Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Two new findings supporting the cosmic string model of galaxy formation

Wes Johnson sent this morning also two links related to the long range correlation between the dynamics of quasars and galaxies. The first result was about correlations of quasar spins in billion light-year scale. Second was about coherence between the galactic spin and motions of surrounding galaxies at least up to 6 Mly. The explanation of both findings is in terms of cosmic strings thickened to flux tubes, which are the basic element in the TGD based model for the formation of quasars and galaxies.

Correlated galactic spins in billion light-year scale

The first link is to a popular article "Alignment of quasar polarizations with large-scale structures" telling about alignment of quasar polarization with large scale structure in scale of Gly, which is a really huge scale. This suggests that the quasar spin axes are aligned with a linear structure connecting the quasars.

The correlations between spin directions of quasars over distances of billion light-years have been observed. These correlations have been observed earlier over much shorter distances for quasars/galaxies along the well-known linear structures. This suggests that the linear structures are much longer than previously thought.

This is what I have been preaching for decades. There would exist a fractal tensor network of cosmic string/monopole flux tubes over entire cosmos having local flux tube tangles as nodes. Networks inside networks inside.... The flux tubes would carry dark matter in TGD sense making possible quantum coherence in arbitrarily long length scales.

  1. TGD predicts a fractal hierarchy of flux tubes formed from cosmic strings: 4-D surfaces in M4× CP2 having 2-D strings world sheet as M4 projection.

  2. Galaxies reside along linear structures which would correspond to what I call cosmic strings: galaxies would be tangles along these strings thickened locally to monopole flux tubes: part of their magnetic energy would have transformed partially to matter and formed the visible part of galaxy. Volume energy would correspond to length scale dependent cosmological constant. They would explain also flat velocity spectra associated with spiral galaxies. There would be no dark matter halo.

    Cosmic strings and their monopole flux tube portions would be remnant from cosmic string dominated period, which transformed to GRT type cosmology via an inflation type period as cosmic strings thickened to flux tubes. These strings containing the galaxies as tangles would form a network correlating the dynamics of individual galaxies and making possible correlations and synchrony even over distances of about 1 billion ly.

  3. The correlations between spin directions of galaxies is what has been been could be inherited from past when the galaxies along strings were much closer to each other. Angular momentum conservation would take care that correlation are preserved.

  4. Macroscopic quantum coherence even in cosmological scales is however possible by hierarchy of Planck constants explaining dark matter as heff=n×h0 phases of ordinary matter. We could be seeing quantum coherence of dark matter inducing ordinary coherence of matter in cosmic scales.

I have asked whether all self-organization phenomena involving energy feed (needed to increase heff responsible for quantal long range correlations at dark level) could be induced by dark matter at magnetic flux tubes.

Mysterious Coherence in Several-megaparsec Scales between Galaxy Rotation and Neighbor Motion

The second link is to article "Mysterious Coherence in Several-megaparsec Scales between Galaxy Rotation and Neighbor Motion" by Lee et al. The article states that there is a "mysterious" coherence between the rotational direction of galaxy and the average motion of its nearest neighbours within 6 MPc, possibly even up to 11 MPc. This coherence cannot be understood to result from collisions with nearby galaxies as coherence below 1 MPc and is proposed to originate from the collective motion of structure containing the galaxies affecting the directions of angular momenta of galaxies: the coherence would be induced from that of the collective motion.

In TGD framework the natural identification for the collective structure would be as long monopole flux tube containing the galaxies or at least subset of them as tangles. There could be of course several monopole flux tubesin the sample studied. It was indeed found that the coherence was especially strong when neighhbours of the galaxy at center were restricted to red galaxies. Red galaxies could correspond to the same flux tube. Alternatively, the collective motion affects them less than other galaxies as the article suggests.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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