Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How compose beautiful light music in bioharmony?

The topic of this article is the detailed definition of the notion of bio-harmony (see this and this). A sequence of 3-chords of bio-harmony defines a music piece: what rules guarantee that this piece is beautiful? This question is interesting because the chords of bio-harmony correspond to DNA codons.

Bio-harmony as a realization of genetic code

TGD leads to a notion of bio-harmony in terms of icosahedral and tetrahedral geometries and 3-chords made of light assigned to the triangular faces of icosahedron and tetrahedron (see this and this). Bio-harmonies are associated with the so-called Hamiltonian cycles , which go through every vertex of Platonic solid once. For icosahedron the number of vertices is 12, the number of notes in 12-note scale. The 64 codons of bio-harmony represented as light 3-chords formed by dark photon triplets are formed from 3 20-chord harmonies associated with icosahedron and the unique 4-chord harmony associated with tetrahedron.

The surprise was that vertebrate genetic code emerged as a prediction: the numbers of DNA codons coding for a given amino acid are predicted correctly. DNA codons correspond to triangular faces and the orbit of a given triangle under the symmetries of the bio-harmony in question corresponds to DNA codons coding for the amino acid assigned with the orbit.

Codon corresponds to 6 bits: this is information in the usual computational sense. Bio-harmony codes for mood: emotional information related to emotional intelligence as ability to get to the same mood allowing to receive this information. Bio-harmony would be a fundamental representation of information realized already at molecular level and speech, hearing and other expressions of information would be based on it. For emotional expression at RNA level possibly involved with conditioning at synaptic level (see this).

About generalizations of the notion of bio-harmony

One can consider several generalizations for the notion of bio-harmony.

  1. All Platonic solids, in particualr tetrahedron, cube, octahedron and dodecahedron are possible and one can consider the possibility that they also define harmonies in terms of Hamiltonian cycles. Dodecahedron would have 5-chords (pentagons as faces) as basic chords and there is only single harmony. Same mood always, very eastern and enlightened as also the fact that scale would have 20 notes.

    Also octahedron gives 3-chords (triangular faces) whereas cube gives 4-chords (squares as faces). One can of course speculate with the idea that DNA could also represent this kind of harmonies: sometimes the 3N rule is indeed broken, for instance for introns.

  2. Galois confinement (see this) allows the possibility to interpret dark genes as sequences of N dark proton triplets as higher level structures behaving like a single quantal unit. This would be true also for the corresponding dark photon sequences consisting of 3N dark photons representing the gene in bio-harmony as an analog of a music piece consisting of 3-chords and played by transcribing it to mRNA.

    Basic biomolecules (DNA, RNA, tRNA, amino acids) would have names represented as a sequence of light 3-chords representing a piece of music and dark biomolecules with the same name could recognize and communicate with each other in 3N-resonance. Dark-ordinary communications could transform dark 3N-photon to single bio-photon so that resonance would be possible when the sum of energies coincides with a transition energy of the ordinary biomolecule. The resonance condition would very effectively select survivors in the fight for survival.

  3. The picture can be viewed even more generally. Any discrete structure, defining graph, in particular cognitive representation providing a unique finite discretization of space-time surface as points with the coordinates of the 8-D imbedding space coordinates in the extension of rationals, defines harmonies in terms of Hamiltonian cycles. Could also these harmonies make sense? The restrictions of the cognitive representations to 2-D partonic 2-surfaces would define something analogous to bio-harmony as Hamiltonian cycle of 2-D graph (Platonic surfaces solids can be regarded as 2-D graphs). The interpretation as representations of Galois groups and the notion of Galois confinement is possible although one loses the symmetries of the Platonic solids allowing to identify genetic code.
During years I have indeed considered some modifications of the original bio-harmony base on the fusion of 3 icosahedral harmonies and tetrahedral harmony in partcular so called E8 harmony and toric harmony (see this and this) but the overall conclusion (see this) is that the original model is the most plausible candidate.

The challenges of the model

The model of bio-harmony is far from complete and this article discusses a more detailed definition. Also the question about the rules defining beautiful music by posing rules on chord sequences are considered. These aesthetic rules are also rules for the corresponding DNA and amino-acid sequences.

  1. The fusion of the three harmonies having symmetry groups Zn, n=6,4,2 has been considered but not in the required detail. The Hamiltonian cycles of icosahedron are fixed only modulo isometries of icosahedron preserving the shape of the cycle, scalings of the cycle by a power of quint forming group Z12 leaving the cycle of invariant but inducings transponation (change of the key), and the change of the cycle orientation possibly related to minor-major dichotomy correlating with joyful-sad dichotomy. For a single icosahedral cycle these transformations do not change anything but for the fusion of 3 cycles realized at the same icosahedron the situation changes, and the number of harmonies increases dramatically.

    Are all combinations of icosahedral harmonies allowed or are there some natural restrictions on them? I have considered this question but it seems that there is no good reason for posing any restrictions. The spectrum of harmonies determined by dark genetic codons and therefore the spectrum of emotions at the molecular level would be surprisingly rich.

  2. Is it possible to reproduce the basic harmonies of the western music based on the 12-note system which inspired icosahedral harmonies? In particular, can one understand the chords C, F, G of C-major scale? By octave equivalence the nearest neighbors of the Hamiltonian cycle are related by quint scaling scaling frequency by factor 3/2 scaling C to G. The 3-chords containing at least one cycle edge contain quint (C→ G) and quint is the basic aspect of bio-harmony. For harmonies with opposite orientation quints become perfect fourths (C→ F) and FCG corresponds to transponantion of F by two quints.

    For a single icosahedral harmony the chord-pairs analogous to C-F or C-G do not appear in any obvious manner. If the 3 icosahedral harmonies are related by quint scalings (FCG) the analogs of these chord pairs become natural. Could this be the solution to the problem?

  3. What are the rules producing aesthetically satisfying music? I experimented with the ultraconservative assumption that only chord pairs containing common quint are allowed: the result was not ugly but it was boring. Already the transitions of CFG major scale are too radical for this option!

    An attractive idea is that the sequence of 3-chords is continuous in some sense. Could the sense be strictly geometric: could chord pairs be nearest neighbors in some sense. For Option I nearest neighbors have a common edge (3 nearest neighbours). For Option II they have a common vertex (10 nearest neighbors). These options do not allow all 3-chord pairs and thus not all possible DNA pairs and all possible amino-acid pairs. A more abstract definition identifies the nearest neighbors with the orbits of nearest neighbors for Option I or II under the symmetry group Zn (n=6,2). Codon is replaced with the codons coding for the same amino-acid. For Option II this allows to have all possible chord pairs and therefore DNA and amino-acid pairs.

  4. Also the role of tetrahedral harmony and its relation to start and stop codons is interesting. One wants also to understand why the genetic code at the bio-chemical level is not quite complete and why there are several variants of it.
See the article "How to compose beautiful music of light in bio-harmony?" at RG or at homepage, or the chapter An Overall View about Models of Genetic Code and Bio-harmony .

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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