Monday, August 26, 2024

The newly discovered spatial grammar of DNA from the TGD perspective

In TGD inspired quantum biology the natural explanation for the ability of sperm cells to apparently violate Newton's law would be in terms of the notion of a field body, which can be (gravitational) magnetic (see this) or electric (see this) .

In the electric case one can consider any charged biosystem: DNA, microtubules, cell, .. are indeed net negative charge which can be rather large. Also Earth is negatively charged. The transfer of particles to the field body to dark particles produces a recoil. In the transfer, the value of the effective Planck constant can increase from its standard value h to heff in which case the transfer requires energy. Since the momentum transfer is between the system and its invisible field body, Newton's law is apparently violated.

Some energy source is needed since the increase of h to heff requires energy. One can imagine several energy sources: solar light can provide the energy as in the Pollack effect. The formation of molecules from their constituents by the generalized Pollack effect. Also the metabolic energy stored in proteins could be liberated in ADP→ATP→ADP.

Also the electric potential energy of say cell membrane can serve as a source of energy. Biefeld Brown effect, known for decades, and now replicated in Nasa is based on the same mechanism. Now the voltage is between capacitor plates and the effect makes it possible for the capacitor to accelerate in the direction of the smaller plate.

The TGD based model for the Biefeld Brown effect is discussed in detail the article About the Biefeld Brown effect.

How does the sperm cell find the egg? A good guess is that the sperm shell and egg are connected by a pair of magnetic monopole flux tubes. This shortens as heff is reduced and brings them together. The reduction of heff, which is not possible in standard quantum physics, would be the mechanism. There is a strong analogy with biocatalysis involving two mysteries. How the reactants find each other in the molecular crowd and how reactions can be so incredibly fast as compared to natural estimates.

  1. Reactants have highly dynamical U-shaped flux tubes acting as tentacles with which they study the environment. If tentacles of two molecules meet and if they correspond to the same cyclotron frequency a resonance followed by a reconnection occurs and creates a pair of two flux tubes connecting the molecules.

    Actually, in the TGD framework, the ordinary resonance is replaced by a multi-resonance ,in which several simultaneous cyclotron resonances are involved. For instance, the communication and control at the level of fundamental biomolecules would rely on this mechanism. For instance, dark counterparts of DNA codons consist of 3 dark protons at monopole flux tube parallel to the DNA strand. In this case 3-resonance occurs. For a gene consisting of N codons, 3N-resonance makes possible targeted communications between dark genes and corresponding dark protein or between identical genes.

  2. After this heff is reduced and the resulting flux tube pair connecting the reactants, proportional to heff, shortens. This allows the reactants to find each other and also liberates energy kicking the reactants over the potential wall and reaction can take place rapidly.
See the article The realization of genetic code in terms of dark nucleon and dark photon triplets or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

How sperm cells are able to apparently violate momentum conservation?

In TGD inspired quantum biology the natural explanation for the ability of sperm cells to apparently violate Newton's law would be in terms of the notion of a field body, which can be (gravitational) magnetic (see this) or electric (see this) .

In the electric case one can consider any charged biosystem: DNA, microtubules, cell, .. are indeed net negative charge which can be rather large. Also Earth is negatively charged. The transfer of particles to the field body to dark particles produces a recoil. In the transfer, the value of the effective Planck constant can increase from its standard value h to heff in which case the transfer requires energy. Since the momentum transfer is between the system and its invisible field body, Newton's law is apparently violated.

Some energy source is needed since the increase of h to heff requires energy. One can imagine several energy sources: solar light can provide the energy as in the Pollack effect. The formation of molecules from their constituents by the generalized Pollack effect. Also the metabolic energy stored in proteins could be liberated in ADP→ATP→ADP.

Also the electric potential energy of say cell membrane can serve as a source of energy. Biefeld Brown effect, known for decades, and now replicated in Nasa is based on the same mechanism. Now the voltage is between capacitor plates and the effect makes it possible for the capacitor to accelerate in the direction of the smaller plate.

The TGD based model for the Biefeld Brown effect is discussed in detail the article About the Biefeld Brown effect.

How does the sperm cell find the egg? A good guess is that the sperm shell and egg are connected by a pair of magnetic monopole flux tubes. This shortens as heff is reduced and brings them together. The reduction of heff, which is not possible in standard quantum physics, would be the mechanism. There is a strong analogy with biocatalysis involving two mysteries. How the reactants find each other in the molecular crowd and how reactions can be so incredibly fast as compared to natural estimates.

  1. Reactants have highly dynamical U-shaped flux tubes acting as tentacles with which they study the environment. If tentacles of two molecules meet and if they correspond to the same cyclotron frequency a resonance followed by a reconnection occurs and creates a pair of two flux tubes connecting the molecules.

    Actually, in the TGD framework, the ordinary resonance is replaced by a multi-resonance ,in which several simultaneous cyclotron resonances are involved. For instance, the communication and control at the level of fundamental biomolecules would rely on this mechanism. For instance, dark counterparts of DNA codons consist of 3 dark protons at monopole flux tube parallel to the DNA strand. In this case 3-resonance occurs. For a gene consisting of N codons, 3N-resonance makes possible targeted communications between dark genes and corresponding dark protein or between identical genes.

  2. After this heff is reduced and the resulting flux tube pair connecting the reactants, proportional to heff, shortens. This allows the reactants to find each other and also liberates energy kicking the reactants over the potential wall and reaction can take place rapidly.
See the article The realization of genetic code in terms of dark nucleon and dark photon triplets or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Too much cosmic ray deuteron and quite too many antihelium nuclei: support for the TGD view of stars?

The findings described in the popular article "Cosmic count exceeds expectation" (see this) describing the findins of AMS detected at International Space Station challenge the standard narrative of stellar nuclear physics and of the origin of cosmic rays. There is a Physics Letters article (see this about the findings.

