Sunday, October 06, 2019

Examples from TGD inspired quantum biology: bio-chemistry, metabolism, replication

TGD replaces Einsteinian space-time with many-sheeted space-time, and gauge and gravitational fields with purely geometric induced fields leading to the notion of field body. TGD also forces to generalize quantum theory by introducing the hierarchy of Planck constants explaining dark matter and providing universal mechanism of evolution as increase of algebraic complexity and intelligence. Zero energy ontology in turn solves the basic problem of quantum measurement theory and allows to understand "free will" with conflict with the laws of physics. The implications for quantum biology are rather dramatic. In this article some problems related to biochemistry based approach, metabolism, and replication will be discussed in this framework. Examples from bio-chemistry are bio-catalysis with application to DNA replication, the selection of bio-molecules, and genetic code. Metabolism is second topic - I have included also a universal purely thermodynamical model of remote metabolism relying on zero energy ontology. Generalization of point like particle to 3-D surface allows to understand replication basically as analog of particle decay taking place at the level of magnetic body.

The path leading to this article was following. I wrote a new chapter "Getting philosophical: some comments about the problems of physics, neuroscience, and biology" to the book"TGD based view about consciousness, living matter, and remote mental interactions" as a re-organized and extended version of the original text written 2018 as an article and a section of a chapter of the book already mentioned. I added several detailed examples about the application of TGD inspired theory of quantum biology so solve basic problems of quantum biology.

It seemed however appropriate to collect some specific applications as particularly interesting applications discussed also in the abve mentioned chapter. The examples to be discussed represent new results related to bio-catalysis with application to DNA replication, to the selection of bio-molecules, and genetic code. Metabolism is second topic - I have included also a universal purely thermodynamical model of remote metabolism relying on zero energy ontology. Also a discussion of replication is included.

I have not included the vision about pre-biotic evolution. The first key idea in the model of prebiotic evolution is that in TGD Universe the magnetic body of water makes it an excellent candidate for a pre-biotic life form in itself : even genetic code would be realized non-chemically in two manners. In TGD Universe bio-chemical life could have evolved inside planetary interiors. For this the recent findings from Mars challenging the Maxwellian view about magnetic fields and characterized as "magnetic madness" provide support (see this).

Quite generally, it seems that the Maxwellian notion of magnetic field is encountering grave difficulties: the stability of the Earth's magnetic field is still not understood, and the existence of magnetic fields in cosmological scales is also a mystery. The existence of monopole flux tubes predicted by TGD solves all these problems and serves as a cornerstone of TGD inspired quantum biology. My expectation is that this will be one of the reasons eventually forcing to accept TGD.

For the articleSome applications of TGD inspired quantum biology: bio-chemistry, metabolism, replication.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.


Stephen A. Crowley said...

Matti Pitkänen said...

Entire TGD Universe is quantum critical. Including biosystems and brain. People are gradually realizing this. But there is a long way to the understanding what criticality means. Zero energy ontology is not easy to discover when one starts from standard physics.