Monday, December 05, 2016

Induced spinor structure and SUSY mystery

This piece of text was already included in previous posting about Occam's razor and TGD. The discussion of induced spinor structure led however to a modification of an earlier idea (one of the many) about how SUSY could be realized in TGD in such a manner that experiments at LHC energies could not discover it and one should perform experiments at the other end of energy spectrum at energies which correspond to the thermal energy about .025 eV at room temperature. I think that this observation could be of crucial importance for understanding of SUSY and therefore deserves republishing.

Induced spinor structure

The notion of induced spinor field deserves a more detailed discussion. Consider first induced spinor structures.

  1. Induced spinor field are spinors of M4× CP2 for which modes are characterized by chirality (quark or lepton like) and em charge and weak isospin.

  2. Induced spinor spinor structure involves the projection of gamma matrices defining induced gamma matrices. This gives rise to superconformal symmetry if the action contains only volume term.

    When Kähler action is present, superconformal symmetry requires that the modified gamma matrices are contractions of canonical momentum currents with imbedding space gamma matrices. Modified gammas appear in the modified Dirac equation and action, whose solution at string world sheets trivializes by super-conformal invariance to same procedure as in the case of string models.

  3. Induced spinor fields correspond to two chiralities carrying quark number and lepton number. Quark chirality does not carry color as spin-like quantum number but it corresponds to a color partial wave in CP2 degrees of freedom: color is analogous to angular momentum. This reduces to spinor harmonics of CP2 describing the ground states of the representations of super-symplectic algebra.

    The harmonics do not satisfy correct correlation between color and electroweak quantum numbers although the triality t=0 for leptonic waves and t=1 for quark waves. There are two manners to solve the problem.

    1. Super-symplectic generators applied to the ground state to get vanishing ground states weight instead of the tachyonic one carry color and would give for the physical states correct correlation: leptons/quarks correspond to the same triality zero(one partial wave irrespective of charge state. This option is assumed in p-adic mass calculations.

    2. Since in TGD elementary particles correspond to pairs of wormhole contacts with weak isospin vanishing for the entire pair, one must have pair of left and right-handed neutrinos at the second wormhole throat. It is possible that the anomalous color quantum numbers for the entire state vanish and one obtains the experimental correlation between color and weak quantum numbers. This option is less plausible since the cancellation of anomalous color is not local as assume in p-adic mass calculations.

The understanding of the details of the fermionic and actually also geometric dynamics has taken a long time. Super-conformal symmetry assigning to the geometric action of an object with given dimension an analog of Dirac action allows however to fix the dynamics uniquely and there is indeed dimensional hierarchy resembling brane hierarchy.

  1. The basic observation was following. The condition that the spinor modes have well-defined em charge implies that they are localized to 2-D string world sheets with vanishing W boson gauge fields which would mix different charge states. At string boundaries classical induced W boson gauge potentials guarantee this. Super-conformal symmetry requires that this 2-surface gives rise to 2-D action which is area term plus topological term defined by the flux of Kähler form.

  2. The most plausible assumption is that induced spinor fields have also interior component but that the contribution from these 2-surfaces gives additional delta function like contribution: this would be analogous to the situation for branes. Fermionic action would be accompanied by an area term by supersymmetry fixing modified Dirac action completely once the bosonic actions for geometric object is known. This is nothing but super-conformal symmetry.

    One would actually have the analog of brane-hierarchy consisting of surfaces with dimension D= 4,3,2,1 carrying induced spinor fields which can be regarded as independent dynamical variables and characterized by geometric action which is D-dimensional analog of the action for Kähler charged point particle. This fermionic hierarchy would accompany the hierarchy of geometric objects with these dimensions and the modified Dirac action would be uniquely determined by the corresponding geometric action principle (Kähler charged point like particle, string world sheet with area term plus Kähler flux, light-like 3-surface with Chern-Simons term, 4-D space-time surface with Kähler action).

  3. This hierarchy of dynamics is consistent with SH only if the dynamics for higher dimensional objects is induced from that for lower dimensional objects - string world sheets or maybe even their boundaries orbits of point like fermions. Number theoretic vision suggests that this induction relies algebraic continuation for preferred extremals. Note that quaternion analyticity means that quaternion analytic function is determined by its values at 1-D curves.