There is also evidence from AMS-2 for antideuteron and antihelium events, even in the case of anti 4He. The evidence has been reported already 2022 (see this). The presence of anti 4He in the cosmic ray spectrum is especially difficult to understand and forces us to ask whether astrophysical objects consisting of antimatter do exist.

The standard story about cosmic rays goes as follows. The abundance of primordial deuterons is very small. Cosmic rays are either primary or secondary. Primary cosmic rays, such as would be formed in supernova explosions. Secondary cosmic rays such as deuteron and 3He are formed in collisions of primary cosmic rays, in particular 4He nuclei, with the interstellar medium.

1. Surplus of deuterium nuclei

The surplus of deuterium nuclei challenges this picture (there are also earlier findings of this kind). The flux of cosmic ray deuterons normalized to 4He flux is larger than predicted at higher energies and at highest energies studied comparable to the proton flux. This is very strange since protons are primary cosmic rays.

This raises the question whether there is some other non-standard source of cosmic ray deuterons: arey these deuterons really secondary cosmic rays. This forces us to ask whether the nuclear physics of the Sun is what we believe it to be.

In fact, the mechanism producing nuclei heavier than Fe in supernova explosions is poorly understood and there are also anomalies in the abundances of the lighter nuclei. The standard narrative about the core of the Sun cannot be directly tested and indirect tests do not support it. Neutrino flux is too low and also the heat transfer by convection is quite too flow suggesting that the flux of nuclei from the core is much lower than predicted. There are many other anomalies challenging the idea that solar energy is produced in the core and the mechanism producing the solar wind. Is the solar interior what we believe it to be?

TGD leads to a radically new view of the physics of the Sun (see this). In TGD view, the solar wind and solar energy would be produced in the decays of nuclear strings of predicted M89 nucleons with mass 512 times the mass of the ordinary nucleon at the monopole flux tubes of the magnetic field of the Sun to ordinary nuclei.

The proposal is that the decay mechanism is based on p-adic cooling in which the mass of the nucleon decreases by factor 1/2 in each step and the p-adic mass scale is reduced octave by octave (period doubling). This would produce ordinary nuclei of the solar wind with reasonable energies heating the medium and creating solar corona. This model forces us to completely change our view of the Sun and its interior since the energy and solar wind and even cosmic rays would be produced at its surface.

These decays would produce a huge amount of energy liberated as scaled up variants of ordinary hadrons, in particular the mesons of M89 physics. The mesons and gammas would eventually decay to ordinary mesons and gamma rays and importantly, also to nucleon-antinucleon pairs, maybe even deuteron-antideuteron pairs, maybe even helium-antihelium pairs for which AMS also provides evidence (see this). This could explain the mysterious gamma ray anomalies of the Sun, suggesting that two new hadron physics are involved: M89 hadron physics and MG,79 hadron physics. Here "G" refers to Gaussian integers.

The decay mechanism of M89 nuclei at the stellar surfaces would not distinguish between secondary and primary cosmic rays and would produce cosmic rays, in particular deuterons. Could these decays serve as the origin of the cosmic rays.

2. What about the surplus of anti-deuterium and anti-helium nuclei?

One can imagine several mechanisms.

  1. Could also the mysterious anti-deuterium and anti-Helium nuclei be understood as resulting from the decays of mesons for scaled up variants of the ordinary hadron physics appearing as intermediate steps in the p-adic cooling. Naive scaling suggests that scaled up pions with mass scaled up by the ratio, which is larger than 2m(4He)/m(pion)= 8mp/m(pion) ≈ 112 are required. The mass scale of the interediated nuclei would be about 27=128. They could correspond to a p-adic prime p∼293.

    It is however difficult to understand why the decay products would not consist of only nucleon-anti nucleon pairs. A fusion of these antinucleons to antinuclei would be required after the decay. If the emitted nuclei, which are nuclear strings in the TGD framework, propagate along the same flux tube this might actually take place.

  2. A more elegant option is that the antimatter nuclei correspond to M89 antinuclear flux tubes, which decay to ordinary antinuclear strings by reconnection.
  3. An alternative TGD inspired explanation relies on the TGD view of the matter antimatter asymmetry. There would be no actual asymmetry but by the CP violation there is a surplus of antimatter inside some monopole flux tubes and a surplus of matter in their environments. The obvious objection is that the asymmetry should be universal so that very long monopole flux tubes should carry antimatter.
    1. Suppose that the antimatter can reside in this kind of flux tubes, perhaps as dark matter in the TGD sense. This would make possible the entire spectrum of nuclei as decay products from the splitting of the anti flux tube to pieces. Mechanism would be very similar to that proposed at the surface of the Sun and forces us to ask whether antistars could exist.
    2. One can also imagine other realizations. For instance, I have considered the possibility that the long monopole flux tubes giving rise to linear structures along which galaxies are located, could contain antimatter, perhaps as M89 anti nuclei. Note that if the M89 nucleons arrive at the Sun along flux tubes emerging from the galactic BH, then galactic BH would naturally consist of matter and anti nuclei should have some other source.

See the chapter More about TGD and Cosmology .

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How subjective memories are realized in TGD inspired theory of consciousness?

We remember our conscious experiences: also as re-experiences and not just as learned, often unconscious, behaviors that reduce to associations. In the following the notion of memory is discussed from the points of view of computer science and neuroscience, of quantum theories of consciousness, and of TGD inspired theory of consciousness.

Memory as challenge in computer science and neuroscience

The notion of conscious memories is highly problematic both in computer science and neuroscience.

