Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Could Mars have intramartial life?

A popular article in National Geographic (see this) tells about unexpected findings made by the first robotic geophysicist, the Insight lander revealed in the European Planetary Science Congress and the American Astronomical Society. There are odd magnetic pulsations with frequency around 10 mHz (see this) occurring at Martian night-time: for Earth these pulsations occur in frequency range 1 mHz to 1 Hz. Mars has much stronger magnetic field than expected. The magnetic field was detected at heights 96-400 km.

Besides this there is evidence for the existence for a global electrically conductive layer about 6 km below the surface, which suggest an underground reservoir of water. This has enormous implications for potential existence of life in Mars. There is also earlier evidence for the existence of salty, liquid water measuring about 19 km across (see this).

These findings bring in mind TGD based model for expanding Earth (see this, this, and this).

  1. The observation is that if Earth has radius one half of itse recent radius the continents fit nicely together to cover entire surface of Earth. This lead to the proposal that during Cambrian explosion in which highly developed life formed mysteriously emerged, the Earth radius grew by factor 2 in a relatively short time. The life would have evolved in Mother Gaia's womb, underground oceans perhaps between crust and astenosphere at depth not larger than 80 km, shielded from cosmic rays and meteoric bombardment.

  2. The sudden expansion can be modelled in TGD inspired new physics as a phase transition increasing the p-adic length scale of Earth and reducing the scale dependent cosmological constant assignable to Earth by factor 1/4: these kind of phase transitions replace smooth cosmological expansion in TGD inspired cosmology.

    This led to the splitting of the continuous crust to continents and oceans emerged as the the water from underground oceans containing the highly developed life forms bursted to the surface.

  3. The intriguing coincidence is that Mars has radius which is 1/2 of Earth's recent radius. Could also Mars have underground ocean with rather developed life forms waiting for the moment of birth? Magnetic field is necessary in TGD based model of life and the article tells that Mars has unexpectedly strong magnetic field. It also tells about underground ocean at death about 100 km! The boundary between Earth's core and astenosphere, where the ancient oceans might have been is at dept of about 80 km.

Some comments about the magnetic field Mars

Some comments about the magnetic field of Mars are in order.

  1. Wikipedia article about Earth's magnetosphere (see this) gives a criterion for the height below which magnetic field can survive under the pressure caused by solar wind. The criterion reads

    RCFRP= (B2sw vsw2)1/6 .

    Here RP is planet radius, B is the strength of the magnetic field at its surface, and ρsw and vsw are the mass density and velocity of solar wind. The ratio RCF/RP is essentially the ratio of the density of magnetic energy and density of kinetic energy. This implies that the strength of B is about 10 times higher than the strength of the Earth's magnetic field at surface about .5 Gauss. The recent findings should increase the earlier estimate RCF/RP∼ 1 given in Wikipedia. For Earth the thickness of magnetosphere is about 10 times Earth radius giving RCF/RP∼ 11 .

  2. The strength of magnetic field behaves like 1/r3 in dipole approximation and scaling RP by factor 2 would reduce magnetic field strength at surface down by factor 1/8, which is near to value of the Earth's magnetic field strength BE. Could one think that also Earth had similar magnetic field before the expansion that the expansion of Earth radius by factor 2 gave rise to the recent magnetic field? BMars∼ 10BE however suggests that the magnetic field of Mars in dipole
    approximation should actually extend equally far as the Earth's magnetic field! This does not seem to make sense.

    Could one think that the matter at the flux tubes of Martian magnetic field is dark matter as heff= nh0 phases and is not visible in the ordinary sense. For instance, cyclotron energies proportional to heffeB/m would be much higher than expected. Another option is that the magnetic field corresponds carries monopole fluxes at its flux tubes carrying dark particles.

Paradox and its solution

What looks mysterious is that if Martian magnetic field is dipole field in reasonable approximation it should be more or less like Earth's magnetic field! One would expect cyclotron radiation and Al. Why it is not seen? The answer could be simple.

  1. Also Earth's magnetic field would decompose to stable part for which flux tubes carry quantized monopole flux and ordinary part. Monopole part does not need current to sustain it and this has been used to explain why Earth's magnetic field has not disappeared long time ago. The varying part of the Earth's magnetic field would be created by convection currents in the solar. Since Mars does not have outer core, it would not have this part of magnetic field. I have proposed this model for the maintenance of Earth's magnetic field at (see this.

  2. I have assumed that dark matter as heff=n×h0 phases of ordinary matter essential for life resides at the flux tubes of this field having strength which is 2/5 of the Earth's ordinary magnetic field. I have called this field endogenous magnetic field and its existence and existence of heff hierarchy was deduced from the explanation of quantal effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain. If Mars has only dark magnetic field, the magnetic field of Mars is invisible! The ordinary part of this magnetic field should appear in the analog of Cambrian explosion as the radius of Mars increases to that of Earth and core radius increase by factor 2 and the core becomes unstable against division to to two layers.

