Friday, December 21, 2018

Motor actions as TQC programs written by Nature itself

I wrote a long email explaining the basic terms used in the model of motor actions as topological quantum computer programs. It might be useful to add it also as a blog post.

ZEO based view about consciousness

What is state function reduction? What is self? What is death? What is re-incarnation?

  1. What ZEO is? Zero energy states are pairs of states with opposite total quantum numbers. Members of state are associated with opposite boundaries of causal diamond (CD). CD is geometric correlate for self. CD has size. CD has active and passive boundary: see below.

  2. What is state function reduction in ZEO? There are small and big state function reductions.

  3. Small state function reduction.

    1. In small reduction - weak measurement - following unitary evolution, the passive boundary of CD is unaffected as also members of state pairs (defining zero energy states) at it. Passive boundary corresponds to unchanging part of consciousness.

    2. The members of state pairs at active boundary of CD change in small reduction which is much like classical measurement, not dramatic changes. This corresponds to the sensory input and thoughts etc induced by it - the changing part of consciousness, Maya might some-one say. Also the location of the active boundary boundary changes - its distance from fixed boundary of CD increases in statistical sense - unavoidably. This corresponds to the increase of clock time assignable to the sequence of small reductions.

      Arrow of time corresponds to direction to which the active boundary of CD shifts.

  4. Big state function reduction. The roles of passive and active boundary change. The arrow of time changes. CD begins to increase in opposite direction of geometric time. Previous self dies and new is born and lives in opposite direction of time.

Motor actions and sensory percepts correspond to mental images -sub-selves- sub-CDs of CD. Motor action is sensory percept in opposite arrow of time. It seems that it cannot be conscious to self with opposite arrow of time. The definition of these notions is extremely general. For instance, DNA transcription corresponds to a motor action.

Magnetic body, biological body, tensor network, braiding, TQC program

  1. Magnetic body (MB) and biological body (BB) are key notions. MB controls BB and receives sensory data. Braiding generated by motion of parts of BB corresponds to sensory input to MB (not the only sensory input).

    Behaviours are essentially motor actions controlled by BB.

  2. Tensor network formed by magnetic flux tubes of MB and space-time sheets representing BB. When one has MB -magnetic flux tubes as space-time sheets parallel to space-time sheets representing matter in M4×CP2 (overlapping M4 projections) - they have 3-D contacts and interaction.

    Flux tubes of MB connect space-time sheets representing particles of ordinary bio-matter. This is tensor network.

  3. Topological quantum computer program as braiding: dance metaphor.

    When these particles of BB move flux tubes of MB get braided and when flux tubes de-braid, matter is forced to move: this is motor action.

    Dance metaphor helps: dancers with feet connected to wall by threads. Dance as dynamical pattern forces the threads to get braided: this defines memory of dance as topological quantum computer program realizes as space-time topology, topology of flux tube structure.

Motor action induces TQC program and TQC program in reversed time direction induces motor action
  1. Assume that BB lives in standard time direction but MB can change its time direction by big state function reduction.

  2. Consider motor action for BB living in standard direction of time but assume that one has time reversal of motor action otherwise. From end to the beginning. The motion of parts of BB gives rise to a braiding of flux tubes defining TQC program.

    This TQC program is recorded automatically - this is the big thing. There is no need for a nerd to write the code. Nature does it automatically. This is like learning from model. Here connections to Sheldrake's ideas are rather obvious.
    Nature learns all the time: habits/ behaviors/ functions/ motor actions - as you wish.

  3. Perform now big quantum jump to the MB. Arrow of time changes and the time reversal of braiding takes place. Since braiding for MB represents time reversal of motor action for BB, its time reversal forces motor action in the desired time direction for BB. Note that BB has standard time direction.

  4. When BB and MB have same time direction: MB gets sensory data by braiding. When MB has time direction opposite to that of BB, MB induces a motor action of BB.

See the chapter Sensory Perception and Motor Action as Time Reversals of Each Other: a Royal Road to the Understanding of Other Minds? or the article with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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