  1. Computers completely lack subjective memory if they are what they are believed to be, that is to obey the Turing paradigm. Computers are also believed to be deterministic, either in the sense of classical physics or of statistical quantum mechanics. Since non-determinism is the basic aspect of conscious entities, computers are expected to also lack conscious experiences. One can of course challenge the Turing paradigm (see this).
  2. In neuroscience, memory is often interpreted as merely learned behaviors that have become mechanized. This view is a remnant of behaviorism. Associations provide a mechanism of memory and association is the basic mechanism of also large language models. This interpretation does not explain at all the episodic, experiential memories that we also have. Some of us have very intense sensory memories. All of us have dreams involving memories and the electric stimulation of the parietal brain regions can induce lively sensory memories of the past events.

    Memories must be stored in some sense. In neuroscience, the finiteness of the memory space becomes a basic problem. If memories are carved in stone, a large number of stones are needed and their number is increasing all the time. It might be necessary to give up some memories, most naturally the oldest ones. Computationalist would say that new data is written over the oldest data. What happens is just the opposite: the last memories to disappear are the childhood memories. The strong emotional content of these memories is certainly one reason for this. They are also remembered many times and this produces many copies of them. This makes it easier to recall them. This might be used as a neuroscience explanation for their stability.

    The reading of memories, that is having a conscious experience providing information about the memory, remains an unsolved challenge in the neuroscience context: this would require a genuine theory of conscious experience.

Memory as a challenge for quantum theories of consciousness

Any theory of consciousness, including quantum theories of consciousness, should be able to explain the basic mechanism of conscious memory. A basic element of subjective memory is its temporality. Its content corresponds to the events of the past.

  1. An attractive idea is that, by their non-determinism which is a basic behavioral feature of conscious entities, quantum jumps determine the development of consciousness. Subjective memory recall would therefore represent information about the previous quantum jumps. The quantum states should represent information about what was experienced in the past.
  2. In the standard ontology of quantum theory, the information of the conscious experience possibly related to the quantum jump and therefore is about both the initial and the final state and the transition between them, cannot be encoded into the final state of the quantum jump. According to the standard quantum theory, quantum states 3-D time=constant snapshots and do not remember anything about the previous quantum jumps.

    Therefore, theories of consciousness based on standard quantum mechanics cannot explain subjective memory, which is from previous conscious experiences, i.e. quantum jumps. For some reason, this fact seems to have been overlooked.

The understanding of subjective memories is therefore a hard challenge for the theories of consciousness.

If one accepts only the statistical view of quantum theory, a natural question would be that in some sense the characterization of quantum states requires a sequence of 3-D quantum states. This would require a failure of strict determinism but standard quantum theory does not allow this. The failure of strict classical determinism is however a valuable guideline and would mean that quantum states are in some sense "slightly" 4-dimensional so that also the brain would be 4-dimensional. The zero energy ontology of TGD indeed predicts this. Quantum states are superpositions of 4-D classical time evolutions obeying almost deterministic holography so that they are not quite 3-dimensional.

In TGD, the zero energy ontology (ZEO) combined with holography = holomorphy vision suggests a universal mechanism of this kind. In the sequal the general TGD based mechanisms of memory storage and recall are discussed first. The proposed mechanism is universal and applies also to matter which is usually regarded as "dead" (since it looks dead in the time scales of our perceptive abilities).

In TGD ZEO codes subjective memory as information about quantum jump to the final state of quantum jump

We have memories about the conscious experiences of the past. How are these memories formed? Zero energy ontology (ZEO) (see this) and this) suggests a rather concrete model for the representations of the memories in terms of the geometry of the space-time surface.

Consider first a brief summary of ZEO.

  1. The basic notions of ZEO are causal diamond (CD), zero energy state, and state function reduction (SFR). There are two kinds of SFRs: "small" SFRs (SSFRs) and "big" SFRs (BSFRs).
  2. A sequence of SSFRs is the TGD counterpart for a sequence of repeated measurements of the same observables: in wave mechanics they leave the state unaffected (Zeno effect). Already in quantum optics, one must loosen this assumption and one speaks of weak measurements. In ZEO, SSFRs leave the states at the "passive" boundary of CD unaffected but change the state at the active boundary, this gives to the flow of consciousness and defines a self as a conscious entity. In the TGD framework, SSFRs give rise to a flow of consciousness, self.
  3. BSFR is the counterpart of the ordinary SFR. In the BSFR the arrow of the geometric time changes and BSFR means the death of self and to a reincarnation with an opposite arrow of geometric time. Death and birth as reincarnation with an opposite arrow of time are universal notions in the TGD Universe.
Consider now this view in more detail.
  1. Causal diamond CD=cd× CP2 (see this) is the intersection of future and past directed light-cones of M4. In the simplest picture, zero energy states are pairs of 3-D many-fermion states at the opposite light-like boundaries of the CD.
  2. Zero energy states are superpositions of space-time surfaces connecting the boundaries of CD. These space-time surfaces obey holography, which is almost deterministic. Holography = holomorphy principle allows their explicit construction as minimal surfaces and they are analogous to Bohr orbits when one interprets 3-surface as a generalization of a point-like particle. Already 2-D minimal surfaces fail to be completely deterministic (a given frame can span several minimal surfaces). This non-determinism forces ZEO: in absence of it one could have ordinary ontology with 3-D objects as basic geometric entities.

    The failure of complete determinism makes 4-dimensional Bohr orbits dynamical objects by giving them additional discrete degrees of freedom. They are absolutely essential for the understanding of memory and one can speak of a 4-dimensional brain.

  3. The 3-D many-fermion states and the restriction of the wave function in WCW to a wave function to the space-of 3-surfaces as the ends of Bohr orbits at the passive boundary of CD are unaffected by the sequence of SSFRs. This is the counterpart for the Zeno effect. This requires that a given SSFR must correspond to a measurement of observables commuting with the observables which define the state basis at the passive boundary.

    The states at the opposite, active, boundary of CD are however affected in SSFRs and this gives rise to self and flow of consciousness. Also the size of CD increases in a statistical sense. The sequence of SSFRs gives rise to subjective time correlating with the increase of geometric time identifiable as the temporal distance between the tips of the CD. The arrow of time depends on which boundary of CD is passive and the time increases in the direction of the active boundary.

