Monday, November 25, 2019

The relationship between p-adic time and discrete flow of geometric time defined by quantum jumps

There could be a relationship between quantal flow of geometric time by SSFRs and p-adic variant of time coordinates giving a reason why for p-adicity.

  1. TGD predicts geometric time as a real variant and p-adic variants in extensions of various p-adics induced by given extension of rationals (adelic space-time and adelic geometric time). Real and p-adic times share discrete points in the extension of rationals considered: roots of octonionic polynomials defining space-time surfaces as roots for their "real" and "imaginary" parts in quaternionic sense (see this). The roots of the real polynomial with rational coefficients giving octonionic polynomial as its continuation define space moments of M4 linear time assignable to special SSFRs. p-Adic time associated with the p-adic balls assignable the points are not well-ordered. One cannot tell about two moments of time which is earlier and which later.

  2. This could relate to the corresponding lack of well ordering related to "clock time" associated with self at given level of evolutionary hierarchy defined by the extension of rationals. The increase of "clock time" as a distance between tips of CD for a sequence of small state function reductions (weak measurements) occurs only in statistical sense and "clock time" can also decrease. The moments of time correspond to roots of the real polynomial define "special moments in the life of self", one might say.

    At the limit of infinite-D extension the roots of the polynomial define algebraic numbers forming a dense set in the set of reals. Cognitive representation becomes dense set. These "special moments" need not however become dense.

  3. One can raise an interesting question inspired by self inspection. As one types text, it often happen that the letters of the word become in wrong order, change places, and even jump from a word to another one. The experienced order of letters assignable to a sequence of SSFRs is not the same as the order of letters representing the order for the moments of geometric time. When one is tired, the phenomenon is enhanced.

    Neuroscientists can certainly propose an explanation for this. But could this be at deeper level quantum effect based on the above mechanism and have a description in terms of p-adicity assignable to prime p defining a ramified prime for the extension of rationals involved? When one is tired the metabolic resources have petered out and the IQs n=heff/h0 defined by dimensions of extensions of rationals for the distribution of extensions tend to reduce, cognitive resolution for time becomes lower and mistakes of this kind become worse.

See the article Latest progress in TGD or the chapter Zero Energy Ontology and Matrices of "Towards M- matrix".

For a summary of the earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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