea of the arithmetic (I understand your views better). I hope the work finds a place of more permanence.

I have my doubts that perturbation can be anything that applies so strictly (after all did it really predict Neptune? Does it not suggest Bode's law is a range of laws that also seems trivial and accidental?) I think your theory would be enhanced when we consider the asymmetric aspects of 4 space. Of a higher world beyond trivial symmetries, if we can pass thru it, we may regard it as dark or dark like matter space and so find at least an average measure from these sets in such single unique primes.

In the details,or actual observance of this quasifinite reach thus shells in shells of quasifinite entanglement varieties - we may glimpse the next generalization which seems to me vastly more involved but reasonable than say the idea of multiverse.