  4. Ordinary SFRs correspond in TGD to BSFRs. Both BSFRs and SSFRs are possible in arbitrarily long scales since the heff hierarchy makes possible quantum coherence in arbitrary long scales.

    The new element is that the arrow of geometric time changes in BSFR since the roles of the active and passive boundaries of CD change. BSFR occurs when the set of observables measured at the active boundary no longer commutes with the set of observables associated with the passive boundary.

    The density matrix of the 3-D system characterizing the interaction of the 3-surface at the active boundary with its complement is a fundamental observable and if it ceases to commute with the observables at the active boundary, BSFR must take place.

Consider now what memory and memory recall could mean in this framework.
  1. The view has been that active memory recall requires what might be regarded as communications with the geometric past. This requires sending a signal to the geometric past propagating in the non-standard time direction and absorbed by a system representing the memory (part of the brain or of its magnetic /field body). In the ZEO this is possible since BSFRs change the arrow of the geometric time.
  2. The signal must be received by a system of geometric past representing the memory. This requires that 4-D space-time surfaces are not completely deterministic: Bohr orbits as 4-D minimal surfaces must have analogs of frames spanning the 2-D soap film, at which determinism fails. The seats of memories correspond to the seats of non-determinism as singularities of the space-time surface as a minimal surface, "frames" spanning the 4-D soap film.

  3. How are the memories coded geometrically? This can be understood by asking what happens in SSFR. What happens is that from a set of 3-D final states at the active boundary some state is selected. This means a localization in the "world of classical worlds" (WCW) as the space of Bohr orbits. The zero energy state is localized so that the 3-D surfaces at the active boundary of the CD represent the outcome of quantum measurement. In ZEO, the zero energy state outcome therefore also represents the quantum transition to the final state! This is not possible in the standard ontology.

  4. The findings of Minev et al (see this and this) that in quantum optics quantum jumps correspond to smooth classical time evolutions leading from the initial state to the final state provide a direct support for this picture. The interpretation works for SSFRs and also for the interpretation of studied transitions of atoms as pairs of BSFRs having interpretation as quantum tunnelling events.

    ZEO therefore gives a geometric representation of a subjective experience associated with the SSFR. One obtains conscious information of this representation either by passive or active memory recall by waking up the locus of non-determinism assignable to the original conscious event. The slight failure of determinism for BSFRS is necessary for this. The sequence of SSFRs is coded to a sequence of geometric representations of memories about conscious events.

    This is how the Universe gradually could develop representations of its earlier quantum jumps to its own state. Since the algebraic complexity of the Universe can only increase in a statistical sense the quantum hopping of the Universe in the quantum Platonia defined by the spinor fields of WCW implies evolution.

It is tempting to think that cognitive and sense-awareness, or at least memory, correspond to areas of the space-time surface (minimal surface), where quantum jumps between the different classical alternatives are possible. These "hot spots" would be analogous to the frames spanning the soap film and as quantum critical systems serve as seats of memories.
  1. At least for SSFRs associated with remembering, classical non-determinism and quantum non-determinism would correspond to each. Could this be the case also for sensory and cognitive SSFRs, in fact all SSFRs? Could the classical-quantum correspondence fail only for BSFRs as counterparts of the "ordinary" SFRs.
  2. The "memory locations" at the space-time surface, especially in the 4-dimensional brain, correspond to the loci of non-determinism (and of quantum criticality).
  3. Memory recall would require a signal to the geometric past propagating in the non-standard direction of geometric time. The signal would be generated in a BSFR of some subsystem. The signal would be received by the quantum critical memory location by a resonance mechanism, and a second BSFR would occur, resulting in a response that would propagate to the future brain.
Can one say anything more concrete?
  1. TGD predicts that any system can have a self as a sequence of SSFRs. Therefore there is an entire hierarchy of systems, which can be conscious and the question is what level in the hierarchy biological consciousness corresponds to. In the case of the brain, the quantum critical slightly non-deterministic hotspots of the 4-D space-time surface representing the brain could be associated with DNA, microbuli, neurons, axons, and larger structures constructed from them.
  2. Perhaps the most natural identification for the seat of our conscious experience is associated with the field bodies (magnetic and electric) of these systems. The reason is that they contain dark variants of the ordinary particles characterized by a very large value of effective Planck constant heff, which serves as a measure for algebraic complexity, representative capacity, and intelligence.
  3. Gravitational Planck constant ℏgr and electric Planck constant characterize the gravitational (see this and this) and electric bodies (see this and this). Both DNA, microtubuli, and DNA have large electric charges and the gravitational magnetic bodies of the Earth and Sun are excellent candidates for the field bodies involved.

    Water is an essential part of the living matter and expected to be crucial for our conscious experience. The proposal is that the monopole flux tubes accompanying the ordinary basic biomolecules carry sequences of dark protons providing a fundamental representation of the genetic code, which is universal and possible in all scales.

  4. The notion of dark DNA leads to a proposal that the genetic code, realized in terms of a completely unique icosa tetrahedral tessellation of the hyperbolic 3-space H3 (see this), would be crucial in the communications based on multi-resonance mechanism as selector of the receiver and frequency modulation as the way to represent information.

    This mechanism, associated with the EEG and its possible fractally scaled copies at longer and shorter time scales, would be essential also for the memory recall. Dark photons obtained from ordinary photons have period and wavelength scaled up by heff/h. Large values of heff long time scales. The larger the value of heff the longer the time span of the memory.

See the article How subjective memories are realized in TGD inspired theory of consciousness? or the chapter Quantum Model of Memory.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

More about Langlands correspondence in the TGD framework

The interview of Edward Frenkel relating to the Langlands correspondence was very inspiring and led to a considerably more detailed understanding of how number theoretic and geometric Langlands correspondence emerge in the TGD framework from number theoretic universality, holography = holomorphy vision leading to a general solution of field equations based on the generalization of holomorphy, and M8-H duality relating geometric and number theoretic visions of TGD.

