Saturday, October 31, 2020

Earth's pulsation rhythm of 26 seconds as an analog of EEG rhythm?

There is an interesting article in Discover Magazine with title "The Earth Is Pulsating Every 26 Seconds, and Seismologists Don't Agree Why" (see this). That mini earthquakes would appear with a period of 26 seconds is a rather fascinating possibility.

First some background.

  1. TGD based quantum theory relies on zero energy ontology (see this). and predicts quantum coherence in all scales being assignable to the magnetic bodies of systems consisting of ordinary matter. MBs would carry dark matter as heff=n×h0 macroscopically quantum coherent phases.
  2. Ordinary ("big") state function reductions (BSFRs) would change the arrow of time and this implies that they look like deterministic smooth time evolutions leading to the final state of BSFR. The world would be quantum coherent but look lclassical in all scales! The change of the arrow of time leads to a radically new view about self-organization and about biology and also self-organized quantum criticality emerges naturally and leads to the emergence of "breathing systems" so that the applications to living systems are natural. In fact, evidence for very simple "breathing" systems is emerging (see this).

    Earthquakes have some strange features and this led to the proposal that earth quarks could involve BSFR in macroscopic scales at the level of MB of Earth (see this). Could also these mini earthquakes involve BSFRs? Could they be interpreted as a sequence of life cycles for a conscious entity with a life time of about 26 seconds assignable to Earth?

  3. It is known that electromagnetic activity accompanies Earth quarks and this activity is such that the interpretation in terms of time reversal suggests itself. Could 26 seconds define a period for an analog of alpha rhythm in EEG? There is also another strange rhythm with a period of 160 minutes assignable to astrophysical systems and I have proposed an interpretation as a "cosmic" alpha rhythm (see this).
This picture leads to ask whether the p-adic length scale hierarchy predicted by TGD could provide some understanding concerning the period of T=26 seconds associated with the pulsations.
  1. TGD predicts a hierarchy of p-adic length scales Lp ∝ p1/2, p ≈2k, k>0 preferred integer, coming as half octaves. TGD does not deny the possibility of scaled variants of various particles. For instance, electron could correspond to several integers k with masses proportional to 2k/2).
  2. Secondary p-adic length scales correspond to scales p1/2Lp ∝ p. There also tertiary etc time scales forming a fractal hierarchy coming in powers of p1/2 and by p-adic length scales as preferred half octaves.
  3. Electron corresponds to p-adic prime p= 2127-1 (the largest Mersenne prime, which does not yet correspond to super-astrophysical length scale). Secondary p-adic length scale corresponds to a period Te≈ .1 seconds. This is a fundamental biorhythm appearing in alpha band of EEG. Also quarks correspond to secondary p-adic length scales which correspond to human time scales.
  4. T= 26 seconds is rather precisely equal to 28× Te, Te=.1 seconds: the relative error is 1/64 or about 2 per cent. A scaled version of electron with mass m= me/24≈ 32 keV would correspond to 25.6 seconds. The p-adic prime p≈ 2k, k= 127+8=135 defining p-adic scale about .4 Angstrom. This is not far from Bohr radius aB= .53 Angstrom for hydrogen atom.
Of course, the new dark particle need not be electron. One can consider a more detailed attempt to understand the situation involving the notion of electropion (or more generally, leptopion, see this) for which there is empirical support and empirical evicence that ordinary pion allows p-adically scaled up variants.
  1. The scenaro would be based on axion-like states proposed also as candidates for dark matter predicted by TGD. They would be indeed dark also in TGD but in TGD sense being particles having heff= n×h0>h. This would explain why they are not seen in decay widths in particle accelerators (and excluding them).
  2. There is evidence for electropion with mass 2× me (already from 1970's) decaying to an electron-positron pair but forgotten since it does not conform with the standard model (it would increase decay widths of weak bosons). TGD provides a model for this state and predicts similar states for muon and tau and evidence also for these states have been found but also forgotten.
TGD also suggest fractally scaled variants of pion states with different p-adic length scales p ∝ 2k and there is empirical evidence for these states with masses both larger and smaller than pion mass.
  1. One can also imagine scaled variants of electropion with different p-adic lengths scales. The primary p-adic time scale assignable to electropion scales corresponds to k≤127. How to estimate k?

