Thursday, September 24, 2015

Where they are - the gravitational waves?

One hundred years since Einstein proposed gravitational waves as part of his general theory of relativity, an 11-year search performed with CSIRO's Parkes telescope has failed to detect them, casting doubt on our understanding of galaxies and black holes. The work, led by Dr Ryan Shannon (of CSIRO and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research), is published today in the journal Science, see the article Gravitational waves from binary supermassive black holes missing in pulsar observations. See also the popular article 11-year cosmic search leads to black hole rethink.

This finding is consistent with TGD view about blackhole like entities ( I wrote 3 blog articles inspired by the most recent Hawking hype: see this, this and this).

In TGD Universe ideal blackhole a space-time region with Euclidian(!) signature of induced metric and horizon would correspond to the light-like 3-surface at which the signature of the metric changes. Ideal blackhole (or rather its surface) would consist solely of dark matter. The large values of gravitational Planck constant hgr= GMm/v0, M here is the mass of blackhole and m is the mass of say electron, would be associated with the flux tubes mediating gravitational interaction and gravitational radiation. v0 is a parameter with dimensions of velocity - some characteristic rotational velocity -say the rotation velocity of blackhole- would be in question.

The quanta of dark gravitational radiation would have much large energies E= heff than one would expect on basis of the rotation frequency, which corresponds to a macroscopic time scale. Dark gravitons would arrive as highly energetic particles along flux tubes and could decay to bunches of ordinary low energy gravitons in the detection. These bunches would be bursts rather than continuous background and would be probably interpreted as a noise. I have considered a model for this in here.

See the article TGD view about blackholes and Hawking radiation.

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.


Ulla said...

Dark gravitation is a difficult concept... even dark radiation, if not from some noisy effect like ether or 'grid'. said...

The basic condition is that the verbal shorthands have mathematically well-defined counterparts. Of course intuitive picture, which is difficult to even verbalize and develops only gradually, is necessary. What is completely trivial after 38 years with TGD, is often completely incomprehensible for newcomer.

This is the general problem. Language forms linear representations- "stories" - and forgets most of the incredibly complex web like structure. The reader knows nothing about the web in which story is contained as a small thread. Hence problems.

Dark gravitons are large h_eff gravitons for which one has E= h_eff*f rather thanE=h*f as usually.

One can also say something concrete if if there is idea about how dark gravitons transform to ordinary ones. Concerning modelling of graviton emissions situation differs from that for modelling atomic emissions only by the fact that h is replaced with h_eff. I have considered tis kind of simple model for about decade ago in