The space-time surfaces are realized as roots for a pair (P1,P2) of holomorphic polynomials of four generalized complex coordinates of H=M4× CP2. In this view space-time surfaces are representations of the function field of generalized polynomial pairs in H and can be regarded as numbers with arithmetic operations induced from those for the polynomial pairs.

A proposal for how to count the number of roots of the (P1,P2)=(0,0), when the arguments are restricted to a finite field in terms of modular forms defined at the hyperboloid H3× CP2 ⊂ M4× CP2. The geometric variant of the Galois group as a group mapping different roots for a polynomial pair (P1,P2) identifiable as regions of the space-time surface (minimal surface) would be in terms of generalized holomorphisms of H.

See the article About Langlands correspondence in the TGD framework or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A quantum model of the Sun and planetary system as analogs of atomic nucleus and atom

In this article a model of the Sun and planetary system as analogs of atomic nucleus and atom are discussed. This proposal has been already in earlier articles but the progress in the model of the Sun leading to rather dramatic predictions. In particular, the layer of M89 giant nuclei with mass which is 512 times the mass of the ordinary nucleon located at monopole flux tubes would produce the nuclei of the solar wind and the energy of the solar radiation.

One must give up the standard model of the solar core as a seat of hot fusion and energy producer. What could be the real function of the solar core? In this framework the interior of the Sun could be a quantum coherent system analogous to atomic nucleus with hot fusion replaced with dark fusion explaining "cold fusion" as a quantum critical phenomenon. Solar interior would be also analogous to the cell nucleus, where the genetic code would be realized in terms of dark nuclear strings in the same universal way as in the TGD inspired quantum biology. This would conform with the earlier of the planetary system as an analog of an atom with a gigantic value of the gravitational Planck constant whose form is fixed by the Equivalence Principle.

In this article the model of the Sun as an analog of nucleus is developed in detail. The simplest model with a constant average density motivates the gravitational harmonic oscillator model with the orbitals of nuclei replaced with rigid 2-spheres with radii given by the harmonic oscillator model and containing a surface density of matter consistent with the constant average density. The basic quantization condition would state that the angular momentum is quantized using as a unit the gravitational Planck constant associated with the total mass of the sphere and those below it.

This model can be applied also to planets and also a model for the generation of planets in the explosions induced by the transformation of M89 nuclei to M107 nuclei throwing out part of the the M89 layer with baryon number which correspond to 3 Earth masses. See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The TGD based model for the formation of planets passes the simplest tests in the case of Sun

The TGD based model for the Sun (see this) predicts the missing nuclear mass of 1500 ME (ME is the Earth mass) masses as a 89 solid layer at the surface of the Sun consisting nucleons having a mass 512 times that mass of the ordinary nucleon. The model is consistent with the earlier proposal (see this and (see this) that planets are formed in mini big bangs throwing out a surface layer or part of it. This layer would naturally correspond to the M89 layer having a baryonic mass of 3 Earth masses. Giant planets would have a core with mass of the order of ME and the gaseous sphere would have gravitationally condensed around it. The model survives basic qualitative and quantitative tests as the following argument demonstrates.
  1. The explosion of the M89 solid layer at the surface of the Sun formed by M89 monopole flux tubes explains the solar anomalies would create an expanding layer of ordinary M107 nuclear matter, which could gravitationally condense to a proto planet since the monopole flux tubes making it a rigid sphere would split in the explosion. The explosion would be a phase transition transforming M89 nuclei to M107 nuclei.

    In the gravitational condensation a rigid spherical surface would transform to a planet at Bohr orbit describable by the Nottale's atomic model for the planetary system. The angular momentum quantization condition for the rigid sphere would be replaced by the quantization condition for angular momentum plus Newton's law which for the rigid sphere would correspond to the vanishing of torque guaranteed by the sphericality.

  2. Angular momentum conservation would give strong constraints on the model, in particular the orbital and spin rotation frequency of the planet. One prediction is that the planets should rotate in the same counter clockwise direction as the Sun is spinning (this fact is not well understood). Only Venus and Uranus are exceptions to this rule and in the case of Venus it is thought that a collision with a fast moving asteroid has changed the rotation direction. One cannot of course exclude the possibility that the M89 layer of the Sun can also rotate in a direction opposite to that of the Sun.
  3. A quantitative test is provided by checking whether the rotational angular momenta of the planets are nearly the same or by dissipation somewhat smaller than the angular momentum associated with the M89 layer. The prediction is

    Llayer,spin=(2/3)MlayerRSun2ΩSun= LE,rot MEdE2 ΩE,rot.

    Substituting the numbers Mlayer= 1500 ME, and dE= AU= 1.49× 108 km, TE,rot= 365 d, TSun=25 day, one obtains Llayer/LE,rot= 1.11. The discrepancy could be due to the dissipation.

This simple quantitative test can be performed also for the other planets. This is only one of the many quantitative successes of the TGD based model of the Sun and planets.

See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.


The questions that I should have asked first

The development of a completely new idea is not a rational process. Only when the smoke clears, one realizes what questions one should have posed first in order to avoid side tracks.

I started the development of the model for the solar anomalies (see this) from the idea that the surface of the Sun involves a monopole flux tube layer carrying M89 nucleons having mass 512 times that of ordinary nucleons. Among other things, this would explain the missing nuclear matter of the Sun, the evidence for solid structures at the surface of the Sun, and gamma ray anomalies. The decay of M89 nuclei would give rise to ordinary nucleons of the solar wind and generate the radiation from the Sun. If the original goal had been to construct a model of the Sun, I would have started with the following questions.

