Saturday, May 18, 2024

The essay of Marko Manninen about the geometric aspects of TGD

Marko Manninen wrote a very nice essay  about  the geometric aspects of TGD. This has involved a lot of inspiring discussions during a couple of years, which have also helped me to articulate TGD more precisely. Below is Marko's summary of  his essay. 

It is now official. My previous research as a citizen scientist on gamma rays, peer-reviewed and published in 2021, has been followed by a new study, this time in the field of theoretical fundamental physics. It is often said that experiments and empirical data are groping in the dark without theories. In this context, without a unified theory of spacetime, quantum phenomena, and elementary particles, our understanding and applications remain incomplete.

In my new nearly 150-page English essay-research, published by Holistic Science Publications, I aim to present the early history and geometric foundations of the Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) theory, which Dr. Matti Pitkänen began developing in the 1970s. The text includes accessible introductory material to help a broader audience grasp the basics and motivations of the TGD theory. For specialists, there is in-depth content to engage with.

Current mainstream fundamental physics theories assume elementary particles are geometrically point-like entities. This simplification works when studying phenomena in isolation. However, when attempting to create a unified representation of spacetime, quantum mechanics, and elementary particles, we have been stuck for over 50 years. The problematic concept of time and its nature has also been difficult to resolve.

According to TGD, these issues are overcome by treating elementary particles not as points or even strings, as in string theories, but as 3-surfaces in an eight-dimensional hyperspace. Through a geometric induction process, the required symmetries related to the conservation laws of physics are transferred from the static hyperspace to the dynamic 3-surfaces of the real world. Plato's allegory of the cave is a fitting analogy here: the experienced world with its elementary particles and dynamic laws is a shadowy reflection of higher-dimensional symmetrical mathematical structures. Regarding time, we must also include experienced time and integrate human conscious experience into the unified theory framework, as done in TGD.

These proposals have been surprisingly radical within the community. Despite recognizing the open problems, solutions rarely make it through peer review. This challenge has now been overcome, and we eagerly await to see if new interested researchers will engage with and perhaps apply this work over the years.

My major effort is now behind me, and we can enjoy the fruits of my labor. My most significant long-term endeavor began about four years ago when I first heard about TGD. My interest was piqued by TGD's holistic approach, addressing profound topics without neglecting humanistic and mind-philosophical dimensions. My independent research culminated in a six-month writing marathon, completed at the turn of 2023-24, under Dr. Pitkänen's patient tutorship.

Thanks also go to Antti Savinainen, a physics teacher at Kuopio Lyceum, who thoroughly reviewed and commented on my text. Ville-Veli Einari Saari, Rode Majakka, and Tuomas Sorakivi from our regular Zoom group meetings have been excellent sounding boards for discussions. Dr. Ari J. Tervashonka, who has a Ph.D. in the history of science and ether theories, has been a crucial academic link, guide, and support during the publication process. Heartfelt thanks and humble apologies also go to my loved ones who have often heard these perhaps incomprehensible ideas as I processed the theory aloud.

We would be very grateful if you share the link to my publication and mention it in suitable contexts. Feel free to comment and ask questions; we promise to respond diligently. You can find the essay here or here.

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