Monday, December 07, 2015

Do I hear M89 bells ringing?

p-Adic length scale hypothesis is one of the cornerstones of TGD. It leads to a stunning prediction. For instance, QCD should have several scaled variants with different mass scales and most plausibly they are associated with with p-adic primes which correspond to Mersenne primes or Gaussian Mersennes (primes for complex integers).

At LHC two candidates for scaled variant of hadron physics are suggestive: M89 hadron physics and MG,79 with mass scales differing by factor 25=32. As the first guess one can just multiply the mass spectrum of mesons of ordinary hadron physics by factor 2(107-89)/2)=512 or 2(107-79)/2) =214 to get an estimate for the meson masses of the new physics. For M89 however additional p-adic scaling by factor 2 is needed if one identifies its pion in terms of 135 GeV bump detected by Fermi telescope. Alternative would be 67.5 GeV: I do not know whether even this can be excluded. If these predictions are correct, a new Golden Age of physics is waiting for us to realise that it is there.

Adam Falkowski has the best particle physics rumours. According to Lubos he tells at this time via Twitter(@Resonaances) about indications for a bump at about 700 GeV decaying to two photons. According to Lubos, there are earlier indications for a bump at 662 GeV and also for a bump around 130-135 GeV observed by Fermi telescope: also I have talked a lot about this. 135 GeV is rather precisely 210 times neutral pion mass. By direct scaling the corresponding neutral ρ and ω meson masses would be 770 and 782 GeV differing 10 per cent from 700 GeV? Should I hear M89 bells ringing?

What will happen if these bumps turn out to be real particles? First attempted interpretations will certainly be in terms of standard SUSY, which in TGD framework is replaced with a variant in which addition of right handed neutrino or antineutrino line or both to the orbit of partonic 2-surface geberates sparticles. Squarks are predicted have quantum numbers of leptoquarks and there is a bunch of anomalies which have interpretation in terms of leptoquark something which no-one expected. It will be long and bitter debate comparable to string wars.

TGD model for the observations about heavy ion collisions at RHIC and later about proton heavy nucleus colissions at LHC assumes that the produced M89 mesons are dark with heff/h > 512 so that they would have Compton lengths of order nucleon size although mass would be much higher than proton mass. This implies quantum coherence at least in 512 longer scale as otherwise. In perturbative QCD however quarks and gluons are treated using a kinematic approach reducing nuclei to independent partons so that the description of collisions is in terms of quark and gluon collisions. Quantum coherence implied by large heff suggest a different, holistic description. There is just a collision or not: one cannot classify the collisions by number of parton-parton collisions.

The surprising finding from RHIC is that this seems to be the case! Collisions cannot be described by classifying them by the number of parton collisions taken place. This is like spending evening in party and remembering only that one was in party but remembering nothing about the people one met.

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.

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