  1. I did not consider explicitly the constraints from the existing nuclear physics believe to prevail inside the solar core. But can one really give up standard nuclear physics and reduce the nuclear physics of the Sun to what happens in the M89 flux tube layer? If this were the case, one should start from scratch and the entire known nuclear physics of the Sun should be rediscovered.

    The natural possibility is that the M89 surface layer determines what is seen by the observer during the life cycle of the star. Only after the supernova explosion or a formation of BH, the evolution inside the core of the Sun becomes in daylight via the abundances of the elements created. The anomalously low convection currents in the convection zone support this view. Also the puzzle caused by elements heavier than Fe finds a solution: they would be produced in the decay of M89 nuclei at the surface.

    It seems that the TGD counterpart for ordinary nuclear physics must be present in the core of the Sun. Could the monopole flux tubes containing only M89 nucleons take care of the transfer of the nuclei and energy from the Sun to the environment? This process would involve the decay of M89 nuclei to the ordinary nuclei. The M89 layer would be an addition to the nuclear physics of the Sun rather than its replacement.

  2. How to achieve consistency with the model based on dark fusion? I have developed rather nice models of the "cold fusion" and pre-stellar evolution igniting the ordinary fusion. This suggests that the convective zone corresponds to the region where the dark fusion prevails and the temperature gradually rises as one approaches the core, where the ordinary fusion is ignited. Note that the decay of the M89 layer to ordinary nucleons would also provide energy by helping to maintain the temperature in the convective zone.
  3. What could be the thickness of the M89 layer? The Compton length of the M89 nucleon is a fraction 1/512 of the Compton length of the ordinary nucleon and ridiculously short. On the other hand, if one assumes that the density of dark M89 nuclei corresponds to roughly one per ordinary M89 Compton volume, one can understand the missing nuclear mass of 1500ME. Could gravitational Compton length, which does not depend on the mass of the particle, determine the thickness of the M89 layer? For the Sun with β0=2-11 it would be Λgr=RE/2, where RE = RSun/109 is the Earth radius defining also the size scale of the Sunspots. For β9=1 it would be by a factor 1/2000 shorter. It turns out that the gravitational oscillator model predicts Λgr=RE/2 as the basic length scale of the gravitational harmonic oscillator!
How M89 nuclei could be regenerated?

How M89 nuclei are regenerated is a question, which occurred repeatedly but which I have managed to put under the rug.

  1. The birth of a new star requires the emergence of a M89 layer and possible M89 nucleus deep in the interior of the Sun playing the role of the dipole of a dipole magnetic field. How could it emerge? M89 regions should be deep in the interior of the Sun and define the analog of a dipole field. The M89 nuclei must be generated in the solar nucleus or feeded to it. From the nucleus they would end up the surface of the Sun along the monopole flux tubes.
  2. p-Adic cooling occurring in a stepwise manner by reducing the p-adic scales by octaves would provide a model for the decay of M89 nuclei to M107 nuclei. Can one consider p-adic heating of M107 nuclei to M89 nuclei? There is evidence from LHC for the creation of M89 mesons and the solar gamma ray anomalies suggest that M89 and even MG,79 mesons are produced. From this there is however a long way to the p-adic heating of nuclei increasing their mass by factor 512 but one can ask whether the p-adic heating leads in a stepwise way also to a formation of M89 nuclei.
  3. In ZEO it is natural to ask whether the p-adic heating could be a time reversal of the p-adic cooling identifiable as a quantum tunnelling involving a pair of BSFRs. Huge energies are needed but the rise of the temperature could take place by steps proceeding hadron physics by hadronic physics with decreasing p-adic length scale L(107)→ L(105)= 2L{107}....→ L(89).

    Could the solar core involve a hierarchy of layers for which the p-adic temperature increases in powers of 2, at least up to the QCD Λ∼ 100-200 MeV assignable to the the temperature at which the transition to quark gluon plasma is believed to occur in QCD.

  4. Could ZEO make possible p-adic heating as a p-adic cooling in a reversed time direction. Time reversal and macroscopic quantum coherence are general aspects of TGD and one can wonder whether heating quite generally involves a time reversal. In the TGD based model of self-organization the energy feed could correspond to extraction of energy from the environment by using reversal of the arrow of time.
This allows us to consider two identifications for the energy feed needed to generate M89 nuclei.
  1. ZEO could make it possible to extract energy from the environment of the solar nucleus to transform M107 nuclei to M89. The needed energies are huge and it is far from clear whether these energies can be provided by ordinary nuclear reactions with a much smaller energy scale and even by the reactions transforming nuclei at different p-adic temperatures to each other which also involve huge energy scales. If this were the case, the energy would come from the solar core and generate a heat current towards the center raising of the p-adic temperature.
  2. The second option is that the energy arrives at the solar nucleus from the outside. TGD predicts that the stars of the galaxies form a network connected by monopole flux tubes. Could this network acting like blood circulation feed M89 nuclei from, say galactic nuclei, to the Sun, where they would be used as a fuel. M89 nuclei, which are burned to M107 nuclei and in this process induce p-adic heating of the environment around the solar nucleus. One could consider a process in which the evaporation of BHs by time reversal could lead to the next level in the hierarchy of hadronic physics labelled by MG,103. Cosmic evolution would be climbing along the ladder formed by Merssen primes and their Gaussian counterparts.
Could the Sun be regarded as a living, metabolizing system?

The above considerations force us to ask whether the Sun could be regarded as a living, metabolizing system.

  1. ZEO suggests that the Sun is a living organism, which dies and reincarnates with a reversed arrow of time in each BSFR. Single BSFR would correspond to the 11 year half period of the sunspot cycle. The energy feed provided by nuclear fusion and the possible feed of the M89 nuclei from the galactic circuitry to the solar nucleus could together with the ordinary nuclear fusion the needed energy. The decay of the M89 nuclei to ordinary nucleus by gamma emission might make possible this kind of processes (the energy of the gamma ray in the decay N(k) → N(k-2)+γ is Eγ= 3m(N(k)/8.

