Thursday, September 03, 2015

Indication for a scaled up variant of Z boson

Both Tommaso Dorigo and Lubos Motl tell about a spectacular 2.9 TeV di-electron event not observed in previous LHC runs. Single event of this kind is of course most probably just a fluctuation but human mind is such that it tries to see something deeper in it - even if practically all trials of this kind are chasing of mirages.

Since the decay is leptonic, the typical question is whether the dreamed for state could be an exotic Z boson. This is also the reaction in TGD framework. The first question to ask is whether weak bosons assignable to Mersenne prime M89 have scaled up copies assignable to Gaussian Mersenne M79. The scaling factor for mass would be 2(89-89)/2= 32. When applied to Z mass equal to about .09 TeV one obtains 2.88 TeV, not far from 2.9 TeV. Eureka!? Looks like a direct scaled up version of Z!? W should have similar variant around 2.6 TeV.

TGD indeed predicts exotic weak bosons and also gluons. TGD based explanation of family replication phenomenon in terms of genus-generation correspondence forces to ask whether gauge bosons identifiable as pairs of fermion and antifermion at opposite throats of wormhole contact could have bosonic counterpart for family replication. Dynamical SU(3) assignable to three lowest fermion generations/genera labelled by the genus of partonic 2-surface (wormhole throat) means that fermions are combinatorially SU(3) triplets. Could 2.9 TeV state - if it would exist - correspond to this kind of state in the tensor product of triplet and antitriplet? The mass of the state should depend besides p-adic mass scale also on the structure of SU(3) state so that the mass would be different. This difference should be very small.

Dynamical SU(3) could be broken so that wormhole contacts with different genera for the throats would be more massive than those with the same genera. This would give SU(3) singlet and two neutral states, which are analogs of η′ and η and π0 in Gell-Mann's quark model. The masses of the analogs of η and π0 and the the analog of η′, which I have identified as standard weak boson would have different masses. But how large is the mass difference?

These 3 states are expected top have identical mass for the same p-adic mass scale, if the mass comes mostly from the analog of hadronic string tension assignable to magnetic flux tube. connecting the two wormhole contacts associates with any elementary particle in TGD framework (this is forced by the condition that the flux tube carrying monopole flux is closed and makes a very flattened square shaped structure with the long sides of the square at different space-time sheets). p-Adic thermodynamics would give a very small contribution genus dependent contribution to mass if p-adic temperature is T=1/2 as one must assume for gauge bosons (T=1 for fermions). Hence 2.95 TeV state could indeed correspond to this kind of state.

Can one imagine any pattern for the Mersennes and Gaussian Mersennes involved? Charged leptons correspond to electron (M127), muon (MG,113) and tau (M107): Mersenne- Gaussian Mersenne-Mersenne. Does one have similar pattern for gauge bosons too: M89- MG,79 - M61?

Recall that Lubos reported a dijet at 5.2 TeV: see the earlier posting. Dijet structure suggests some meson. One can imagine several candidates but no perfect fit if one assumes M89 meson and one applies naive scaling. For instance, if kaon mass is scaled by factor 210 rather than 512 - just like the mass of pion to get mass of the proposed M89 pion candidate, one obtains 4.9 TeV. Naive scaling of 940 MeV mass of nucleon by 512 would predict that M89 has mass of 4.8 TeV.

See the chapter New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I of "p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis".

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.


Leo Vuyk said...

IMHO, there could be a different explanation of the W Z and H mass jumps: “local vacuum chirality reversal ”.
Our material universe could be equipped with a left hand chirality vacuum and our mirror (anti-matter) universe equipped with a right hand chirality , (For an alternative symmetric big bang)
Then inside the LHC collider a local anti material vacuum could have formed around the colliding process, with much higher mass readings. see and said...

You are clearly referring to the model discussed by Lubos in which the possible bumps at 2.1, 2.9, and 5.2 TeV would correspond to W, Z, and H. My model is different.

To my best knowledge the identification of the quantum numbers for these is states is open.

My proposal is 2.1 TeV could correspond to pion of M_G,79 hadron physics: both neutral and charged pions would be there: this interpretation is strongly supported by the dominance of the decays to quarks suggesting strongly meson like states. For W like state one should not have this kind of quark dominance. This leads to un-natural assumption of leptophoby which is completely ad hoc.

2.9 TeV state could correspond to analog of Z predicted by genus-generation correspondence. Also W should be there at about 2.5 TeV. Maybe also the analog of Higgs at 4 TeV - by ultra naive scaling.

5.2 TeV state could have several identifications as M_89 mesons or even M_89 nucleon.

Ulla said...

Look at this!

Ulla said...

...suggesting that neutrino mass scale depends on environment can be understood if neutrinos can suffer topological condensation in several p-adic length scales...
environment = primes?
hence they are chaotic? defines fractality?

compare to "we derive the area law for the ground state of a scalar field on a generic lattice in the limit of small speed of sound" said...

p-Adicity means fractality. Basic aspect of fractality is existence of several scales and this is also what p-adicity means. The possibility that particle can correspond to several p-adic primes and mass scales would be manifestation of this. I would not assign chaoticity to this.