  4. Quantum-classical correspondences (QCI) requires that the classical Noether charges are equal to the eigenvalues of the fermionic charges for surfaces of dimension D=0,1,2,3 at the ends of the CDs. These charges would not be separately conserved. Charges could flow between objects of dimension D+1 and D - from interior to boundary and vice versa. Four-momenta and also other charges would be complex as in twistor approach: could complex values relate somehow to the finite life-time of the state?

    If quantum theory is square root of thermodynamics as ZEO suggests, the idea that particle state would carry information also about its life-time or the time scale of CD to which is associated could make sense. For complex values of αK there would be also flow of canonical and super-canonical momentum currents between Euclidian and Minkowskian regions crucial for understand gravitational interaction as momentum exchange at imbedding space level.

  5. What could be the physical interpretation of the bosonic and fermionic charges associated with objects of given dimension? Condensed matter physicists assign routinely physical states to objects of various dimensions: is this assignment much more than a practical approximation or could condensed matter physics already be probing many-sheeted physics?

From this one ends up to the possibility of identifying the counterpart of SUSY in TGD framework.

  1. In TGD the generalization of much larger super-conformal symmetry emerges from the super-symplectic symmetries of WCW. The mathematically questionable notion of super-space is not needed: only the realization of super-algebra in terms of WCW gamma matrices defining super-symplectic generators is necessary to construct quantum states. As a matter of fact, also in QFT approach one could use only the Clifford algebra structure for super-multiplets. No Majorana condition on fermions is needed as for N=1 space-time SUSY and one avoids problems with fermion number non-conservation.

  2. In TGD the construction of sparticles means quite concretely adding fermions to the state. In QFT it corresponds to transformation of states of integer and half-odd integer spin to each other. This difference comes from the fact that in TGD particles are replaced with point like particles.

  3. The analog of N=2 space-time SUSY could be generated by covariantly constant right handed neutrino and antineutrino. Quite generally the mixing of fermionic chiralities implied by the mixing of M4 and CP2 gamma matrices implies SUSY breaking at the level of particle masses (particles are massless in 8-D sense). This breaking is purely geometrical unlike the analog of Higgs mechanism proposed in standard SUSY.

There are several options to consider.
  1. The analog of brane hierarchy is realized also in TGD. Geometric action has parts assignable to 4-surface, 3-D light like regions between Minkowskian and Euclidian regions, 2-D string world sheets, and their 1-D boundaries. They are fixed uniquely. Also their fermionic counterparts - analogs of Dirac action - are fixed by super-conformal symmetry. Elementary particles reduce so composites consisting of point-like fermions at boundaries of wormhole throats of a pair of wormhole contacts.

    This forces to consider 3 kinds of SUSYs! The SUSYs associated with string world sheets and space-time interiors would be broken since there is a mixing between M4 chiralities in the modified Dirac action. The mass scale of the broken SUSY would correspond to the length scale of these geometric objects and one might argue that decoupling between the degrees of freedom considered occurs at high energies and explains why no evidence for SUSY has been observed at LHC. Also the fact that the addition of massive fermions at these dimensions can be interpreted
    differently. 3-D light-like 3-surfaces would be however an exception.

  2. For 3-D light-like surfaces the modified Dirac action associated with the Chern-Simons term does not mix M4 chiralities (signature of massivation) at all since modified gamma matrices have only CP2 part in this case. All fermions can have well-defined chirality. Even more: the modified gamma matrices have no M4 part in this case so that these modes carry no four-momentum - only electroweak quantum numbers and spin. Obviously, the excitation of these fermionic modes would be an ideal manner to create spartners of ordinary particles consting of fermion at the fermion lines. SUSY would be present if the spin of these excitations couples - to various interactions and would be exact in absence of coupling to interior spinor fields.

    What would be these excitations? Chern-Simons action and its fermionic counterpart are non-vanishing only if the CP2 projection is 3-D so that one can use CP2 coordinates. This strongly suggests that the modified Dirac equation demands that the spinor modes are covariantly constant and correspond to covariantly constant right-handed neutrino providing only spin.