  3. It has been thought that Martian magnetic field is so weak because the outer core of Mars has been seized up in distant past leading to a collapse of the magnetic field. Could one think that the reverse of this process took place for Earth in the expansion and created the outer core, perhaps by splitting of the core to inner and outer core. This picture would fit nicely with the p-adic length scale hypothesis suggesting layered structures with thickness of layer coming as some power of 2: the thickness of core would have double and core would have divided to two layers. If the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has been stronger by factor 8 before Cambrian explosion, this should be seen in magnetic records.

    Same would have happened also in Earth and would explain how oxygen atmosphere emerged. Before that various ions from solar wind would have entered to the dark flux tubes and entered to the interior of Earth. Same would happen in Mars now.

    The rotation of the outer core would create ordinary magnetic field after the expansion. Before that various ions from solar wind would have entered to the dark flux tubes and entered to the interior of Mars. Same would have happened also in Earth and would explain how oxygen atmosphere emerged in Cambrian explosion and life could burst safely to the surface of Mars.

  4. Intriguingly, Mars has its own version of Norther lights (see this). Without magnetic field auroras should not exist! Could it be that they are dark auroras associated with dark magnetic field of Mars. In reconnections of the magnetic field o Martian magnetic field and those associated with solar wind dark ions would transform to ordinary ones and create Norther and Souther lights. Van Allen belts are in the height range .6-58 Mm (Earth radius is 6,4 Mm). Mars should have dark van Allen belts along which ions of solar wind would end down to the interior of Mars.

  5. What about the pulsed oscillations of Martian magnetic field at frequency around 10 ms, which corresponds to a period of 3.33... minutes detected at the night-side of Mars?

    The pulsations could correspond to a biorhythm. Also Earth's magnetic field has pulsations with frequencies varying between 1 mHz and 1 Hz. 1 mHz corresponds to 3/3.6 minutes and 1 Hz to average DNA cyclotron frequency in endogenous magnetic field B_end = .2 Gauss identifiable as dark magnetic field.

    Could these pulsations correspond to a heartbeat or breathing of Martian magnetic Mother Gaia - rather concrete pulsation of its magnetic body made from flux tubes and/or sheets? Why the pulsations appear only at the dark side? Could the pressure of the solar wind prevent the pulsations at the day-side?

One can wonder what the measured magnetic field is. Is it the sum of dark and ordinary part or only ordinary part. If test particles touch all space-time sheets involved, they experience the sum of the magnetic fields so that the usual measurements should give the sum. If it is only the ordinary part, one still would have problem why this field having strength near to Earth's magnetic field is not visible as van Allen belts for instance. The QFT limit of TGD indeed corresponds to the replacement of space-times sheets with single region of Minkowski space and the identification of fields as the sums of the induced fields from various space-time sheets.

About intraplanetary life

The new observations allow to make the existing model for intra-planetary life much more details. The following applies to both Earth and Mars.

  1. At Earth the multicellular life forms would have emerged in Cambrian explosion suddenly from the Earth interior as its size increased by factor 2. The expansion would be one stepwise cosmic expansion and associated with the decrease of length scale dependent cosmological constant associated with Earth. Same should happen in Mars sooner or later. So that there is no reason to worry. If we destroy our species and many other at the same time, intelligent life forms will develop in Mars.

  2. If the multicellular life forms represented intraterrestrial life, photosynhesis and even oxygen based life should have evolved in underground ocean. The breathing animals would be like fishes using the oxygen in water.

  3. The dark magnetic flux tubes of planet would have served as channels for solar photons propagating as dark photons to the the ocean in the interior of the planet. Dark photons would have transformed to ordinary photons and used in photosynthesis making possible chemical energy storage. Photosythesis would have produced oxygen O2 which would not have been lost to outer space now: a good reason for intraplanetary life when oxygen atmosphere is missing.

    Thus breathing animals would have become possible besides plants like organisms performing the photosynthesis. Also animal-plants doing photosynthesis themselves can be considered. Even we could use the metabolic energy stored chemically in manner analogous to photosynthesis. The machinery is very similar and there is evidence that even humans can use sunlight as metabolic energy. Pollack effect would be key element here. Pollack effect generates charge separation and thus voltage and this gives rise to a battery.

See the article New support for the view about Cambrian explosion being caused by rapid increase of Earth radius, shorter article Could Mars have intra-planetary life?, or the chapter Expanding Earth Model and Pre-Cambrian Evolution of Continents, Climate, and Life.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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