    The flux tubes connecting the Sun to the galactic nucleus or possibly to the galactic blackhole-like object would be like blood circuitry bringing in metabolites and metabolic energy.

  2. The Sunspot cycle could be analogous to breathing. Single inhalation/exhalation would take about 11 years. The decay of the monopole flux tubes would be analogous to catabolism of proteins. Could the recreation of the monopoles flux layer be seen as the anabolism as reconstruction of proteins. The arrow of time is opposite during the inhalation. At this step the energy from outside could enter the solar nucleus. The periodics of inhaling and outhaling are 11 years. The arrow of time changes when the polarity of the magnetic field changes. MB of the Sun dies and reincarnates.

    The decay and regeneration magnetic bubble and also the interior part of the MB as the counterpart of dipole of the dipole field would take during the reversal of the direction of the magnetic field and be analogous to biological death and reincarnation with an opposite arrow of time.

  3. Sun receives metabolic energy from both dark and ordinary fusion and possibly also from the galactic M89 monopole flux. The energy would be extracted from the environment during the inhalation period when the arrow of time is reversed. Dissipation with an opposite arrow of time would take place.
  4. The transformation of M89 nuclei to M107 nuclei would be analogous to catabolism. M89 nuclei would be analogous to proteins made from M89 as analogs of amino acids. What about the astrophysical counterpart of DNA? TGD predicts a universal realization of the genetic code based on the tesselations of the hyperbolic 2-spaces realized as light-proper time constant surface in M4.
Reconnection and polarization reversal

Reconnection makes possible the orientation reversal of the solar magnetic field. The portions of the monopole flux with opposite directions must be very near to each other and touch so that the splitting to closed monopole flux tubes becomes possible. These flux tubes can change their orientation and after that fuse back to the flux tubes with opposite direction of the magnetic flux. The time reversal would correspond to the polarization reversal.

In TGD inspired quantum biology biocatalysis involves a reduction of heff for U-shaped flux look connecting the reactants. This reduces the length of the flux tube and brings reactants together and liberates energy kicking the reactants over the energy wall preventing the reaction otherwise. Now something analogous could take place. The closed flux tube having a distance of about RE/2 between parallel strands with opposite polarities could suffer a phase transition reducing the value of ℏgr so that they distance would become very small and the reconnection splitting the long and narrow flux tube pair to pieces which then reconnect to form a narrow structure with opposite polarization. After that heff would increase to ℏgr.

Could the thermodynamical model of the Sun and planets be replaced with a geometric description?

A basic objection against the quantum model of stars and planets is that thermodynamic notions like pressure are absolutely essential for the understanding of the physics of the solar and planetary interiors.

  1. In the thermal models pressure prevents gravitational collapse. In the geometric model, the tension of the monopole flux tubes in vertical and horizontal directions would prevent gravitational collapse. I have developed a model of nuclei and atoms based on spherical structures carrying Platonic solids (see this). If this applies also to the Sun and planets, they would resemble outcomes of engineering.
  2. When nuclear fusion does not anymore produce enough energy, the flux tubes decay and the analog of the pressure disappears and the core collapses. The counterpart of this description in the geometric model would be as follows. The monopole flux tubes and the dark matter at them require energy feed and nuclear reactions. The p-adic cooling of M89 nuclei could provide it. In the absence of the energy feed heff is reduced and the flux tubes collapse and gravitational collapse is the outcome.
  3. In standard physics, blackholes or neutron stars emerge in the death of the star due to the loss of the pressure created by nuclear reactions. Ordinary BHs correspond to volume filling flux tube spaghettis consisting of M107 nucleons. TGD however suggests an entire hierarchy of BHs labelled by Mersenne primes and their Gaussian counterparts. Note that the p-adic cooling in the absence of nuclear reactions transforms M89 nuclei to ordinary nuclei and would lead to M107 BH. M89 blackholes could in turn emerge from MG,79 blackholes.
See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Two options for the New Sun in the TGD framework: which option is correct?

During the last month, I have been developing a model for the Sun inspired by the article of Nassim Haramein summarizing the anomalies related to the nuclear physics of the Sun. The big idea is that the Sun is analogous to an atom or atomic nucleus in the quantization, which generalizes Nottale's view about the planetary system as an atom-like structure. In a good approximation, only the uppermost layer, valence shell, identifiable as a magnetic bubble and consisting of flux tubes would interact with the external world. In particular, the energy production of the Sun would take place in this surface layer, which means a dramatic deviation from the standard model of the Sun.

There are two options for what the surface layers of the Sun could be.

For Option I, the totally crazy option, very long nuclei defined by monopole flux tubes formed from M89 nucleons with mass of about 512 GeV would be in question. The M89 nuclei could be also dark in the TGD sense and the explanation for the observations of LHC (see this and this) is in terms of a creation of M89 mesons for which the value heff/h=512 so that the dark M89 hadrons would have the same size as the ordinary hadrons. This would conform with the quantum criticality for the TGD analog of the phase transition interpreted in QCD as a formation of the quark gluon plasma.

Option I is completely crazy but it explains nicely the missing .5 percent of solar nuclear matter, the gamma ray anomalies, and the formation of planets as explosions of the surface layer. By baryon number conservation, the explosion of the surface layer would produce at most 3ME of the ordinary nuclear matter. M89 nuclei can form atoms with the same spectrum as ordinary atoms and this would explain the strange findings of Moshina suggesting a rigid core for the Sun.