    If the spin of the right-handed neutrino adds to the spin of the particle and the net spin couples to dynamics, N=2 SUSY is in question. One would have just action with unbroken SUSY at QFT limit? But why also right-handed neutrino spin would couple to dynamics if only CP2 gamma matrices appear in Chern-Simons-Dirac action? It would seem that it is independent degree of freedom having no electroweak and color nor even gravitational couplings by its covariant constancy. I have ended up with just the same SUSY-or-no-SUSY that I have had earlier.

  3. Can the geometric action for light-like 3-surfaces contain Chern-Simons term?

    1. Since the volume term vanishes identically in this case, one could indeed argue that also the counterpart of Kähler action is excluded. Moreover, for so called massless extremals of Kähler action reduces to Chern-Simons terms in Minkowskian regions and this could happen quite generally: TGD with only Kähler action would be almost topological QFT as I have proposed. Volume term however changes the situation via the cosmological constant. Kähler-Dirac action in the interior does not reduce to its Chern-Simons analog at light-like 3-surface.

    2. The problem is that the Chern-Simons term at the two sides of the light-like 3-surface differs by factor (-1)1/2 coming from the ratio of (g4)1/2 factors which themselves approach to zero: one would have the analog of dipole layer. This strongly suggests that one should not include Chern-Simons term at all.

      Suppose however that Chern-Simons terms are present at the two sides and αK is real so that nothing goes through the horizon forming the analog of dipole layer. Both bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom for Euclidian and Minkowskian regions would decouple completely but currents would flow to the analog of dipole layer. This is not physically attractive.

      The canonical momentum current and its super counterpart would give fermionic source term ΓnΨint,+/- in the modified Dirac equation defined by Chern-Simons term at given side +/-: +/- refers to Minkowskian/Euclidian part of the interior. The source term is proportional to ΓnΨint,+/- and Γn is in principle mixture of M4 and CP2 gamma matrices and therefore induces mixing of M4 chiralities and therefore also 3-D SUSY breaking. It must be however emphasized that Γn is singular and one must be consider the limit carefully also in the case that one has only continuity conditions. The limit is not completely understood.

    3. If αK is complex, there is coupling between the two regions and the simplest assumption has been that there is no Chern-Simons term as action and one has just continuity conditions for canonical momentum current and hits super counterpart.

    The cautious conclusion is that 3-D Chern-Simons term and its fermionic counterpart are absent.
  4. What about the addition of fermions at string world sheets and interior of space-time surface (D=2 and D=4). For instance, in the case of hadrons D=2 excitations could correspond to addition of quark in the interior of hadronic string implying additional states besides the states obtained assuming only quarks at string ends. Let us consider the interior (D=4). The smallness of cosmological constant implies that the contribution to the four-momentum from interior should be rather small so that an interpretation in terms of broken SUSY might make sense. There would be mass m∼ .03 eV per volume with size defined by the Compton scale hbar/m. Note however that cosmological constant has spectrum coming as inverse powers of prime so that also higher mass scales are possible.

    This interpretation might allow to understand the failure to find SUSY at LHC. Sparticles could be obtained by adding interior right-handed neutrinos and antineutrinos to the particle state. They could be also associated with the magnetic body of the particle. Since they do not have color and weak interactions, SUSY is not badly broken. If the mass difference between particle and sparticle is of order m=.03 eV characterizing ρvac, particle and sparticle could not be distinguished in higher energy physics at LHC since it probes much shorter scales and sees only the particle. I have already earlier proposed a variant of this mechanism but without SUSY breaking.

    To discover SUSY one should do very low energy physics in the energy range m∼ .03 eV having same order of magnitude as thermal energy kT= 2.6× 10-2 eV at room temperature 25 oC. One should be able to demonstrate experimentally the existence of sparticle with mass differing by about m∼ .03 eV from the mass of the particle (one cannot of course exclude higher mass values if Λ has spectrum). An interesting question is whether the sfermions associated with standard fermions could give rise to Bose-Einstein condensates whose existence in the length scale of large neutron is strongly suggested by TGD view about living matter.

See the chapter SUSY in TGD Universe.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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