Saturday, December 02, 2017

Chinese satellite provides evidence for second generation Z boson predicted by TGD

I found in FB a link to a highly interesting popular article "Dark matter exists? Chinese satellite detects mysterious signals while measuring cosmic rays". There is an article in Nature with title Direct detection of a break in the teraelectronvolt cosmic-ray spectrum of electrons and positrons by DAMPE collaboration.

A Chinese satellite – Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), also called Wukong or "Monkey King", is reported to have made a discovery. The energy spectrum of cosmic ray electrons and positrons is measured. The surprise was that there is a break at about .9 TeV and a strange spike at around 1.4 TeV. The conclusion is that the spike indicates a particle with a mass of about 1.4 TeV on the spectrum. To me a more natural conclusion would be that there is a particle with mass 2.8 TeV decaying to electron positron pair. Unfortunately, the popular article does not allow to conclude what is the precise finding.

In any case, TGD predicts scaled up variant of electroweak physics and there are several pieces of evidence for its existence coming from the violation of lepton and quark universality (see this). The mass scale for this physics would correspond to Gaussian Mersenne prime MG,79 = (1+i)79-1 and is obtained by scaling the mass scale of electroweak physics by a factor 32. This predicts the mass of Z boson of this physics to be 2.9 TeV. It would decay to electron positron pairs with members having energy 1.45 TeV in cm system. Also gluons could have scaled up variants and there is some evidence for this too from the breaking of the quark universality.

Cosmic ray electron and positron spectra are found to have peak at 1.4 TeV. Could they result in the decays of the second generation Z boson with mass 2.9 TeV? In TGD framework this boson would not however solve dark matter puzzle. In TGD Universe dark matter has explanation as heff/h=n phases of ordinary matter.

Could the spectral "break" at about .9 TeV (I am not quite sure what "break" really means) relate to massive photon of MG,79physics?

Article also mentions that the cosmic ray positron flux is higher than predicted above 70 GeV. That this energy corresponds to the mass of M89 pion, might not be an accident. The decay to gamma pairs dominates and gives a peak but the rate for the decay to gamma+ e+e- pair would be by factor of order &alpha ≈ 1/137 lower and would give a break rather than peak since the energy spectrum of pairs is continuous. Therefore support for both M89 and MG,79 physics emerges. Maybe the long-waited breakthrough of TGD might not be in too far future.

See the article Indications for the breaking of Universality in B meson decays or the chapter New Physics Predicted by TGD: I of "p-Adic physics".

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.


Zephir said...

Matti Pitkänen said...

I have commented this in earlier posting .