For Option II, the not so crazy option, dark variants of ordinary nuclei would populate the flux tubes. The dark M107 nuclei could appear in the solar corona also for the option I. For this one must give up the assumption that there is just a single layer if one wants to explain the missing nuclear matter of the Sun. The replacement M89 → M107 scales down the mass of the single layer by 2-18 and the increase h→ heff= 210h reduces the mass of the layer by factor 2-20. One must therefore have 238∼ 1012/4 dark layers with thickens of about 1/2 of the electron Compton length. The simple model for the formation of planets is lost. Both gamma ray anomalies could be understood as local phase transitions to M89 or M79 hadron physics. Also the findings of Moshina might be understood in terms of dark atoms.

In both cases, the fluxes of energy and matter arriving from the Sun would be determined at the surface layer and this certainly leads to powerful predictions, which distinguish the TGD view from the standard view. For instance, the power produced in the transformation of the layer to ordinary nuclei should be proportional to the area of the surface and if the density of the start is kept constant and the anatomy of the surface layer does not depend on the size of the star, it should behave like M2/3 as function of the stellar mass.

The energetics related to solar wind and radiation from the Sun would provide a killer test perhaps allowing us to choose between the two options. The ratio for the mass carried out by solar wind to the energy carried out by radiation should be consistent with the empirical findings.

The energy lost per year using solar mass as a unit is a convenient measure for the rate of the mass loss in solar wind and for the rate of the energy lost by radiation. In the standard model interpreted as thermal radiation at the surface of the Sun acting as blackbody radiation.

The experimental estimate for P(rad)/M(Sun) is P(rad)(M(Sun)) ∼ .5 1012/y. The estimate for P(wind)/M(Sun) is x× 10-14/y, x in the range [2,3]. The ratio R is in the range [25,16.7].

1. Energetics for Option II

For Option II the energy liberated per nucleon in the evaporation of single dark layer would be essentially the ordinary binding energy per nucleon, which is few MeVs for heff/h=210 suggested by the TGD based model of the "cold fusion" (see this) and in the range 10-3-10-2. If the liberated energy is transformed to radiation the ratio R is in the range 10-3-10-2. This is in conflict with the experimental findings. This leaves only the totally crazy option under consideration.

2. Energetics for the Option I

Solar wind could be created by the transformation of M89 nucleons to M107 nucleons. This process is new from the standard physics view.

  1. If the process occurs as a single step k=89→ 107, the energy of the ordinary nuclei is huge and their velocity is essentially light velocity. This cannot make sense.

    In the model for Centauro and Gemini events introduce p-adic cooling as a process allowing to avoid this (see this, this and this) p-Adic prime p∼ 2k would correspond a temperature in p-adic thermodynamics which is for mass squared rather than energy and mass scale would be indeed given by m(k) which would gradually reduces in the cooling.

    In the p-adic cooling, the p-adic length scale of the nucleon would be increased in a stepwise manner octave by octave: L(89)→ L(91)= L(93)/2→ ....L(107). 9 steps would be involved. Mass scale would be reduced in the same way. Whether particles can appear with several p-adic mass scales has been a long standing question and it might be that solar physics demonstrates this!

    The p-adic cooling would produce final state nuclei which do not move with light-velocity since the energy of about m(89)= 511m(107) would be transformed to photons and mesons of various hadronic physics along the path and eventually give rise to radiation.

  2. A given step would involve transformation N(k)→ N(k+2) of a nucleon given mass m to that with mass m/2 and emission of some particle say photon or meson of the physics associated with p-adic length scale L(k-2). These particles of at least part of them would heat the solar surface producing the radiation from the Sun.

    The gamma rays produced at the first step of the process have so high energy that they are not expected to thermalize to thermal radiation at the surface of the Sun but leak out of the Sun. These gamma rays would belong to the anomalous gamma rays from the Sun. The absence of anomalys gamma rays in the range 30-50 GeV suggests that meson production dominates over the production of gamma rays in the transformation N(k)→ N(k+2). Therefore the spectrum of gamma rays should reflect the mass spectra for the pions of the hadron physics appearing in the casca coming as powers 2107-km(π).

  3. Consider the kinematics for the first step of the p-adic cooling in which one has k=89→ k+2=91. Assume that the transition is N(k)→ N(k+2)+ X. Assume for definiteness that X has so small mass that it can be regarded as massless. Energy conservation gives E(107)= m(89)-EX, E(X)∼ p(X) and mass shell condition for the k=91 nucleon gives E(X)= 3m(89)/8 from this one obtains for the velocity of the nucleon β= v/c= 3/8.
  4. At each step the same occurs and from the formula β= β1β212 for the addition of velocities, one obtains that v is scaled down by a factor 1/2 at each step. 9 steps gives for the velocity of N(107) the value β(107)=3/8 × 2-9= 3× 2-12∼ 3/8× 10-3 ∼ 105 m/s. The velocity is non-relativistic and corresponds to a kinetic energy mnβ2/2 ∼ .5 keV.

    The temperature of the solar corona is ∼ .1 keV and the heating of the solar temperature could be caused by the dissipation of the energy of nucleons. This energy is also near the energy scale of dark nucleons in the model of "cold fusion" as dark fusion.

For Option I the high energy gamma rays, which are not expected to thermalize and they indeed contribute to the gamma ray anomaly. To estimate the thermal part of the energy flow one can assume that the gamma rays thermalize only for the steps k→ k+2 from k≥ k0. This would mean that the mass m(k)/2 nuclei N(k), k≥ k0, k0= 107-r0 nuclei would be transformed to radiation. The mass transformed to radiation would be the m(107)× ∑r=0r0-1 2r= m(107)(1+2+22+..+2r0-1).

The ratio R= P(rad)/P(wind) of the energy lost as radiation to the mass lost as solar wind would be in a rough approximation R=1+2+22+..+2k0-1. k0= 101 (prime) for which one has m(101)/2=4m(107)= 4GeV gives R=30 and k0= 103 with m(103)/2=2m(107)= 2 GeV gives R=22. The ratio R is in the range [25,16.7] This favors the k0=103 option.

It seems that the totally crazy option might work!

See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.