Sunday, January 19, 2020

Evidence for 3 different temperatures at Milky Way halo

The TGD based model for Milky Way suggests the presence of 3 cosmic strings thickened to flux tubes. Galactic disk has indeed 3 components with different thickness. There is support for the presence of 3 components also in the Milky Way halo (see this), thanks to Wes Johnson for the link) as gas at different temperatures, and perhaps assignable to 3 different cosmic strings.

The information was gained by studying X rays from a blazar, very active energetic core of a distant galaxy emitting intense beams of light. The blazar was at distance of 5 billion light years. The light passed through the galactic halo and the temperature of the halo was determined from the properties of light received at Earth.

The halo was expected to have single temperature in the range between 104-106 K. It was however found to contain 3 components at different temperatures, and the hottest component had temperature about 107 K. The unexpectedly high temperature is proposed to be due to the winds emanating from the disc of stars of MW. It was also found that the halo contains besides hydrogen also significant amounts of heavier elements suggesting that the halo has received material created by certain stars during their lifetime and final stages.

In TGD framework "cold fusion" (see this) outside stellar interiors could have generated at least part of the heavier elements. "Cold fusion" proceeds by a formation of dark nuclei identifiable as dark nucleon sequences at magnetic flux tubes with heff/h≈ mp/me∼ 2000 and having radius of electron Compton length. Nuclear binding energy is scaled down by a factor of about 1/2000 to keV range. Dark nuclei would have transformed to ordinary nuclei liberating practically all nuclear binding energy outside stellar nuclei. This process would serve as a kind of warm-up band in the pre-stellar evolution leading eventually to the ordinary fusion (see this).

See the article A model for galaxy formation or the chapter Cosmic string model for the formation of galaxies and stars.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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