    If the mass squared (conformal weight is additive in p-adic mass calculations then mass squared of electropion is m2= 2me2 giving m=21/2× me for k=127. Correct mass requires ke=127→126. Compton time of electropion would be Tc(126,e)/2, where Tc(126,e) is the Compton time of electron with k=126.

    The secondary p-adic time Compton time associated with the scaled variant of k= 126 electropion corresponds to T(electropion,126+Δ k)=2Δ k Te/2. One must have Δ k= 8+2=10 and k=137. Amusingly, k= 137 corresponds to atomic length scales and to fine structure. I have called this co-incidence as a cosmic joke.

Why this atomic length scale, or rather the corresponding secondary p-adic length scale of scaled electropion, would be associated with the Earth's pulsations? Electropions should be dark and perhaps form a coherent state as in the model for the production of anomalous electron-positron pairs based on electropion involving in an essential manner non-orthogonal electric and magnetic fields of colliding nuclei?

Second proposal is based on TGD inspired quantum biology involving Bose-Einstein condensates of Cooper pairs of electrons, protons, and fermionic ions and also of bosonic ions at magnetic flux tubes and characterized by effective Planck constant heff=nh0, h= 6h0, making possible quantum coherence in length scales longer than Compton length.

  1. Consider the Bose-Einstein condensate of electron Cooper pairs. Electron Cooper pairs has Compton length equal to L2e= Le/2, Le the electronic Compton length. Secondary Compton time equals to T2)2e= 2127/2Te/2=.05 s. Superconductivity in longer length scales than Compton length requires heff>h. The scaled up Compton scale Ln,2e= nL2e gives the coherence length of a superconductor and the secondary Compton time scales to nT2)2e=.05n s. This time equals to T=25.6 s for n=29.
  2. The general hypothesis is that there is resonance between dark and p-adic length scales so that this dark scale would correspond to identical p-adic length scale which would correspond to L(k=127+18= 145) ∼ 1.25 nm equal to the transversal length scale for DNA.
  3. TGD predicts that ordinary dark DNA in aqueous environment is accompanied by dark DNA realized as flux tubes carrying dark proton triplets realizing genetic code. Also amino-acids would be accompanied by these dark proton triplets and electrons would neutralize proteins charge which would be 3 proton charges per amino-acid. This would suggest that this scale relates to dark DNA, RNA, and proteins, which would involve space-time sheets which are electronic super conductors, and that the 26 second rhythm reflects the presence of water.
Could 26 second rhythm be kind of a bio-rhythm for Earth analogous to heart-beat or breathing? These two rhythms are highly varying and assignable to self-organization. EEG alpha rhythm is however universal. Could the Earthly bio-rhythm be analogous to the alpha band in the analog of EEG of Earth with frequencies scaled down by factor 1/256?

Each period would correspond to a mini earth quake. Also the ordinary EEG would involve similar BSFRs as an analog of sleep-awake rhythms and all bio-rhythms could be this kind of sleep-awake rhythms. One could of course check whether the 26 second rhythm has an electromagnetic analog?

There exists also another analogous rhythm, the 160 minute rhythm assignable to many astrophysical objects. I have proposed an interpretation as a kind of cosmic alpha rhythm.

  1. 160 minute period is obtained from 26 second rhythm by scaling by a factor about 369 ≈ 28.5 with error of 2 per cent - half octave again.
  2. For the electro-pion option, one can think that one scales electropion with k= 127 having mass 21/2× me to k=127→ 127+17 =144 to get secondary Compton time scale 216+1/2) Te=154.5 minutes not too far from 160 seconds.
  3. For the Cooper pair option one could argue that since heff is integer valued, one can allow a value of n near to 217.5≈ 185364: this would give p-adic length scale L(162). L(163), which corresponds to one of the miracle length scales k∈{151,157,163,167} defining scales assignable to DNA coiling, would have been a more desired outcome.

    See either the article TGD inspired solution to three cosmological and astrophysical anomalies, the article Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as macroscopic quantum jumps in zero energy ontology, or the chapter a About the Nottale's formula for hgr and the possibility that Planck length lP and CP2 length R are related.

    For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

    Articles and other material related to TGD.

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